Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another GREAT American

Infidel Bloggers(blogroll) has put up a new Infidel Babe Pic and I have to say that it was worth waitin for !! This gal gives you the feelin of the Old Days when folks really LOVED the Military.. AND SHOWED IT !!

How does she show it you ask ?? Well, go here:

and see that she has made a calendar and is sendin em to the Troops and Vets and the Wounded, and also visits with em.. This calendar is great too.. It is crafted after the Pin Up Gals of the WW II Era.. Now thats a Class Act if I ever did see one..

And Cheryl, I mentioned you and The Blue Star Riders to her and suggested that maybe she could join you and Wolf and the guys and gals there to make a visit together and take some pics.. Actually I'm just interested in seein Gina in LEATHERS !!

Really I'd just like to see Cheryl, Gina and the rest get the appreciation and support they so greatly deserve.. Charlie Daniels and Gary Senise are 2 more that I admire for the effort they show in support of the Military and the Wounded.. God Bless em each and every one..

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Final Countdown

I've gotten this feelin of gloom and doom, and it hasnt failed me very many times before.. Its usually before the major events in my life that I get these feelins and I've learned to take heed of em..

I sometimes have dreams or visions with these feelins to at least give me some idea of what to expect, but that usually comes closer to the actual event.. I havent had any of those dreams or visions yet this time, but the feelin is gettin pretty strong.. But I wonder if when I lost my leg and had a change in my mind, whether it may have also affected my "feelins and visions" .. I just dont know if I can trust em anymore.. I'm gonna have to wait and see how reliable they are gonna be now.. They may have been dulled or they may be completely gone now and I'm just havin a case of prolonged indegestion or anxiety.. Either way I'm tryin to make final plans and adjustments to plans to get everythang ready just in case..

I decided not to lease my farm out this year and as soon as the guy gets his animals off it I'm gonna start gettin a garden ready and work on the mobile home I have out there.. Gonna be nice to sit on the screened-in front porch and have my hooch and a ceegar on again or get to use my porch swing.. The peace and quiet is gonna bedamn near deafenin tho..

Miss Minnie Pearl is over 2 years old and hasnt had the opportunity to get out there and run and play like she should have either.. Gonna be a whole new world for her.. Been so long since I've got to get out there and rip and tear its likely to be a whole new world for me too !!

Gonna be February again here in a few days and that means that warmer temps will be here soon, but not too soon cause I figger we are gonna have a longer winter here this year.. But as soon as the warmer days start I will be kinda scarce here and will have more stories about the farm when I am here..

I'll be sure and take my notebook with me and keep track of my adventures at the farm so that I can come back and relate em to ya'll and keep you up on what I've accomplished and what kind of set-backs I've had.. But its gonna be a slow process at first.. Vandals have trashed the trailer a coupla times and the renters have almost destructed the barn so those are gonna need a lot of time and effort to get back in order.. And I have an old school bus down in the back by the woods that I use as a campin spot to get away from it all, and it has had the door left open and the varmints have gotten in there and trashed it too and the cows and horses have made a mess around it.. And the renters let their help fish in my pool and have just about fished all my big catfish and bass out of it, so I'll need to go down to the big creek behind the farm and trap me some more and get the pool stocked back up..

Never can tell bout me, if I get the fence back in shape, I might just get me another cow or two and some chickens and become a REAL FARMER again.. But I'm dreadin it and lookin forward to it all at the same time.. But the main thang is that I wont be trapped here in this house, in town, if somethin bad does happen.. Out there I have plenty of places to bury the bodies if they mess with me !!

Monday, January 29, 2007

I Could Be Wrong

from here:

Steve, at the link above(or click on:I Could Be Wrong) has an assessment but I have other feelins about this..

The abduction and execution of the 4 U.S. Troops from Karbala, Iraq has been on my mind a lot the last few days.. I know that a lot of info is still not bein released, but, yet again, a lot has..

Even tho most I have read say it all points to Iran, I have other ideas about it.. I do admit that Iran is ass-deep in the deal, but I also thank that Russia was a key player in the deal too.. Yep, I believe the Ruskies are in this and in it for keeps !!

Since the Press Release a few weeks ago about U.S. companies gettin EXCLUSIVE rights to the oil production in Iraq for the forseeable future, Russia and Iran have been chompin at the bit and buckin and kickin and snortin..

Since the oil deal, Iran has said they are rampin-up 1000's more centrifuges and that the 12th Dirtbag's return is imminent.. And Russia is squeelin bout U.S. presence in the Mid East and enriched Uranium has been found on the Black Market, AGAIN !! Now where did you REALLY thank that shit came from anyway ??

The Ruskies (and probably China too) see what is happenin in U.S. Politics and Policies and realize that they can do just about anythang they want to right now and get away with it.. Short of an all-out attack, that is..

I know that there were several projects slated for the Mid East back before the U.S./Iraq Encounter began, but I havent heard anythang about em since.. I thank that Russia is gettin impatient about those projects and want us out of the area so they can restart their slow encroachment on the Mid East.. Russia has made some huge investments in the M.E. and are ready for em to start payin off.. I thank that the money crunch is takin its toll on the Ruskies and they are bein pressed for funds to get the Russian Economy back on an upward trend..

Putin needs him some get-rich-quick schemes to pay off so that he can squelch any rumblins comin from the Economy Class in Russia.. He needs funds to stock some store shelves and fill some hungry bellies..

If he can make it look like Iran is gonna ramp-up the conflict in the region to get the U.S. out faster, and still make a hefty chunk of change in the process, then I have no doubt that he would do what he could to turn the heat up and by makin it look it was Iran that conducted the abductions it would surely get some results quicker..

IF or WHEN more info is released it will get a little clearer.. But I still dont thank Iran is the SOLE source in this..

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thangs Change

I've made the change over to the new Blogger now and will have to see what kind of disfunction its gonna create now.. I have no-doubt that Murphy's Law will now take effect..

I'm gonna have some new options available too but dont know how much I will want to use em..

Ya'll be sure to let me know of any problems and difficulties you have so I can try to either remedy em or at least give em a rash of shit for creatin em for us..

Just thought I would give ya'll a little notice that thangs may be different around here..

Friday, January 26, 2007


Blogger is fixin to FORCE me to upgrade to the new format.. I dont know what is gonna happen cause I'm real sure that more than just me have been puttin it off till the bugs have been taken care of..

The notice says that nothin is gonna change for the Visitor.. They also say that more OPTIONS are gonna be available..


I aint ever seen ANY of these people change somethin that it didnt get all flubbed up..

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Got DucTape ??

It comes in handy on nights that The State of the Union Address is on !! If you use a bunch of it, and get it on tight enuff, then you may not have to suffer FROM ALL THE SMOKE THAT G.W. IS GONNA TRY TO BLOW UP YOUR ASS !!

I'll kiss everbodies ass if he dont come out and at some time, talk about how he wants to work with Congress in a "NON-PARTISAN" way..

I'll have to read the transcript of it tomoro, cause I'm gonna try to get drunk enuff to pass out before it comes on so I dont have to listen to it LIVE !!

Yep, just poured me a coupla fangers of Sour Mash and put in some 7-UP and am gonna have me a ceegar soon and let the fuggin world pass on by without me for a while..

The Mrs. tricked me a little bit ago.. She had me take her blood pressure with our "rig" and then she got me to take mine too.. It wadnt perty !!

I've got a pork roast boilin already and am gonna cut up a coupla small sweet cabbage to steam on top of it in a little bit.. I've got some Cajun sausage to go in it too.. Damn stuff is too fuggin HOT to just eat without boilin some of the spice out of it into the pork roast..

I aint been out on the porch to sit in a while.. Thank I'll just do that and have me a "lil'o" drank and a ceegar and chill a while.. With the mood and attitude that I've got today, I might better tuck my pistole in my overall pocket just so I dont let my bulldog mouth overload my shewawa ass !! Any liberals come by and ya'll just remember that I aint responsible for my actions.. Hell, works for them !! FUGGEM !!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I Gotta Post This

from here:

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Will The GOP Break The Trust?
Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 9:58 AM
From an active duty officer with 26 years in, including combat experience:

Can the Republicans Still be Trusted?

Two months prior to the mid-term election I composed a piece that argued Democrats could not be trusted with American national security. The reasons for that argument are self-evident and a rehash of it completely unnecessary given the poisonous pronouncements from the Pelosi-Reid cabal. What is of far greater concern to the American republic and its future is the defection of Republicans from the president’s fold and a commitment to victory in Iraq.

