Saturday, September 29, 2007

Healthy Sucks !!

Gettin "Healthy" Can Kill You

Me and the Mrs. have been tryin to take some weight off our fat asses and cut back on our smokin and drankin and get more exercise and eat better.. We thought we would be healthier and feel better..


I lost 35+ pounds and the Mrs. lost a bunch too, we cut our smokin WAY down and I even cut out almost all my ceegars, seldom do we have fried taters and peppers and onions anymore, we now have 1 pot of coffee in the mornin instead of 2 or more, we use filtered water instead of tap water, and we have been a lot more active than we have been in a few years..

So why are we gettin all these damn viruses and bugs ??

The Mrs. woke with a sore throat yesterday and has felt bad since and I now have the sniffles and tryin to get a bad cough, AGAIN ..

If THIS is what bein healthy is like, FORGET IT !!

OR, maybe I'm just jonsin to go to the farm and harvest me a pig and roast it and I'm just tryin to make excuses to go make a damn glutton out of myself and drank too much homebrew and smoke a bunch of ceegars and drank buckets of campfire coffee.. I bet I wouldnt be worryin bout havin the sniffles tho !!

I may just have to test my theory out on this.. Its all Cheryl's fault tho.. She keeps talkin bout goin to the Mountains !! Yeah, Cheryl's fault..


Blogger Greg said...

I'd go for the hog roast if I were you WB.

3:00 AM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger nanc said...

i hate being away from my mountain and plan to spend from thanksgiving through the new year there - my family will join me in their off time - it is much needed.

most of the provisions are already there except for fresh stuff.

8:10 AM, September 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I may just have to test my theory out on this.. Its all Cheryl's fault tho.. She keeps talkin bout goin to the Mountains !! Yeah, Cheryl's fault.."

WB, are you a closet dimmicrat?!? roflmfao

You interact with people and you're going to get sick! Plus kids are little Typhoid Marys!!

Hope you and Linda K are feeling better. I say to hell with completely cutting out everything that is unhealthy and do it slowly. Give your bodies a chance to get used to it!!!

Now get your ass to the mountains and pig out!

8:51 AM, September 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More bad of the nurses from the neurological floor came down to visit last nite and told us of all the brain tumors on her floor of late (especially in the last 2 years)

Sez most of her patients are in the 30 to 55 age range. In talking with a couple of the really good neurosurgeons they believe it is caused by using CELL PHONES.

Ain't nothing safe no how. Just enjoy yerself WB....None of us are getting out alive.

Hate cell phones. Just lately at the airport and to the library as well. Can no one shut the hell up? Talkin in a loud voice about their personal matters......I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

Most likely this will be like 2nd hand cigarette smoke and I will get the brain cancer/tumor not them.

9:11 AM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Greg, I'm tryin my best to wait till it cools off enuff to CURE a hog before I go to harvestin em..

I'd like to get two at one time.. A big on to sugar cure and a small one to roast.. And maybe a second small one for the freezer too..

But if I do em seperate and give a little time between killin em I can also have time to rest and have some fun and not be busy all the time cookin and cleanin..

And if I wait till the first part of November it will also be deer season and I can get a deer AND a hog and make sausage !! Damn that stuffs good !!

1:28 PM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Nanc, I have a feelin that once I hit the farm its gonna be for a while too.. A bunch of em in my Yahoo Group that live in this area are chompin at the bit to come join me in the fun..

I'm already startin to grow my winter coat of face-furr, so it wont be long till I wont be able to resist the call of the wild and head out that way..

I'll never be able to last till Turkey Day tho !! But the damn skeeters are thick as a cloud here right now.. Gonna have to have us a good cold spell before I'll be able to handle it without wearin a coatin of Deep Woods Off..

The farm aint but a half-mile out of town and only a mile away from Sonic and Pizza Hut and a Deli, so I dont have to worry much bout haulin provisions out there.. I've got cases of my sauces for cookin and my juices for mixin and drankin and the rest I can kill or catch..

I make up single-servin paks of stuff that I cook as they thaw and have on hand for when I have unexpected company that may not be too partial to wild game..

There used to be a beer joint and supper club just up the road that I would ride my ridin mower or the tractor to to have me a few coldbeers and a bite to eat after workin all day and I would get teased bout it.. Specially after George Jones did that video..

1:50 PM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Cheryl, me and the Mrs. started all this HEALTHY shit the first of the year and its just been a damn miserable year so far..

We did this to feel better and not be sick so much, but it aint happened that way at all.. All the times we skipped havin that 2nd chunk of German Choc. cake with another glass of milk, and not makin fudge, or brownies, and only gettin ice cream on special occasions, and havin second helpins of veggies when we could have had that extra servin of smothered steak and gravy and mashed taters, just aint seemed worth it..

Wakin up in the middle of the nite with hunger pains and eatin a few crackers to be able to go back to sleep instead of heatin up that leftover bisquit and drowndin it in syrup or honey or havin a big bowl of cornbread and buttermilk leaves a lot to be desired..

