Mt. Schnoz
The cool front I was talkin bout passed thru sometime in the last 24 to 36 hours and we woke to a perfect type fall mornin today, cept for one thang.. That cool air that has moved in is carryin somethin in it that my allergies just dont like..
I've got a full-blown allergy attack in progress with the itchy, watery eyes, tickley constant cough, and Mt, Schnoz has erupted in full flow !! Its bout the same thang as that virus I had a coupla weeks ago cept with these allergies I dont feel like I'm comin off a week-long drunk and got the shit beat outta me too..
Yeah, I've got some of Modern Medicine's best here to take but I wanted to get a post done before I took it cause sometimes it more-or-less incapacitates me.. Under certain conditions this allergy med hits me like you've seem some of those people that forget and take a double-dose of their Zanax or anxiety meds.. I do good to function well enuff to get up outta bed and get a drink and make a bathroom visit and make it back to the bed before I'm out of it again..
Anyway, now to the post I wanna try to get done..
I was listenin to my mornin Talk Radio, again, and Glenn Beck was goin on bout somethin that was bout a thousand miles away in my allergy adled mind, when I heard him say "and you are in your bunker, and they come to take your guns away".. For me, sometimes it dont take much like that and my lil'o pea brain goes off like a Richter Scale with a 8.4 right under it..
You know, a coupla years ago a comment like that would have maybe got a chuckle and a snicker out of me with a comment of somethin like "yeah, right, Let em try." .. But it just aint as damn funny now as it was then..
In these last coupla years or so we have seen em bring stuff up, like the Global Arms Control at the U.N., and the Assault Weapons Ban in Congress, and now talk of a gun ban for Vets, and the thought of me bein in a bunker and they are comin to take my guns away aint such a far-fetched idea..
I remember that around the first of the year G.W. had some kinda legislation passed concernin Martial Law and the pants-wettin leftists went snake-shit and started wrangin their hands, and I know G.W. aint the smartest man in the world but I know he plans on movin back to the Dallas area after he gets done in D.C. , but I know that even a booger-eatin-mohron would have better sense than try to take folks guns away and then try to move to Texas !! Shit, he wouldnt even be safe in the middle of Ft. Hood, which last I heard was the largest U.S. Military Installation in the world..
Nope, I thank the threat of me bein in my bunker and they are comin to take my guns away would be more likely to happen after The Hildebeast gets elected(bite my tongue) and Slick gets voted in as head of the U.N. !!
UH HUH, I hear you say "NAH, never happen".. If you can still find it, go back to Face The Nation Sunday-before-last and read the transcript of his conversation and see if it dont sound to you like he is already campaignin for the job of U.N. Head too..
Meanwhile, I'm gonna try and get my allergies under control enuff to go to the farm and see what I'm gonna have to do to get my bunker started !! I'm fixin to put this place here in town on the Real Estate market, again, and if it dont sell real quick then I'm also gonna start a bunker here at the house too ..