Since the 1968 presidential election, the Republicans have held the mantle of national security and they have deserved it. The Democrats have been the party of pacifism and retreat. History simply will not allow the Democrats to run from this label as their forced retreat from Vietnam demonstrated and their softness with regards to the former Soviet Union proves. On EVERY MAJOR NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE the Democrats have been WRONG. At least they are consistent. In opposition for most of my life, the Republicans have stood with America and argued for greater American security at nearly every turn. They argued consistently for a tougher stance against communism both in Eurasia and in South America. They favored programs designed to challenge the Soviets and ultimately produced Ronald Reagan who defeated the Soviets by confronting them and competing with them on every front. It was as he said, “Simple, we win they lose.” Ultimately it broke their backs and not the US bank. But today, Republicans risk something far greater than self-defeat in Iraq; they face demoralizing permanently the armed forces that protect this country.

The morale among America’s armed forces following Vietnam was abysmal. Drug use flourished, ships could not put to sea, and army divisions were divisions in name only. It was the era of the hollow military and it corresponded with the Carter administration and continued Democratic majorities in Congress. Democratic Senator Frank Church systematically dismantled the US intelligence apparatus; a legacy that haunts America today as it still suffers from the loss of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) assets. After Vietnam the US decided that an all-volunteer military was the best avenue towards a professional military capable of meeting all threats along the spectrum of conflict. From low-intensity conflict to global nuclear conflagration, a new armed force was created but still remained undermanned and under-funded. Throughout the bleak times of Democratic leadership, the Republicans consistently fought to keep America’s fighting forces second to none and were willing to gamble political capital to make their case. Ultimately they were successful and the election of President Reagan ushered in better funding and most importantly better morale.

America began to respect the armed forces once again as they time and again demonstrated their professionalism and dedication to the nation whether in the skies over the Gulf of Sidra, taking down the Achille Lauro from terrorists or on Grenada. No longer were soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen ashamed or embarrassed to wear their uniforms. They wore them with pride and their fellow citizens respected them for their service. The point to be made here is that the armed forces were supported consistently and often at great political cost by ONE party, the Republicans and that support was rewarded by fidelity and electoral support. Today, Republicans risk discarding that trust for crass political expediency. Instead of demonstrating leadership “under fire,” political fire, the type of leadership they demand of their armed forces under REAL FIRE, they are now joining the sirens song of cut and run orchestrated by the Democrats and their wholly owned subsidiary, the mainstream media.

The cost of this strategy by Republicans will leave a vacuum for military members. Who among us in uniform will trust ANY politician with her life? Who among our professional VOLUNTEER military class will willingly allow his children to serve knowing that neither party can be trusted to lead? The threat to American society and freedom is that no one will serve because the political class cannot be trusted with our lives and the lives of our children. Today the army and marines are enjoying tremendous re-enlistment rates despite onerous and dangerous deployments? Why is that? It’s really quite simple, leadership, the leadership of the president and his steadfast willingness to put his political life on the line and the leadership of America’s commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps. Most members of the armed forces reflexively expect the Democrats to pay lip service to supporting them while doing all they can to see their mission fail for political gain but they have always expected the Republicans to be resolute and to stand by them. Today it appears the curtain is failing on those times and with that the morale and effectiveness of the all-volunteer force.

If the Republicans continue on this suicidal path, members of the armed forces will leave their services in droves and simply not vote. The Democratic elite have falsely assumed that military professionals serve because they cannot get meaningful work in the private sector. A cursory look at today’s force will show something very different. Our officer corps is comprised of young men and women who have attended our nation’s best colleges through ROTC programs, or have graduated and then joined via OCS. Of course Annapolis, West Point and the Air Force Academy graduate a combined 3000 elite new officers each May. How many of our “elite” media scribes could even be considered intellectually competent to be considered for appointment to our prestigious service academies or awarded ROTC scholarships? How many members of Congress? Few if any would even get past the academic requirements let alone the physical and character hurdles.

But it’s not just the officer corps that possesses a high degree of intellectual firepower. The all-volunteer enlisted corps is the brightest and most capable this nation or the world has ever had and perhaps ever will have. Anecdotally, on my last ship, a nuclear aircraft carrier, 85 % of my enlisted sailors had college degrees and many were seeking graduate work. The number of sailors working towards commissioning as officers was astounding. These sailors were not even the nuclear trained members whose training IS at the graduate level. Beyond their academic skills, they practice amazing leadership and management skills daily that corporate America yearns for because these young people produce at a very high level, are technologically savvy and they show up to work on time EVERY DAY! They don’t call in sick, they stay late and given a task, no matter how difficult, they get it done on time and on budget without complaint. Ask any employer lucky enough to have lured a noncom away from his service and he will tell you he has a dedicated employee going places in his business.

The era of young convicted felons being offered the choice of jail or the services has been over for 30 years. In 1982, the then Chief of Naval Operations instituted the “Not in MY Navy” Campaign of drug testing that has all but eliminated drug use in the navy. Similar programs now exist not only in all of the armed forces but in the private sector as well. Ask any American parent whose son or daughter has dropped out of high school and who thought the military a viable option. They will tell you it is nearly impossible to gain entry without a high school diploma and many fields require some college. I know such parents and they now know the armed services are not a dumping ground for Americas juvenile delinquents and high school dropouts. Born of military necessity and the respect engendered in the 1980s, the armed forces raised their standards because they had to and because they could. This selectiveness may be discarded if the all-volunteer force decides service is no longer worth the sacrifice.

Republican Senators such as Chuck Hagel, John Warner and Olympia Snowe have publicly stated that the president’s planned strategy adjustment will not work and that they will not support it. I challenge each of these august public servants to go over to Bethesda Naval Hospital TODAY, find a seriously wounded Marine and say to him, “Son your sacrifice was in vain.” GO TODAY Senator. Stand up and be counted. If your vote for the war was wrong, say so today and do what any decent officer would do, resign. Resign immediately. What we are witnessing is a replay of the Vietnam War NOT on the battlefield where we continue to have successes albeit slowly, but in the gelatinous spines of our public servants and political masters. Remember Senator we serve but we are not YOUR servants. We swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and the survival of America, not your political career which far too many of you associate with defending America. We serve because we believe in America, its founding principles and we believed our leaders, mostly Republicans but some Democrats, would support us and use our capabilities well. Now Republicans risk shredding the trust that fully 66% of servicemen and women have given them since 1968. They risk the future of their party but far more importantly they risk the all-volunteer force and with it America’s security future.

comment: If there was ever a time when you have felt that you may need to switch to another site cause you were afraid that it may get a little too salty a language for you, well, you better get your ass in gear and do it now cause I'm gonna really gonna cut loose with some major adult language pretty soon !!


Just exactly who do those Chardournay-drinkin motherfuckers in D.C. thank they are foolin ?? They gotdam sure aint foolin me and they sure as hell aint foolin the Troops over there gettin fuggin shot at !! Hagel and Snowe and the others aint doin nothin but suckin up to The Hildebeasts's ass tryin to garner some gotdam Yankee Democrat Commie votes..

And I got another gotdam thought for these motherfuckers too.. If they get a nose-bleed from the prospect of a fuckin Iraq Civili War, then they better get a fuckin grip, cause there is gonna be a whole bunch of pissed off folks comin for their fuckin head on a stick, and it aint just gonna come from Dixie !!

Just exactly how far does ANYBODY thank they are from a VET or a family member of a VET or friend of a VET or somebody NOW SERVIN ??

I got news for these fuggin VOTE WHORES that will change their perspective at a winds change.. The men and women that go over there to protect America's Freedom from hostilities dont soon forget those that thro em to the wolves !! They dont soon forget those that use em as pawns either.. THEY WILL COME HOME !! You better hope they dont come home pissed.. They have been trained well to kill the enemy.. You better gotdam well hope and pray that they dont even see you as even close to bein the fuckin enemy !!

America's Leaders better SHAPE-THE-FUCK-UP, or ship out in a gotdam hurry !! Your BULLSHIT aint cuttin it no more !! And if you dont thank I wont piss on your rottin corpse, then you are badly fuckin mistaken !!

The list of America's Leaders that deserve an Honorable Mention is gettin shorter and fuckin shorter by the gotdam day.. Sadaam even desreved a fuckin hangin, by my judgement, but I know there are a few in Congress that dont even deserve that ..

Somebody has to be votin these dirtbags into office.. I propose that we find out and make a list of the States that vote these dirtbags into office and when we locate somebody from that state, we beat the motherfucker to a pulp !! Right now, I dont even care if I have the amount needed for bail.. I would be perfectly happy sittin my ass in jail gettin 3-hots and a cot !! And that just gives me better access to dirtbags to beat the fuck out of !! Who else would I be apt to meet in jail ?? A bunch of low-life scum that would most-likely vote Democrat !! That would be what I would call a "target-rich environment" !! FUCK these scum-suckin sunzabitches.. I'M ready to do some ASS-KICKIN ..