I'm tired of eatin a lean (tasteless) turkey sandwich with LITE Mayo on it when what I want is a big slab of butter-roasted turkey with gravy poured all over it and mashed taters and a slab of fresh homemade bread with butter drippin off it and then have about a third of a peecan or chocolate pie..

Life just aint the same to me when I dont get to enjoy smellin that pot of gumbo cookin and fresh bread bakin !!

If I'm gonna be sick anyway, I'd rather it be from eatin too much king crab legs and deviled crab..

I aint gonna live forever anyway so I wanna spend the rest of it kicked back rubbin my full belly after enjoyin some fine food, and plenty of it..

My smokin is what keeps my por ol mind in a semi-stable state.. Some days it takes me a lot more nicotine than others to keep from killin some sunzabitch.. When I try to cut down I can notice that my jaws get sore from grindin my teeth.. And prison life is not the lifestyle I'd like to get accustomed to..

2:47 PM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Almtnman said...

Wild Bill, if you lived on a mountain like I do, you'd already be there all the time. If I was you, I'd break out of those those long guns and head out after one of them wild pigs.

And mamabear, I saw where some guy invented a new electronic technology that should be on the shelves anytime now to deal with those pesty cell phone talkers. You just aim it in their direction, turn on the switch and they lose their connection and can't get hooked back up to any cell tower as long as you have it turned on. Sure would be nice to have one when you're sitting in a nice restaurant eating and don't want to hear a loudmouth blabbering at the next table or booth.

3:10 PM, September 30, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

MamaBear, I caint remember ever even talkin on a cell phone !! I borrowed one and tried to make a call once but didnt get a connection and thats all..

But the Kid has a brain tumor and we go to Dallas Children's neuro clinic a lot and the number of kids there has gone way up so I dont thank its just the cell phone thats doin it..

Myself, I thank its the preservatives in packaged foods and fake sweeteners in stuff.. And now we have all the who-knows-what that China and Mexico is feedin us and all the meds the docs have people on and flouride in the drankin water..

People are drowndin their bodies with un-natural chemicals and they wonder what the hell is wrong !!

You caint even hardly eat a damn salad anymore without gettin e-coli.. Toothpaste and mouthwash has anti-freeze in it.. Fish has mercury.. Candy has rats and roaches in it and then damn thangs will eat and absorb anythang..

People cram all that shit into their bodies and then have to bathe in soaps and deodorants to cover the stinch that comes from their body afterwards and cover the outside of themselves with more chemicals..

Nobody knows better than you that SICK PEOPLE STINK, and thats cause they got somethin in em that aint right.. Other people stink cause they got somethin in em that aint right too, but they just keep crammin it in and pourin it on..

This is what pisses me off so bad bout the ANTI SMOKIN bunch.. ANYBODY that gets lung cancer got it cause they smoked or were around somebody that did.. BULLSHIT !! How many of those cancer cases were caused by creosote, chlordane, asbestos, or any number of other chemicals and such that they came in contact with over the years ??

If nobody ever smoked again, a hundred years from now there would still be many cases of lung cancer.. There would be fewer, but it would still be there.. It dont warrant the War On Smokers that we suffer with tho..

Some perfumes make me ill and I have to get up and move when some woman comes and sits near me in a eatin place and is covered with it.. Why dont they tax and regulate that shit like they do tobacco ?? Surely it has to be unhealthy to have that shit poured all over you !! It damn sure bothers the other people that have to endure the smell of it..

But if cell phones cause brain tumors and such, then how bout the power lines and wirin systems and microwave grids all around us ?? Maybe they cause lung cancer too !!

3:40 PM, September 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would describe all the dishes you want to eat. Damn, WB, I was drooling!!

As with anything, the key to a diet is moderation. Nothing says you have to cut everything out - unless you're single and 54!!

Almtmn, I want to hear more about this device!!! I am respectful of others while using my cell and it sure pisses me off to listen to these idiots blathering away.

WB, there was a report out that power lines cause cancer. Can't remember when it was.

Another major cause of lung cancer, so they say, is woodsmoke. They hypothesize that is how Christopher Reeve's wife got lung cancer. Said the properties of the smoke are the same as cigarettes.

I'm with you on quitting, WB! I'm one mean bitch when I give up the tobacco!! I'm cutting back, though.

I'm getting sick and tired of people using smokers as an exercise in control. If they're going to tax the living shit out of it, restrict where you can smoke, treat you like the unclean, then just outlaw the damn stuff and suffer the consequences of millions of very angry addicts! Shit, alcohol is just as deadly and we saw what happened during Prohibition.

Way too many people telling us how to live today. I'm getting more and more intolerant of this attitude and react a little too strongly at times!

7:25 AM, October 01, 2007  
Blogger nanc said...

what about secondhand cell phone waves?

huh - how long before someone conjures up something of that sort?

i talk on mine as little as possible and get mad if my children call me on it with anything other than a pick up time.

9:28 AM, October 01, 2007  

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