Saturday, October 06, 2007

Thankin It Over

Anymore most blogs dont have a lot of comment from the person runnin it.. Most just post stuff that they found somewhere else and sometimes add a few words about it..

So its hard to get any kinda idea what others do in situations like mine.. Even tho many conservative bloggers go thru this, their solutions havent seemed to be what I would have done..

I've followed Kim du Toit(in the blogroll) for several years and thru several transformations .. If anybody has been thru the Trail By Fire, he has !! Thats why I give a lot more cred to what he says and save the parts I feel may come in handy some day.. One of the thangs Kim has written and that I saved called me back for yet ANOTHER look at it.. Even tho I thank I have posted it here before, I'm gonna do it again.. Its one of those good enuff that it ought to be Standard readin Material in every conservative household.. But dont wait for me to point you to his great stuff, go read it for yourself too !! Here it is..

Beating Despair
Kim du Toit
February 1, 2007
7:50 AM

I read this post at Kevin’s the other day, and it brought a few thoughts to mind. Here’s a sample of his gloom (excluding all the links):

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of standing up and trying to get people to look. I’m tired of “Global Warming” - the next boogeyman the people who believe that only an all-powerful State can save us from certain destruction (though many will unfortunately have to be sacrificed, of course - eggs and omlettes, you understand) are pushing as the excuse to control our lives. I’m tired of the War on Terror - to some extent a boogeyman itself - being used to build the mechanisms that can (and will eventually) be used to the same end. I’m tired of the War on (some) Drugs™ being used to disembowel the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. I’m tired of politicians butchering the First Amendment. I’m tired of the Courts eviscerating the Second. I’m tired of our institutions of “higher learning” turning out ignorant but politically correct useful idiots in an endless cycle that ever more resembles the swirling of a toilet bowl.

In short, I’m tired of watching Western Civilization commit seppuku with a dull, rusty spoon. No ceremony. No hope of restored honor. No hope.

It was the sentence ”I’m tired of standing up and trying to get people to look” which resonated with me, because I sometimes feel the same way.

But I refuse to let it get me down, because I have the antidote to that feeling, and it comes from (no surprise) Albert Jay Nock. In Isaiah’s Job, Nock writes:

One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am called to get the ear of the people. I shall devote the rest of my life to spreading my doctrine far and wide among the population. What do you think?”

...and Nock responds that he’s going to be wasting his time: that “the masses” aren’t going to be moved by what he has to say, and all he’ll experience is a profound feeling of failure.
But, of course, Nock has the answer:

“There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it.”

And that is what keeps me going.

I’m not going to be as vain as to think that my job is anything as important as Isaiah’s. But in terms of what I write on this website, I will say that, by and large, I get most of it right—the rest being either through my own ignorance, or through the issue itself being insoluble. (I know I drive many of my Loyal Readers to distraction over my indifference on the abortion issue, to give but one example.)

What I don’t care about is whether what I have to say is popular, or finds acceptance with many people. The people who do agree with me, fine; the people who don’t are welcome not to—in Nock’s words, ”Anyone who liked might listen; anyone who liked might pass by.”

I am not as patient a man as Nock, though, which is why I don’t allow discussions of a radical nature on this website. (Some examples, again: I’m not interested in debating whether socialism is better than capitalism—it isn’t—or whether pure libertarianism is a feasible form of social order—it isn’t—or whether Hillary Clinton would make a good President—she wouldn’t.)

Of course, this lays me open to charges of creating an “echo chamber” on this website, a charge which was leveled at The Mrs. during a discussion of libertarianism on her website.

Frankly, I don’t care what people call me, or what they think of what I have to say. I say my piece; and those who like, can listen, and those who (don’t) like, can FOAD pass by.

Every so often, I admit, I do feel the way Kevin does. Here’s where it happens.

I look at my traffic numbers, and suddenly realize that my words are reaching a large number of people. But all that does is set me up for disappointment. I might issue a ringing call to arms, that everyone should write to their Congressweasel right away about Issue X; and then, when a total of three (3) letters actually get sent, I get depressed.

Of course, that’s the trap. It doesn’t matter that only three letters get sent; it doesn’t matter if no letters get sent. What matters is that I may have got one, just one person to think about what I’ve written, and be encouraged that he isn’t the only one in the world who thinks the way he does. That’s Nock’s message—and as soon as I remember it, I find tranquillity once more.

Because at the end of the day, Western Civilization will be saved not by great huge mass movements, or by heroic feats of socio-political evangelism. Western civilization will be saved by a whole bunch of individuals doing the right thing, one citizen at a time.