They preach in the Mosques in America that we need to be overtaken, that we need them to rule us.. We dont need the fuckin Democrats to tell us that too.. We have ruled ourselves for over 200 years and have done a helluva lot better than those dirtbags have in over 2000 years !! So WHO should be the ruler ?? We SHOULD, but we dont want to.. We just want them to go on and rule themselves and leave us and everybody else the hell alone..

So why caint our Leaders understand that they AINT gonna leave us or anybody else the hell alone ?? The only way to get the gotdam monkey off our back, is to knock the motherfucker off !!

My heartfelt feelins go out to our Troops on this, cause I've been there, done that.. Even under Jimmah Cawtah !! And believe it or not, some of the strife they still face is due to that worthless piece of shit..

For all of the marvels, mysteries, and miracles that Ronald Reagan and his followers have provided have still not overtaken the destruction to our Fightin Force and American Resolve that Jimmah Cawtah caused.. Yet, he lives on in the SCUMBAG HEART !! That is what the Patriotic American is fightin.. SCUMBAGS !!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Livin Dangerously

from here:

Urgency In Pakistan

Taliban-al-Qaeda Alliance Grows Beyond 200,000 Men With Eyes On Islamabad

By Steve Schippert

With the Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance fortified, well-established and growing in North and South Waziristan, the North West Frontier Province and several other Pakistani territories, one of the most welcomed possible developments in the ongoing war against the terrorist allies would be an actual strike on their positions by Pakistan itself. But for reasons that include Musharraf’s weakened position among his own military commanders and a hope against hope that he can stave off an all out Taliban-al-Qaeda offensive, insurgency or coup attempt, this is unlikely to happen, either in this instance or in a consistent, assertive Pakistani drive.

The widely reported news echoing on various newswires Tuesday is that Pakistan has done just that: Launched a ‘precision airstrike’ on al-Qaeda forces in the village of Zamzola along the Afghanistan border in the Taliban and al-Qaeda enclave of South Waziristan. Pakistani spokesman Major General Shaukat Sultan claims that the Pakistani strike was then followed by a helicopter assault in “mop-up.” In an area known to be a daytime training area for terrorists, as many as twenty have reportedly been killed.

With the new US Secretary of Defense in Kabul the same day to meet with Afghanistan’s President Karzai, it is possible that Pakistan would want to display a show of force before one of President Musharraf’s most important allies. If so, it would be a drastic change of course and one that Musharraf may not be likely to sustain against a Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance that has made numerous attempts on his life already, the latest also involving senior members of his own air force officer corps.

CBS quoted an unnamed western diplomat as saying of Tuesday’s air assault on the al-Qaeda forces, “The Pakistanis, it seems, are trying to tell the world that they are serious about their commitment to fighting terror.” And to be sure, that is exactly what the Musharraf government wants to convey to the United States, Canada and the rest of NATO.

But there is a problem.

Major General Shaukat Sultan, who publicly claimed the strike as a Pakistani strike Tuesday, is not new to claims of precision airstrikes that were only later revealed as US strikes. Nor is he new to inconsistent recitation of facts and Pakistani positions.

General Sultan tried to spin the Bajur madrassa strike by claiming that there were no Taliban or al-Qaeda present in the madrassa. But right on the scene and brazenly speaking to NBC reporter Mushtaq Yusufzai was none other than local al-Qaeda commander Faqir Mohammed, who boasted that the strike had missed him, though he confirmed his deputy, Maulana Liaquat Ali Hussain, was in the building at the time of the strike and killed.

Rather than the simple religious school the madrassa was portrayed as, Ali Hussian was a leader within the ‘school’ that was itself “known as a strong supporter of the Taliban” according to locals in the area. The activities going on at a ‘school’ with al-Qaeda leaders among its own leadership go far beyond religious teachings and represent part of what counterterrorism expert Andrew Cochran calls the ‘Madrassa Myth’.

In what ThreatsWatch described in September as Pakistan’s New ‘Hands-Off’ Agreement With al-Qaeda, General Sultan also once said in an interview with ABC News that Usama bin Laden would be allowed to stay in Pakistan if he were “being like a peaceful citizen.” Though he quickly denied the widely reported words, the actual ABC transcript of the telephone interview belied his denial.

Regarding General Sultan’s claims Tuesday of a Pakistani attack on al-Qaeda in South Waziristan, appearing in the eighth paragraph of a widely carried Reuters report was a short description by one of its reporters who “saw seven helicopters including at least two U.S.-built Cobras leave from Tochi Fort’s helipad in Miranshah less than an hour before the attack and returned shortly after.”

This is consistent with Sultan’s claims of helicopters performing ‘mop-up’ operations after an initial ‘precision strike.’ But Pakistan’s military is not known for its precision strikes on al-Qaeda or other foes, though they have in the past flown attack helicopter missions soon after. Such claims in the past have been later revealed as US strikes, often via Hellfire missiles launched from unmanned Predator drones. A local in the area was quoted as seeing a drone flying above the area before the strikes.

It is within this context – though not centered on it – that urgent consideration of the crisis brewing in Pakistan is critically important, as the implications of potential near-term future developments can scarcely be overstated.

While noting that Pakistan is an important ally, US National Intelligence Director John Negroponte also said in written testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee Friday that al-Qaeda is benefiting from “a secure hideout in Pakistan, from which it is rebuilding its strength.” Pakistani officials denied this vehemently, as foreign office spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said, “In breaking the back of al-Qaeda, Pakistan has done more than any other country in the world.”

While the Musharraf government in Pakistan has been and remains a critically important ally in this global conflict, it must be conceded that nearly all major terrorist attacks since and including those on September 11, 2001, have ties that lead directly or indirectly back to Pakistani origins. Nor is the Musharraf government’s recognized status as an American ally in the war against such terrorism a qualification to dismiss the fact that Pakistan has clearly wavered in the face of a resurgent Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance, deeply rooted within the embattled nation’s own borders.

Since Pakistan ceded North Waziristan to the Taliban in September, the North and South Waziristan Provinces, the North West Frontier Province and surrounding areas have become a virtually unchallenged refuge for both al-Qaeda and their Taliban allies. What was billed by Pakistan to have been a ‘peace accord’ with the terrorists has netted a Pakistani military withdrawal of ground forces and a 300% increase in cross-border attacks on NATO troops and civilians in Afghanistan from the region.

Part of the ‘peace accord’ that ceded control of Pakistan’s North Waziristan over to the Taliban was the included release of over 2,500 foreigners held prisoner since the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan. Among that number were virtually all al-Qaeda prisoners in Pakistan’s custody, effectively put back into circulation in attempts to stave off what many see as an inevitable confrontation with the increasingly more powerful Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance currently taking ownership of swaths of Pakistani territory, inching patiently but steadily toward Islamabad.

It is believed that the Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance in Pakistan has amassed a force of fighters that is over 200,000 strong, organized principally around seven key terrorist leaders, including key local al-Qaeda commander Faqir Mohammed, who escaped the US strike in Bajur mentioned above.

With news that Afghani intelligence agents captured “one of the most high-profile Taliban spokesmen,” Mohammad Hanif (aka Abdul Haqiq), it is the latest indicator that the vast majority of captures and strikes against Taliban and al-Qaeda forces operating in or from Pakistan’s own territory have come from American, Afghani or NATO operations. With the September release of virtually all imprisoned al-Qaeda operatives by Pakistan, the Musharraf government is clearly loathe to restock its prison system with these who have clear designs on his demise and the establishment of an Islamic State of Pakistan, complete with the existing nuclear arsenal of the only nuclear-armed Muslim nation in the world.

The United States has taken the initiative before in Pakistan via airstrikes, almost certainly with Pakistani acquiescence. Tuesday’s attack may prove eventually to be no different. Yet, the Pakistani government is not at fault for failing to recognize the threat al-Qaeda and the Taliban pose to it. Rather, Musharraf appears frozen by a fear that is fueled by a perceived inability to do much about it. And so, just as the Pakistani government acquiesces to American exercise of power through the air in its own skies, it also cedes unbalanced (and largely ignored) agreements with the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

These agreements have included delivering the Taliban and al-Qaeda control of territory, released fighters, withdrawn Pakistani troops and cash retributions. These agreements embody the threatening situation of which John Negroponte speaks.

