Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Job Security: Be A Minority


MOSTLY CAJUN has a post on teachers that bears some lookin into..

But when you step back and look at it, this just highlights the fact that the problem goes way past teachers and touches a lot more professions than education..

Quotas are forced on just about ALL employers.. They are also a big part in College Admissions too.. But, like Cajun shows, even if an applicant (whether in the Public Workforce or Higher Education) doesnt meet requirements, then the requirements need to be changed(LOWERED) to ACCOMODATE those with lowered knowledge and skills and work ethics..

DI-VER-SI-TY, yanno !!

What we wind up with is a workforce and schools(both student and teacher) that dont do any more than they HAVE TO !!

But how is our society supposed to survive, let alone make any advancements, when its more advantagous to hire a minority and then tell em to stay at home that they will get paid anyway, and then hire a non-minority to do the work that needs done ??

And what happens when blacks and mescans are not the minority somewhere ?? They just change the wordin in laws and regulations that deal with it so as to keep the blacks and mescans with an advantage..

Our society is not gonna be able to survive this, so the only question is, os how long its gonna take to completely destroy us ..


Blogger Greg said...

I love these big old contract meetings with major clients when they ask what our diversity policy is.

Diversity my ass - the day I have a diversity policy will be the day I quit forever.

I have another phrase for it. It's called dumbin down.

Let's get right on down there and be the biggest bunch of dumb shits ever.

That's the way to raise kids.

12:25 PM, August 25, 2007  

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