What We Dont Know Wont Hurt Us
Many Gubmint-Run Programs have been designed and implemented for America's security.. A bunch of em are SECRET Programs.. But they aint all that secret..
There are Boards and Committees that oversee these programs that have (R)s and (D)s on the membership list and these programs just rock along just fine till the NYT or other media decide to disclose em and then the (D)s decide that these programs infringe on Civil Liberties or are unconstitutional..
Funny how these programs can function for years without any waves but then when they are made public they suddenly are cast as an enemy of every person in the U.S. ..
Tho funny, it aint a mystery why tho.. Political Gain is behind it and the (D)s are the MASTERS of that trick.. SHAMEFUL !!
Many of the programs used today were designed and put to work by Administrations BEFORE Prez. Bush took office, but have been disclosed and come under fire SINCE G.W. took office and the WTC attacks..
Secret programs that were used and abused by Slick and The Hildebeast suddenly became dangerous and needed to be outlawed when an (R) got elected to the White House, and after 9-11, when we needed em most to help save our counrty from disaster..
After the disclosure of the FISA Program by the Media, there was wailin and knashin of teeth about it, till, the (D)s found out that was a losin proposition for them.. For all the (D)s attempts to pose FISA as a way for the Gubmint to listen in on their conversations to Granma back in the Old Country, people didnt care !! People let D.C. know that what they DID care about was that we needed our country safe, and FISA was a big part of that..
The Leadership found out just how much we cared about security when Immigration came up before em.. People let em know In-NO-Uncertain-Terms that security mattered to em and securin the Border was TOPS on the list..
So, after all the propaganda bout the FISA Program, Congress came back and gave even MORE power and secrecy to the same FISA Program that the (D)s had such a problem with before.. But even after they got THE WORD that we wanted security and fixed FISA, they still are draggin their feet on securin the Border..
But its Election Season and there is Political Gain out there to be had and that Gain is supposed to come from the immigrants.. I have a feelin we are gonna be seein a lot about immigrants in the news in the near future and that the (D)s are gonna be out there panderin to em, and whether they like it or not, the immigrants and our security are joined together at the hip !!
Illegal Immigrants are a big problem for us, and so is our security.. The more illegal immigrants we have the less security we have.. But as long as the (D)s
can pander to and exploit the illegals vote the less secure we are gonna be.. Until we secure our Border and secure the Vote, this is what we are gonna have.. When we get our Vote secure and our Border secure, then we will return to a Leadership responsible to the American People.. Until then, we will share our control over our Gubmint with any other country that can sneak as many votes, I mean people, into our country as possible..
Whether the illegals here are castin votes, or castin bombs, they are still just as dangerous to us.. Until Congress gets off its ass and does somethin bout both, we are still not safe, and they dont seem to be in any hurry to do anythang about em..
TIME is runnin out for us, Folks !!