When it comes to dealing with the al-Qaeda threat, Musharraf has made such agreements and will likely make more in other territories in hopes of placating them today. But with an al-Qaeda-Taliban force in the hundreds of thousands of fighters, Musharraf may only be avoiding today what appears to intelligence observers as a seemingly inevitable outcome in the relatively near future.

Appearing at present a strong likelihood, if and when that day passes and the Musharraf government falls, it will be to a murky cooperative of the 200,000-strong al-Qaeda and Taliban, the Islamist powers within the Pakistani intelligence (ISI) and aligned Pakistani generals and wil result in the creation of the Islamic State of Pakistan.

Those who perceive themselves already at war with neighboring India and the United States as well as the rest of the West will control the world’s first terrorist nuclear power. Regardless of the ground situation in Iraq or the state of domestic political discourse in the United States, all bets may well then be off.

For all combatant nations and non-state actors, the face of the global conflict will shift with a sudden and violent urgency not seen since the weeks that followed the attacks of September 11, 2001, which by design drew America actively into this conflict.

comment: Most people just dont understand what a tricky situation it is in Pakistan. 200K Al Q are just a few miles from gettin hold of a nuke all LOCKED-and-LOADED and equiped with a trained shooter..

Sure makes me feel a lot better knowin that they are puttin that 2nd Carrier in the area over there !!

Long Live Gen. Robert E. Lee

from here:,0,4113908.story?coll=dp-headlines-virginia

200th anniversary of Robert E. Lee's birth to be commemorated
Associated Press Writer

January 18, 2007

RICHMOND, Va. -- History buffs and Confederate enthusiasts are marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Gen. Robert E. Lee, the Southern icon that many still revere as a brilliant military strategist and a Virginia gentleman nearly 150 years after the end of the Civil War.

Several events were planned Friday and through the weekend at key Lee sites, including Washington & Lee University, Lee's birthplace at Stratford Hall Plantation, and in Richmond, the former Confederate capital. Some events already have taken place, and others are planned in the upcoming months.

"Robert E. Lee was an outstanding general, a groundbreaking educator, and a profound gentleman," said S. Waite Rawls III, chief executive of the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond. "But perhaps his greatest moments came after the war, when he worked very hard to reconcile a country that was still deeply divided after a bitter internal conflict. He put aside his personal feelings and did his 'duty'--to lead the South back into the Union."

Lee was born to a prominent family on Jan. 19, 1807, at Stratford Hall Plantation on the bluffs of the Potomac River in Westmoreland County. The 1,900-acre plantation, built in the 1730s, now is a historic site.

Stratford Hall will feature a special "Lee pilgrimage" and a historic interpreter portraying Lee's decision to resign from the U.S. Army upon the secession of Virginia from the Union. Cannon artillery salutes will be held, and visitors can take candlelight tours of the Lee family's home. Saturday's events feature "Lee for Children" tours that allow youngsters to hunt for key items that figured into Lee's childhood, and an opportunity to have their photos taken with "General Lee."

The Museum of the Confederacy is showcasing an oil painting of Lee that was last displayed publicly in 1868 in Paris. The gilt-framed oil painting is on loan from a Richmond-area man who purchased it at an estate sale, and more than 200 limited-edition prints have been sold over the last few weeks to help the struggling museum erase its deficit.

The Virginia chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans planned a banquet to celebrate Lee's life featuring a talk by Pat Falci, who was the historical director for the Civil War movies "Gods and Generals" and "Gettysburg," and portrayed Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill in the latter. Guests were welcome to dress in period attire, said Grayson R. Jennings, a Virginia SCV leader.

While many Southern groups revere him, the glorification of Lee and the Lost Cause strikes a raw nerve among others in a state that still has a "Lee-Jackson Day" to commemorate Lee and Confederate leader Stonewall Jackson.

The Virginia National Association for the Advancement of Colored People last week held a news conference at the Lee statue on Monument Avenue to voice disapproval of state funding to plan and coordinate events for Lee's 200th birthday and make the anniversary integral to the public schools' curriculum.

NAACP executive director King Salim Khalfani doesn't have a problem with those who mark Lee's 200th birthday "as long as public dollars aren't used for promoting the Lost Cause."

"We don't want public dollars and governmental entities participating. They're supposed to represent all Virginians, not just Confederates," Khalfani said.

A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Lee led the Army of Northern Virginia in several Southern victories that earned him the reputation as a top military commander, but he lost the key battle at Gettysburg, considered by many a turning point in the war. In the final weeks of the conflict he took command of the entire depleted Confederate military, eventually surrendering to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox in April 1865.

After the war, Lee became president of Washington College, now Washington & Lee University, in Lexington.

While Lee is most remembered as a military hero, Washington & Lee history professor J. Holt Merchant recognizes Lee primarily for rebuilding Washington College's war-ravaged grounds and aiming to reunify the nation after the brutal war by helping young Southern men realize the value of education.

Lee wanted former soldiers to "Go home, get an education, marry your wife, rebuild your farm and get on with your life if you can," Merchant said.

He emphasized the practical sciences, but also expanded the school's history, modern languages and literature offerings, Merchant said, with the goal of helping young men to rebuild the South. Other plans, such as starting a medical school, didn't come to fruition because of a lack of funding and because he died just five years after becoming the school's president.

"He was a great general, and he compares well as any general in American history," Merchant said. "But Lee the educator and Lee the reconciler are terribly important here" and perhaps overlooked.

comment: Now, just what fuggin business did the NAACP have in stickin their gotdam nose into the General's Birthday Celebrations ?? OH, they dont want gubmint money and "entities" involved !! I bet the booger-eatin, nose-pickin mohron didnt say that about the Good Rev'ren's Birthday Celebration !!

And talk about "Lost Causes" ?? Just what has Dr. King's efforts got Black Folks anyway ?? The chance to live anywhere they want(gubmint housin), and work anywhere they want(gubmint jobs), and go to schools whereever they want(2nd highest dropout rate)..

That school in Little Rock that Dr. King wanted them kids to go to so bad caint hold a gotdam candlestick to the school that Gen. Lee re-organized, AND NEVER WILL !!

History has been a lot less favorable to Dr. king's Dream than to Gen. Lee's !! Lost Cause my achin ass !!

Gen. Lee's Dream has put a shit-load of HIGHLY EDUCATED and trained young people on our streets and into our Military Fightin Forces.. Dr. King's Dream has built-up an Entitlement Class of fuggin FREELOADERS and crack-head dealers who live next door and scream "DISCRIMINATION" every time the Cops raid and bust em, and nitwit idiots like this King Salim Khalfani above..

So how many stories do you thank are gonna be written about Gen. Lee this Birthday that aint gonna have some reference from the MEDIA WHORE, Mr. Khalifani ?? I'm pretty damn sure that the White Guilt Media wont let many pass unadulterated !!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

They Noticed .. Finally !!

from here:

Is There a National Guard Crisis?

January 16, 2007
Vox Populi, War
By Jim Kouri, CPP

The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the subsequent the global war on terrorism have triggered the largest activation of National Guard forces since World War II.

As of last year, over one-half to two-thirds of the National Guard’s 500,000 personnel had been activated for overseas warfighting in Iraq or domestic homeland security missions in federal or state active duty roles.

In addition to increased usage, the Guard has also experienced long deployments and high demand for personnel with specific skills, such as military police. The high pace of operations and the Guard’s expanded role since September 11 have raised concerns about whether the Guard is capable of successfully performing its multiple missions within existing and expected resource levels, especially given the challenges it faces in meeting future emergencies.

This includes the use of National Guard troops in what some observers are calling “the dog-and-pony show” operation at our border with Mexico.

The Army and the Air National Guard have begun adapting their forces to meet new warfighting requirements since the September 11 attacks, but some measures taken to meet short-term requirements have degraded the readiness of nondeployed units, particularly in the Army National Guard. To deploy ready units for overseas missions, the Army National Guard has had to transfer equipment and personnel from nondeploying units, leaving stateside units’ capabilities depleted, according to the US Government Accountabilty Office.

According to GAO figures, between September 11, 2001, and July 2004, the Army National Guard had performed over 74,000 personnel transfers. Similarly, as of May 2004, the Army National Guard had transferred over 35,000 equipment items to prepare deploying units, leaving nondeployed Army National Guard units short one-third of the critical equipment they need for war.

The Army has developed plans, such as the Army Campaign Plan, to restructure its forces to better prepare them for future missions. However, it has not finalized detailed plans identifying equipment needs and costs for restructuring Guard units.