Sound familiar?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tht is so excellent. savvy words.

Like you WB there are days I just want to retreat from it all.

But.......there is a spark in good ppl everywhere which gives me hope.

We are very creative and resourceful. There will be an event tht will awaken those napping.

The spark and the light will go one person to the next.

Have hope. Tht will determine our outcome.

Can't wait til you, the Bear, and I meet for dinner in San Antonio, what a conversation we will have face to face!

I'll hold you to it!

7:39 PM, October 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back, WB. Like the message you're sending. You do inspire people with your posts. It is necessary to keep the messages coming through the conservative/patriotic bloggers. Why else do you think the left is coming unhinged over your messages? You guys are the modern equivilent of Patrick Henry.

6:50 AM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger nanc said...

sometimes i feel my best posts are those that go unnoticed and the posts i do just for fun and nonsense receive too much attention.

then i think to myself, "what the hell do i know?!?"

"don't let the b*st*rds get you down!"

and if one person gets it out of two, the attempt was worth it.

12:41 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I'm just tryin to self-censor myself and it aint sittin very well with me..

What I say here affects more than just me or I would say stuff to make your hair curl !! I dont wanna get all inflamed and instigate somebody into doin somethin they wouldnt normally do..

In other words, I wanna be responsible about what I post here..

I'm VERY Patriotic, Pro-Troops, Pro War On Terror, Pro America, and Pro Second Amendment, among others, and if I come across as some irrational and RAVIN lunatic then I do great damage to others who share my beliefs.. Kinda like what Al Gore does for Enviromentalist, or Abortion Clinic Bombers do to Pro Life advocates..

The reason I get SO PISSED is because I CARE !! It just pisses me off even more when I see so many that try to "SHHHHH" me and others like me..

If there wadnt so many thangs wrong and so many people just tryin to make the situation worse I wouldnt get so pissed.. And if it wadnt for people like me that get bent out of shape and raise hell the politicians would roll-over and just not make any waves and thangs would get even more worse..

I can tell that I've even got the "Black Sheep" rep over at Redneck's Revenge, of all fuggin places.. They just aint asked me to STFU yet.. I've nearly always been a little more agitated than the others there, but I've noticed that they are startin to be more like I was not so long ago too..

I just feel that I'm bein pissed when pissed aint cool !! Like the song bout bein country when country wadnt cool.. But I do recognise trends.. I talk about stuff here and I know folks give it a passin thought, and then soon after I see the Big Dogs talkin bout the same thangs.. So maybe my bein near-insanely pissed is gonna be a common thang too soon.. Somebody needs to get really pissed and as long as its just us piss ants it really dont get much attention..

I dont get scared when I'm threatened, I get pissed when I'm threatened, and the more threatened I get the more pissed I get.. Me and you, all of us here in the U.S., are REALLY threatened right now and I'm REALLY PISSED !!

I may be a little bit wacko, but I aint completely wacko and over the cliff.. And I dont want it to look like I'm comepletely wacko and become irrelevent..

2:36 PM, October 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wacko? Then your faithful readers must be considered the same.

Damn it, we have to get pissed. Being the silent majority is what got us in this @#$%^ mess to begin with.

If others don't like what you say, then they can kiss my ass. You don't have enough to go around, WB! You're a good man and say what needs to be said.

I, for one, applaud you for having the balls to say what needs to be said and to let the world know how angry you are. Do you think our forefathers, as they were contemplating and discussing war with England, whispered softly? No, I didn't think so.

3:31 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Cheryl, I'm a threat to the liberals cause I really dont give a shit what labels they put on me !!

They can call me whatever they wanna and I dont go snake-shit and get all offended and go into immediate denial and become defensive.. I deflect their barbs and keep right on with the attack and keep my point the main subject..

A PRIME example of that would be the CRUSH RUSH bullshit that has been goin on for the last week.. Rush puts his money and his time where his mouth is and supports the Troops whole heartedly.. The (D)s and the libs went on a lie-fest bout Rush bein anti Troop and tryin to cover their traitorous tracks.. The (D)s and the libs have way too much mud on their boots to be tryin to pull that shit but it does take pressure off them when those they attack become defensive and lose sight of the fact that the intention is to highlight the (D)s and libs anti Troop mind set..

I dont play DEFENSE, I play OFFENSE !! It sure does piss em off too..

Patrick Henry I can handle, but Chicken Little wont do anybody any good today.. And not jusy ANY message will do, cause it has to be the RIGHT message..

