Put Head Between Knees
Seems as tho the terrorist "chatter" activity on communication networks is gettin very intense around the world right now.. This is the kind of stuff that happens before attacks like the WTC and the London Train Bombins..
The terrorists have been sayin for a while now that the next attack will make 9-11 look like child's play.. That the next attack will have blood runnin in the streets.. And those that have been makin these threats, have been makin em more frequently..
Over the Memorial Day Holiday President Bush took the initiative to organize a "Fall-Back Plan" for when the next disaster-of-an-attack happens.. Did he have any choice ??
The (D)s (D-for "deniars") have made it as near impossible to detect and prevent furure attacks as they possibly could, so, we are left with the option of preparin for the aftermath of the next attack(s)..
Now it seems that the (D)s are gettin their panties in a wad over that too !! There just dont seem to be any limit to the depths that the (D)s will stoop to in makin our country as in-secure and un-safe as they can and to give away the money for the security and safety of this country and its citizens to the very ones that threatin it the most..
One of the thangs that the president has done is to contract KBR(I thank thats short for Haliburton) to plan for a large number of Emergency Facilities for the housin of large numbers of people.. Makes you wonder who these places are gonna be supposed to be for, dont it.. Are they gonna be for the DEtention of people considered a threat to us, or, are they gonna be for the REtention of US, to protect us from those that are a threat to us ??
Either way, it just dont look good !!
The odds aint very favorable for the president to be able to make these into Concentration Camps and FORCE people into em, but the more likely tactic is to have these places available, more or less as FORTS, for people to VOLUNTEER to go into em for their own protection..
The president has vast amounts of resources and Intel that we dont have, and he has taken the action of tryin to prepare for a catastrophe of a great magnitude.. You would thank that the (D)s have also been privy to that same Intel and Resources and would come to the same conclusion, but I guess not..
But do you trust the (D)s to be in control of your safety and security after what we saw them do in Nawlins and Louisianna before and durin hurricane Katrina ?? But the REALLY SCARY part is when you take a look at what the (D)s have done since Katrina to prepare for what could happen again down there !!
That and the (D)s actions on safety and security on a NATIONAL level is what makes me lean towards President Bush's idea of BE PREPARED cause its comin..
Presidential Candidate John Edwards (D), says that the WAR ON TERROR is nothin more than a bumper sticker slogan, but that bumper sticker aint gonna do a lot of fuggin good when the next attack happens..