Moreover, the Army is still structured and funded according to a resourcing plan that does not provide Guard units all the personnel and equipment they need to deploy in wartime, so the Army National Guard will be challenged to continue to provide ready units for operations expected in the next 3 to 5 years.

The Air National Guard is also adapting to meet new warfighting requirements, but it has not been as negatively affected as the Army National Guard because it has not been required to sustain the same high level of operations.

In addition, the Air National Guard generally maintains fully manned and equipped units. While the Army and the Air National Guard have, thus far, also supported the nation’s homeland security needs, the Guard’s preparedness to perform homeland security missions that may be needed in the future is unknown because requirements and readiness standards and measures have not been defined.

Without this information, policy makers are not in the best position to manage the risks to the nation’s homeland security by targeting investments to the highest priority needs and ensuring that the investments are having the desired effect. Since September 11, the Guard has been performing several unanticipated homeland missions, such as flying patrols over US cities and guarding critical infrastructure.

However, states have concerns about the preparedness and availability of Guard forces for domestic needs and natural disasters while overseas deployments continue at a high pace.

The Department of Defense plans to publish a comprehensive strategy for homeland security missions that DOD will lead. However, DOD has not reached agreement with multiple federal and state authorities on the Guard’s role in such missions.

Also, the National Guard Bureau has proposed initiatives to strengthen the Guard’s homeland security capabilities. However, many of these initiatives are at an early stage and will require coordination and approval from other stakeholders, such as DOD and the states.

In the absence of clear homeland security requirements, the Guard’s preparedness to perform missions at home cannot be measured to determine whether it needs additional assets or training.

comment: I've been callin for a MASSIVE INCREASE (double) of Guard and Reserve personnel and equipment and resources for a long time.. At least now they are LOOKIN at it !!

Do I feel relieved ?? NO.. Until I see a MAJORITY "YEA" vote for fundin it, I will still keep bangin my head against the wall..

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Inside Job

from here:

Iraq-Iran Relations Challenging US Push

Amid Evidence of Iran Feeding Both Sides of Sectarian Violence, Iraqi Foreign Minister Plans To Open More Border Points
By Steve Schippert

While the telegraphed ‘surge’ of US troops into Baghdad seemingly meets more questions of meeting planned Iraqi troop levels than those of America, the multi-faceted front with Iran remains active and fluid. The US raid on an Iranian office in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil last Thursday and the actions that have followed continue to mark the intentions of many Iraqi politicians to forge a relationship with Iran in spite of their proven fueling of both sides of Iraq’s ongoing sectarian violence.

The Irbil raid netted the capture of 5 Iranians along with documents and computers. Iran protested the raid on the grounds that the office was a consulate protected by diplomatic immunity. However, according to a military intelligence source who spoke with ThreatsWatch, while the Iranians told the Iraqi Kurds governing the city that it was a diplomatic consulate, Iran had never officially filed the location as such, leaving it unprotected by international law. This led to the initial confusion at the airport between Kurdish and American forces. The governing Kurds did not want to be party to an illegal raid in violation of international law.

It was reported early that among the individuals captured was Hassan Abbasi, thought of as Iran’s principle strategic thinker and a leader in the IRGC’s Qods Force. (Also see MEMRI audio/video Part I and Part II, with transcripts here and here.) However, the detained Hassan Abbasi was not the Qods Force leader in question, but indeed an Iranian by that name.

The US State Department said that the captured Iranians may have helped insurgents attack American troops in Iraq. Given that the sole function of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force is to export the Iranian revolution by funding, arming and training foreign (to Iran) terrorist groups, this is likely a foregone conclusion.

Even still, some in the elected Iraqi government are protesting the detention of the Iranians, just as was protested the detention of Iranians in a late December Baghdad raid that yielded the #3 general in Iran’s Qods Force – later released - as well as a ‘wiring diagram’ of the Iranian support network for both Shi’a and Sunni sectarian factions in Iraq.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari explained the geo-political reality that “We have to live in this part of the world,” unlike the United States. “We have to live with Iran. We have to live with Syria and Turkey and other countries.” Even when confronted with proof that the Iranians are pouring in weapons, including milled copper IEDs and fanning both sides of the sectarian violence seeking an unstable Iraq, the Kurdish Zabari said that Iraq plans to soon negotiate even more border entry points with Iran.

This approach to Iran is frustrating US officials who are not only openly confronting an instigating Iran that it had long ignored, but are also facing fresh doubts whether Iraq will meet its troop obligations agreed to in President Bush’s plan to secure Baghdad.

But with the highly-publicized plan to mass US and Iraqi forces to clear Baghdad of Sunni insurgents and Shi’a militias, it can be expected that far fewer combatants will have remained there for a confrontation considered a no-win scenario, just as was the case in Fallujah.

comment: Its apparent that the Shia leaders in the Iraqi Government wish to derail any advances made by Americans in their country and short-circuit any attempts at gainin stability there too.. Wonder why ??

“We have to live in this part of the world,” unlike the United States. “We have to live with Iran. We have to live with Syria and Turkey and other countries.”

That should explain it pretty well !! The Democrats are succeddin in makin any victory in Iraq AS HARD AS POSSIBLE !! They have created enuff doubt in the minds of the Iraqis that cooperation and assisstance from them is non-existent now..

For the sole purpose of playin POLITICS with the Troops in Iraq to possibly gain power at home, the (D)s are riskin our Troops lives and the safety of our country..

But the (D)s aint just alienatin Iraq.. They are separatin us from just about everybody else too.. Spain, Venezuala, Bolivia, Peru, The Chezks, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, and even the Brits are gettin stand-offish..

NOBODY WANTS TO STICK WITH A LOSER !! And that is what the (D)s are turnin America in to.. The (D)s are a bunch of losers and they want to turn the rest of us into losers too.. But for the LIFE of em, they caint support the WINNERS because that erodes their power and costs em votes from the Loser Class !!

Iraq is choosin to be a Loser Nation too.. Afterall, its workin for the U.S. so well .. But we will just have to wait and see how long America will last after bein tuned into a LOSER Nation..

Inside Job

from here:

Iraq-Iran Relations Challenging US Push

Amid Evidence of Iran Feeding Both Sides of Sectarian Violence, Iraqi Foreign Minister Plans To Open More Border Points
By Steve Schippert

While the telegraphed ‘surge’ of US troops into Baghdad seemingly meets more questions of meeting planned Iraqi troop levels than those of America, the multi-faceted front with Iran remains active and fluid. The US raid on an Iranian office in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil last Thursday and the actions that have followed continue to mark the intentions of many Iraqi politicians to forge a relationship with Iran in spite of their proven fueling of both sides of Iraq’s ongoing sectarian violence.

The Irbil raid netted the capture of 5 Iranians along with documents and computers. Iran protested the raid on the grounds that the office was a consulate protected by diplomatic immunity. However, according to a military intelligence source who spoke with ThreatsWatch, while the Iranians told the Iraqi Kurds governing the city that it was a diplomatic consulate, Iran had never officially filed the location as such, leaving it unprotected by international law. This led to the initial confusion at the airport between Kurdish and American forces. The governing Kurds did not want to be party to an illegal raid in violation of international law.

It was reported early that among the individuals captured was Hassan Abbasi, thought of as Iran’s principle strategic thinker and a leader in the IRGC’s Qods Force. (Also see MEMRI audio/video Part I and Part II, with transcripts here and here.) However, the detained Hassan Abbasi was not the Qods Force leader in question, but indeed an Iranian by that name.

The US State Department said that the captured Iranians may have helped insurgents attack American troops in Iraq. Given that the sole function of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force is to export the Iranian revolution by funding, arming and training foreign (to Iran) terrorist groups, this is likely a foregone conclusion.

Even still, some in the elected Iraqi government are protesting the detention of the Iranians, just as was protested the detention of Iranians in a late December Baghdad raid that yielded the #3 general in Iran’s Qods Force – later released - as well as a ‘wiring diagram’ of the Iranian support network for both Shi’a and Sunni sectarian factions in Iraq.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari explained the geo-political reality that “We have to live in this part of the world,” unlike the United States. “We have to live with Iran. We have to live with Syria and Turkey and other countries.” Even when confronted with proof that the Iranians are pouring in weapons, including milled copper IEDs and fanning both sides of the sectarian violence seeking an unstable Iraq, the Kurdish Zabari said that Iraq plans to soon negotiate even more border entry points with Iran.

This approach to Iran is frustrating US officials who are not only openly confronting an instigating Iran that it had long ignored, but are also facing fresh doubts whether Iraq will meet its troop obligations agreed to in President Bush’s plan to secure Baghdad.