Its like the Left bitchin bout War and Troop Fundin.. Only reason the left pisses and moans bout War and Troop Fundin is cause they would rather that money go to welfare and minority entitlements rather than the safety and security of America !! That makes bout as much sense as them wantin to destroy the American Economy to combat Global Warmin or use our scarce Community Developement Grants to pave the streets around the crack and whore houses behind me..

As long as I can get a credible message out and folks can stomach it ti read it and I dont send anybody over the edge I'm gonna try to keep it goin..

3:34 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Hey, Nanc, you oughta see what folks Google and Search to get to this place !! HA HA

Aw I dont let THEM get me down, Nanc.. I get myself down for not handlein it better.. I dont suffer fools well and I see more and more fools around cause they can be all the fool they wanna be and somebody is gonna be around to come save em from themselves.. But the taxpayer is usually the one that has to foot the bill for savin these fools..

3:54 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

As a fatter of mact, Cheryl, we ARE all wacko.. At least in the eyes of the more enlightened and nuanced ..

We are wacko Racists..

We are wacko Homophobes..

We are wacko Religeonists..

We are wacko Islamophobes..

We are just wacko everythang !!

But I dont lose any sleep over what they thank of me..

And I wanna talk about the thangs I'm happy bout too.. Right at the moment there are more thangs pissin me off than makin me happy tho..

It'll happen in due time ..

4:21 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

I can tell that I've even got the "Black Sheep" rep over at Redneck's Revenge, of all fuggin places.. They just aint asked me to STFU yet..

....and they never f_ckin will.

..... I dont know Bill....I get that same fellin at I am the troll at my own blog.

There may be a lot of people out there that dont like rednecks or they probably really dont like us.......and as you would say..... Fuggem.

7:52 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

You need to come get ya some of THIS Bugger Eatin Mohron .... it'll make you feel better. ;-)

7:57 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger nanc said...

finding the right words is the toughest battle. that's why i usually pen everything out longhand, read it back to myself and ask myself, "who will be offended and do i care?"

9:25 PM, October 07, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Durin this time of me gettin more pissed by the day, I've started writin up my posts on the puter in the front room in the mornins while the Mrs. does her puter in her online..

I had a few posts that I worked really hard on just go "POOF" when I tried to load em and I can also save my posts and have a backup on the other puter and I can also listen to the radio while workin on my posts.. If the Mrs. is in her online I'm less likely to be interrupted too, or at least not as much..

My problem is that I get a post written before I have had enuff coffee and cigs in me to get my system functionin properly and sometimes one will get thru and all the way in here and to time to push "submit" before I decide to can it or tweak it a little before I post it..

Up until this past week 99.9 percent got posted..

But I seldom worry bout who I piss off tho.. The Mrs., Bless her heart, sometimes dont even get the first sip of her coffee till I've got her fumin !!

11:24 PM, October 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer anger is part of yer charm WB.

And I think everyone who posts here shares in it.

Don't edit, just write. It is good to get off yer chest.


political correctness is lying.

Let it all hang out.

12:59 AM, October 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WB, you know you're getting the message out when the liberal assholes are visiting your site. They're scared shitless of the bloggers and conservative radio, as you are well aware. Hence their attack on Rush Limbagh.

I'm gearing up for a visit to the Marine officer recruiter in Berekely. Going to get in the face of some harridans from Code Pinko.

As everyone says, write what you feel. These traitors need to read it. They need to know we're onto them. They need to know we will be silent no more. They can call us whatever they like as it doesn't bother me in the least. I know what we are - people who love our country, appreciate the freedom our military has fought for, and are willing to do whatever is necessary to save her.

7:47 AM, October 08, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hell yeah, WB. Let em fly.

Offending people is what it's going to take for them to maybe use their friggin brains, once or twice in their lives.

We need to offend them mooselimbs far more than we do. Force them into doing shit that will bring more folks into the resistance of islam.

Islam is the creeping crud of the ages, and every time civilized people have crushed them, they stopped just a little short of finishing the job.

When there is a cancer in the body, you don't stop short, you kill it, irradiate it, chemo it, till it dies. You leave no vestiges of its cancerous cells to bite you in the ass, later.

9:17 AM, October 08, 2007  
Blogger Greg said...

Top Man, WB !!

I'm pissed to the point of distraction sometimes, but with all the selfishness I can muster I just don't feel up to engaging the enemy anymore.

I don't give a damn if I get called whacko, but the still waters of my own blog give me some relief from the anger and frustration in my daily life.

I'm ashamed to say I mostly leave the fight to others who I'm sure are more capable of holding their ground than I am.

5:33 AM, October 17, 2007  

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