But with the highly-publicized plan to mass US and Iraqi forces to clear Baghdad of Sunni insurgents and Shi’a militias, it can be expected that far fewer combatants will have remained there for a confrontation considered a no-win scenario, just as was the case in Fallujah.

comment: Its apparent that the Shia leaders in the Iraqi Government wish to derail any advances made by Americans in their country and short-circuit any attempts at gainin stability there too.. Wonder why ??

“We have to live in this part of the world,” unlike the United States. “We have to live with Iran. We have to live with Syria and Turkey and other countries.”

That should explain it pretty well !! The Democrats are succeddin in makin any victory in Iraq AS HARD AS POSSIBLE !! They have created enuff doubt in the minds of the Iraqis that cooperation and assisstance from them is non-existent now..

For the sole purpose of playin POLITICS with the Troops in Iraq to possibly gain power at home, the (D)s are riskin our Troops lives and the safety of our country..

But the (D)s aint just alienatin Iraq.. They are separatin us from just about everybody else too.. Spain, Venezuala, Bolivia, Peru, The Chezks, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, and even the Brits are gettin stand-offish..

NOBODY WANTS TO STICK WITH A LOSER !! And that is what the (D)s are turnin America in to.. The (D)s are a bunch of losers and they want to turn the rest of us into losers too.. But for the LIFE of em, they caint support the WINNERS because that erodes their power and costs em votes from the Loser Class !!

Iraq is choosin to be a Loser Nation too.. Afterall, its workin for the U.S. so well .. But we will just have to wait and see how long America will last after bein tuned into a LOSER Nation..

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Letter From Sunshine

I know Marnie from a coupla Forums I visit and she wants all the Vets to be sure and see her message to em.. We share the same feelins about our Patriots, but she says it a lot better than I do..

My name is Marnie Mowles. I am the proud wife of a USMC 100% Total &
Permanent disabled combat Viet nam Veteran. He served two tours in
Nam with the 1/9, also known as ,"The Walking Dead."

I would like to thank the Military men and women that have served
and that are serving for my freedom and all you have done and are
still doing for our country. I am forever grateful and you will
never be forgotten by me. I consider you all my HEROES !!!

I always make it a point to thank a Veteran and tell them how
grateful I am for my freedom . Thanks to you all I am able to type
this letter.

I consider it an honor to tell people I am married to a USMC
Vietnam Veteran. We have a 20 year age difference and he has been
my rock for 12 years.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that have served and
are still serving in the Military for my freedom and all you've
done and are still doing for our country.

I know you all have sacrificed so much for me and our country .
Words will never be able to tell you all how grateful I am.

I know I have taken a lot for granted but I started thinking just
how lucky I am to have my freedom thanks to you all.

Please know that you will never be forgotten by me.

I told my husband if he should die before me I am going to dedicate
my life to our Military men and women.

I want to be able to give each and everyone of you a hug and bring
happiness to your lives.

Since I am not able to hug each and everyone of you , please
accept a cyber hug from me and know you are my HEROES !!!

In all sincerity , I can honestly say , "I love you."

God Bless each and everyone of you.

Forever Grateful,
Marnie Mowles

God Bless you Sunshine !!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Whiskey Made Me Do It !!

from here: (in the blogroll)

Reflecting on the Gerstein disclosures, part 2

Jay Nordlinger writes in his NRO Impromptus column this morning:

I have a friend who, in a phone conversation last weekend, said the unsayable. Come to think of it, this friend makes a specialty of saying the unsayable. That is one reason he is invaluable.
He said, “The Democrats have to win in 2008 — I mean, the whole enchilada: House, Senate, and presidency.” You ought to know that my friend is a staunch conservative Republican. “Why?” I said. “Why do they have to win?” He answered, “Because that’s the only way they will be fully onboard the War on Terror. They won’t fully support it otherwise, because they will always be trying to trip up the Republicans. If you want the Democrats onboard the War on Terror, they have to be in charge. Period.”

A dark, dark proclamation. And redolent of ol’ Joe, the one from Wisconsin. I am not entirely convinced of its wrongness, however.

By contrast with Jay, I think both John Hinderaker and I are almost entirely convinced of its rightness.

comment: Power-hungry bunch of Egotistocal, Anti-American, Non-Patriotic Sunzabithces !!

The (D)s are so gotdam hell-bent on POWER and GLORY that they will sell our ass down the fuggin river just so they can be SOMEBODY !! If they caint be IMPORTANT, then just F.U.C.K. us .. F.U.C.K. the whole gotdam country !!

For THEM to support America's safety and security and survival, we have to have another Slick Willie or John Kerry as President, and Spooky Pelosi and John Conyers type runnin Congress ..

So, once again I'm askin.. PLEASE explain to me why there is ONE of these sunzabitches left in Office in this United States ?? Why have Firin Squads not been busy for the last few years riddin this country of these varmints ?? And just how fuckin BAD is it gonna have to get before AMERICANS wake-the-hell-up and rid this MONKEY we have on our back ??

disclaimer: My sincere apologies to any primate readin this .. Please excuse any reference to MONKEY in the preceedin paragraph, as it is not intended to be a derogatory resemblance to our fine members of the Animal Kingdom.. Its just an old adage that was used in days past to signify a burden that we impose on ourselves that brings us misery and pain.. And besides, we know that even a fuckin MONKEY has enuff sense to be anythang other than a gotdam DEMOCRAT !!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Main Street (insert your area)

from here:

Main Street Fallujah
How long will it be before the first Iraq-caliber IED is employed in the United States?

William Lind doesn’t set a timetable in this Counterpunch article, but he’s almost positive it’ll happen. I suggested as much during a recent public appearance where fall-out from the war in Iraq was discussed, though both Lind and I were looking at different sets of perpetrators and victims. In the case of the former it was criminals vs. the cops, for me it was terrorists vs. you and me. I don’t know that anyone was thinking that we might have to watch Muslim-on-Muslim violence play out in our own home towns, as this story in Detroit indicates.

Late Saturday night, 12 Muslim businesses and mosques were vandalized, with 11 of the 12 belonging to members of the Detroit Shi’a population. None of the targeted buildings were owned by Irai-American Christians or members of the Lebanese community. It is suspected that the atacks were in retaliation to the celebrations seen in the streets at the news of Saddam Hussein’s execution. While so far there have been no Shi’a reprisal attacks on Sunni businesses and mosques, it is a realistic fear among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The potential for more deadly attacks certainly exists if such tension escalates.

At a practical/functional level, IEDs in America are a reality. The raw materials for basic models are readily available in bulk and that high-end designs can be produced with tools that any well stocked Sears can provide. Disused artillery shells are fairly rare in this country, but there is no shortage of small arms ammunition, blackpowder or any number of other formulas that could suffice as a suitable charge.

As far as placement goes anyone tracking developments in Iraq knows that vehicles are the target of choice and this is probably the car-friendly nation. Drive home tonight and glance over at the side of the road for all the seemingly innocent items that could be used to hide a shaped charge. Targeting specific businesses or homes is obviously a very real possibility and most homes don’t have a “green zone” to protect them from explosive violence.

If domestic sectarian violence is the forum for use then deployment should be fairly narrowly focused in certain neighborhoods of cities with a large Muslim population, but attacks against Muslims would only be the start. The earliest attacks would undoubtedly result in a massive surge of law enforcement (certainly local but assuredly federal – with a Guard presence to boot) and the focus of such weapons would not be restricted to Muslims for long.

comment: OK, now take my last post and incorporate it with this one, and what do you get ?? You get Unions or Drug Cartels or MOB Families havin ALL OUT WAR on our streets !!

If you thank that you will get Federal or National Guard protection you are most likely BADLY mistaken !! They will be ordered to protect the Mooselimbs and their Mosques and businesses by the Liberals.. Gotta maintain those votes, you know !!

So you thank the Local Police are gonna help you ?? You gotta be shittin me.. They will retire, relocate, or join the dirtbags and get a higher salary than they have poundin the beat ..

Seems that somebody else is recognisin the danger that we could be seein in the VERY NEAR FUTURE besides me.. If you read here regularly, which you should, then you may remember the call I made a while back for more (double) of the National Guard Force than we have now.. This is one GOOD reason, but there are many many more advantages to a larger NG ..

The Brits are havin their Forces guard their Nuke Facilities, Chemical Plants, and any other serious threat target now.. We should be too, but most likely we dont have the numbers to support that need.. I say " GET EM DAMMITT, RIGHT FUGGIN NOW" !!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Could It, Or Would It Happen ??

from here:

Drugs, Terrorism and Illegal Immigration
We live in a dangerous world in which the past is now blending with the present, and possibly influencing the future. The past is the pervasive problem of the importation of illegal narcotics into this country, much of it flowing across the U.S.-Mexican border. The present is the attention paid to the problem of illegal immigration and the connection between illegal immigration and terrorism. The future may well find us with a federal immigration policy that allows illegal aliens to work here a “guests.”

As expressed in Michael Cutler’s post on the Counterterrorism Blog from January 3rd, the question is whether our government will ever be able to see the linkage between the worlds of illegal narcotics, illegal immigration and the expansion terrorism. Frankly, that linkage has been apparent for more than a decade.

In Links Between Terrorism, Drug Trade, and Illegal Immigration Can’t Be Ignored and referring to another article in the Daily Bulletin, Mr. Cutler writes:

“…our nation’s failure to secure its borders and create an immigration system that possesses true integrity imperils nothing less than the security of our nation and the survival of our citizens… “The bureaucrats don’t understand what a dangerous game they are playing with American lives if they don’t do something to fix the situation at the border.” “Evidence of ‘special-interest aliens’ using the Mexican border to gain entry to the United States has been kept secret from the American public, according to federal law enforcement agents, terrorism experts and critics of U.S. foreign policy with Mexico… According to DEA intelligence reports, the link between terrorism and narcotics has been well known since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.
In another quote from the Daily Bulletin article Links between illegal immigration, terrorism, drug trade worry U.S officials: “Those interviewed by the Daily Bulletin say agencies including the FBI and CIA are not using information from Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement Administration agents to make connections between the drug trade, illegal immigration and terrorist organizations.”

Also, a few weeks ago, there was a lot of publicity about the ICE raids of the Swift Meat Packing Plants and the link between illegal immigration and identity theft. These issues are “joined at the hip.” The linkage of illegal immigration with identity theft seemingly hit the national consciousness a couple of weeks ago when there were raids on six meat-packing plants. In that situation, it was found that many of the illegal workers held forged or counterfeit identity papers.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents with search warrants entered plants owned by Swift & Co., of Greeley, Colo., charging that “large numbers” of workers illegally assumed the identities of U.S. citizens or legal residents by using their Social Security numbers to get work, ICE officials said.
The Swift Meat Packing plant raids are not the first time illegal immigrants have been found with forged identity documents. This has been going on for over a decade, as written in the Washington Post article that also referenced a 1998 raids in Nebraska in which the government found that “nearly 20 percent of workers had invalid documents. The vast majority disappeared before questioning.”

So, which came first? The drug smugglers, the illegal aliens or the terrorists? It is hard to say when it comes to aliens and drug smugglers. But the connection between drug smuggling and terrorism is not new either. To an extent, none of this is a surprise. Having had the opportunity to attend and present at a number of Office of National Drug Control Policy symposia and listening carefully to presentations by various Defense Department or U.S. Customs officials, it was clear even in the mid-1990’s that there was a direct connection between the two “counters.”

In May 2002, I was interviewed for an article in the MIT Technology Review discussing the cross over between counter-drug and counter-terrorism technologies in which I asked the question, “Isn’t there a fairly strong feeling that narcotics in this country is a terrorist activity?”

Not too surprisingly that position was contradicted by Brian Houghton, director of research for the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, who said, “Yes and no, says Houghton, who cautions against drawing too many parallels, or assuming that knowledge in one area bequeaths expertise in the other. “There are similarities, but [drug trafficking and terrorism] are two different things,” he says. “Where they start to go apart is that drugs are such an epidemic. If all drug dealers and cartels were terrorist organizations we’d be in big trouble.”

Well, we are in big trouble as Houghton commented. In the passage of just four years since the interview with the Technology Review, we have seen the linkage between illegal immigration and the drug cartels on Mexico. We have also witnessed the numerous flare-ups in violence along the United States border with Mexico, especially in places like Nuevo Laredo, where drug lords or their gangs kidnap Americans and murder law enforcement agents. We have seen the linkage of illegal immigration with illegal or forged identity papers. In addition, we see and read about the growing number of non-Mexican immigrants, many of who overstay their Visas and get lost in the blended society of the United States.

Much like Miguel Alfonso Salinas who was first thought to be a Mexican migrant but who turned out to be Ayman Sulmane Kamal, a Muslim born in Egypt - a country designated as “special-interest” by the United States for sponsoring terrorism – it would be unrealistic to think that others are not also here under false pretenses. Whether you call it “guest worker” or “amnesty” the result of such policies is the widening of our open borders. We are already at risk. Why the federal government would countenance an idea that would increase that risk is simply incredulous.

comment: A post over at IBA(blogroll) perked my interest in the area of terrorists and The MOB.. A while back, there were questions and comments in the Print Media about the possibility that terrorists and The MOB were formin an alliance.. Elections, disasters and such have mostly buried that line of attention and I havent heard any more about it..

But now I have seen this and wonder if the Gangs and Drug Society aint gettin together and formin a union with The MOB and Terrorists too .. If so, the Criminal Elemment around us would be able take this country under !!

Folks, there is a lot of dope crossin our southern border.. A lot is gettin caught, but its just a drop-in-the-bucket of the total.. It takes a lot of dope crossin the border to have as much get caught and still enuff get thru to meet demands.. That takes a lot of effort and a lot of cooperation between somebody.. The spooky part is that all that shit is comin in and a whole bunch of people are involved and info on it is still scarce !! It damn well better be scarce, cause if a bunch of the law enforcement have that info and its still happenin, then I'm gonna be one mad bitch !!

And if law enforcement knows about it and still lets it happen, then what else are they gettin paid-off to turn their heads to ?? And most of all, how far would they go and how much would they let pass across without doin somethin about it or givin us a warnin about ??

Thankin bout shit like this gives me a damn headache !!

Friday, January 05, 2007


from here:

Britain free from WWII payments
By Al Webb
January 4, 2007


LONDON -- More than six decades after the fact, Britain has finally paid back the billions of dollars it had borrowed from the United States and Canada to help pay for rebuilding the country after World War II.
At the click of a few computer keys in London on the last business day of 2006, $83.25 million was sent electronically winging to Washington and $22.7 million to Ottawa, to free Britain from annual installments it occasionally has struggled to pay.

comment: There is more at the link and its somethin you can file away for future reference..

The U.S. gives away untold Billions of Dollars that we never see any return on.. I just wonder how huch we gave Turkey before they slammed the door in our face when we wanted to use their ports in the invasion of Iraq ?? Its probably better that I dont know the amount that has been pumped into that wasteland known as The Palestenian Territories, but guess what, G.W. wants to send em some more !!

Its WAY THE HELL past time to shut off those dollars pourin out of our coffers to every Tin-Pan that has his fuggin hat held out !! There is a list as long as here-to-Dallas for stuff that this country is in dire need of and they tell us there aint the money for.. If we took Condi Rice's checkbook away from here for a few months, then no tellin what we would be able to afford that might actually do us some good..

We send a shit-load of money to Syria every year so that they will be nice to Israel.. Syria most likely uses the money to fund terrorism against the U.S. .. So how bout we just send the money to Israel or better yet, send that much in weapons to Israel to MAKE Syria be nice to em ??

I saw a list last year that had who and how-much we gave away to other countries in a 2-month time.. This was ABOVE-THE-BOARD type payments and didnt include the under the table bucks that the CIA and others throw around.. First I got dizzy from all the zeroes, and then I got sick at my stomach.. This list came at about the same time that The Pentagon was sayin that their military equipment was gettin worn out and they needed more money to fix it.. The Coast Guard was havin to cut orders for new equipment too..

We aint gettin a fair enuff return on our investments that we make in these countries that never seem to appreciate our efforts to help em.. Cut that damn money off and while we are at it, how bout we take the money we send the U.N. every year and have one helluva July 4th party this year ??

The Brits deserve a BIG pat on the back for what they have done.. Bein the first in this category is definitely an accomplishment that leaves them standin alone at the TOP !!

Kim du Toit, in my blogroll, also has somethin to say about it..

A Mixed Bag

Lots of news today, looks like.. Some GOOD.. Some BAD.. Some UGLY !!

There are reports that the Supreme Dirtbag in Iran croaked overnite.. If its true, then a battle will start over who his replacement will be.. The favorite seems to be a LESSER EVIL than the next in line.. #2 is a HARD LINE freak that is bent on callin back the 12th Dirtbag from the well.. To call him back, Iran has to create chaos, wars, and death never seen before on Earth.. I have a feelin Ol Act-Mad is gonna be tryin to pull some serious shit now to try to get his new "partner-in-crime" elected.. That would be the #2 Dirtbag !!

Oil seems to be takin a downward trend in the past coupla days but I dont expect it to continue for long.. Too much overseas turmoil..

U.S. coffee roasters announced that they are gonna hike prices again.. So stock-up until they can get the price regulated again.. Hikes in coffee prices always bring shortages somewhere and that just makes the prices iffy that much more for a while..

The U.S. Dollar is up in Foreign Tradin and their Currency is down, so that will help our defecit and Trade Imbalance some..

I also see where Russia is gonna increase oil sales to Turkey.. Russia has been on an "oil grab" for several years, so I expect that for Russia to turn loose of that oil it is gonna be a bad omen for the U.S. .. I dont know what Turkey traded for that oil, but it must be somethin pretty good.. I've seen where Russia is on a mission to draw back members of the Soviet Block into the fold, so this may have somethin to do with that aim.. But Putin may also just be wantin Turkey to be more friendly with Iran, too.. You know, to increase pressure on the U.S. in Iraq..

I see that Nawlins is tryin to compete with Baghdad in the number of murders this year.. 7 murders in the first 4 days !! How much ya'll wanna bet that most, if not all, are drug related ?? Police across the U.S. are reportin that more and more drug arrests are comin up with the arrestees bein armed with guns !! Makes me leary bout even leavin the house without a loaded gun on me.. Gonna be where I aint even gonna feel safe goin out into the yard with it .. Been a coupla times lately that I wished I DID have it on me.. I've been seein a lot of strange people walkin around my hood lately, and I dont like the looks of em ONE DAMN BIT !! I havent talked to my buddy at the P.D. for while, but it looks like it may be about time to fix that.. Usually when thangs are gettin hot in my area, I see her cruisin a lot, and I have seen her several times lately..

Between Blogger havin problems and me gettin out in the yard and overdoin it the other day, I didnt get to put anythang up yesterday, so I will try to get some stuff posted today.. Its still early so I dont have a good grasp on what all this shit in the news means yet, but I'm sure it will get a little less foggy after a while..

OH, and have ya'll seen em floggin G.W. about that new "Openin The Mail" bill that he signed ?? Poweline Blog has the inside scoop on it.. It aint what the Media has touted tho !! Imagine that.. Powerline is in my blogroll if you want to see the Legal Eagles rip the lyin-ass media on it..

Did ya'll get as bigga laugh out of Cindy Sheehan as I did ?? The Chickens are comin home to roost, my friends !! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...............

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Old "Double Standard"

from here:

Selective Outrage Over Black Crime Victims

Update: If Darrent Williams’s killer is black, expect to hear no more about the case. However, if the killer is white, expect man-bites-dog media coverage.

Also not of interest to the “black community” or white liberal media: latino-on-black crime.

Nifong responds to media after his swearing in ceremony (video).

Why did certain blacks in Durham, North Carolina, rally around a black stripper claiming to have been gang raped by three white men but virtually ignore the more destructive trend of black-on-black crime in their midst? (Duke blogger KC Johnson elaborates on blacks’ deafening silence about the latest developments in the so-called rape case.)

Last year, four young black men were murdered by a black man in a drug-related incident, and I don’t remember the national or local NAACP or black citizens of Durham protesting against the perpetrator. I don’t recall the so-called New Black Panthers showing up at the courthouse and shouting him down, either.

New Black Panther member Bruce Bridges said, “We’re here today because a human life has been violated in the city of Durham, and we’re here seeking justice.” (Source)

Isn’t death a more serious violation than rape? Isn’t taking a human life the ultimate violation?

Durham County School Board member Jackie Wagstaff reportedly said, “I am here with these brothers because it appears Durham does not want to see the truth.”

What about the truth of “brothers” killing other “brothers”? Were Bridges and Wagstaff protesting in front of the courthouse or in front of the murderer’s house after he killed four black men? Why is it that black “activists” shout and camera-hog about rumors of white-on-black crimes but express no outrage about black-on-black crime that goes on daily?

My assessment is well-known. It is neither profitable nor psychically satisfying to speak out against or address black-on-black violence. So-called black leaders and others inclined to protest have no interest in chastising their own people for living careless, reckless, fruitless, and crime-saturated lives. Guilt-tripping whites is where the money and other perks are.

Columnist DeWayne Wickham wrote about this strange phenomenon. Last month, Kevin West (and others), the son of a friend, was killed in a typical black-on-black, drug-related crime. He wrote (emphasis added):

As troubling as it is that [Sean] Bell’s life might have been cut short by the unlawful actions of some rogue cops, it bothers me more that most of this nation’s black murder victims are killed by other blacks. And despite this chilling fact, nowhere have tens of thousands of people taken to the streets recently to protest this carnage. Not in New York, or Baltimore, or Atlanta, or Detroit, or Chicago. Nowhere.

Of the country’s 14,860 homicide victims in 2005, 7,125 were black, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. And of the 3,289 cases that year in which a single black was killed by a single assailant, the FBI says, 91% of the killers were black.

Let me put this another way: The number of blacks killed in 2005 in this one homicide category alone approaches the total of all the blacks lynched in this country from 1882 to 1968, according to records maintained by Tuskegee University.

Sad stats, indeed.

Wickham wonders, as I do, why blacks turned out in droves to “protest” police actions in the killing of Sean Bell in New York City, but West’s death was a footnote. No need to wonder. Entitlements and concessions are what they care about, not black lives. Ironically enough, one of Bell’s killers may have been black, but all we read and heard were implications of white racism. Dolts.

Also see “No, the Cops Didn’t Murder Sean Bell.”

Now, what could be happening is that blacks are protesting against and ranting about black-on-black crime, and the jaded media simply fail to report it. After all, black-on-black and black-on-white crimes are more common, but just the perception of white-on-black crime gets their investigative reporting juices flowing. Possibly…but not likely. If blacks are protesting against something, you better believe a reporter from somebody’s newspaper will be there.

Look, I understand the all-too-human tendency to point fingers, but important to the development of good character is a willingness to face hard truths. Black crime rates are out of control, and it’s not white peoples’ faults. Criminality and incarceration (however brief) is a defining characteristic of black subculture. The least of our concerns are drunk white men at house parties or perceived “racist” police shootings. If white cops want to kill black men and white boys want to rape black women, they’ll need to kill and violate a hell of a lot of them to catch up to black-on-black crime stats.

Post takeaway: Hypocrisy and idiocy are equal opportunity afflictions.

Addendum: Lots of Duke news at The Johnsville News.

Also see Harry Jackson’s “Open Letter to the Black Community” and Thomas Sowell’s “The real issue at Duke.”

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comment: La Shawn is in my blogroll and I have been readin her for a long time.. It wouldnt take you very long to discover for yourself, but I'll just go ahead and let you know, that La Shawn dont dont sugar-coat a damn thang !!

I dont have Imaging on this blog, and there is more to this that I caint transfer, so do YOURSELF a favor and go read her blog.. If you have people that give you grief over your lack of PC and Diversity like I do, then she will be able to help you deal with it.. I dont always agree with her opinion, but I TRUST it and if she says it and I dont agree with it, I will give it more consideration ..

But with this story, I can tell that there is more to it and I trust her to return to it and share what she finds..

She seems to be takin the same stance as Bill Cosby has on the problem of black-on-black crime.. Bein outspoken on the problem dont bring fame and fortune, so most black leaders avoid it like the plague !! And that dont help solve any of it.. And if a white leader expresses concern, then they are bigots and racists.. Its a "NO WIN" situation..

But the Black folks are chiselin their own names in the stones and they wont help themselves and they wont let anybody else help em either.. They are their own worst enemy but thats not how they want it to be shown..

If they can wail and moan about "the man" bein the one that keeps em down, then Pelosi, Kennedy, and the rest of the liberal leaders will keep dem big fat checks comin !! But the liberals dont seem to understand that THEY really are responsible for the demise of the black culture and society, and worse, Black Pride ..

This is just another example of how the Democrats and the Liberals destroy everythang they touch !! If you ever hear the sunzabitches say "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help" , GET AS FAR AWAY FROM EM AS YOU CAN, AND AS SOON AS YOU CAN !!

Sellin Out The Kids !!

from here:

by Jim Kouri, CPP

Thousands of Illegal Aliens Preying on Children
January 02, 2007 07:12 PM EST

Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security had announced that arrests during the first two years of Operation Predator, an initiative aimed at foreign nationals who prey on children, have exceeded 6,000.

The majority of the arrests under Operation Predator -- roughly 85% -- have involved foreign nationals in this country whose child sex crimes make them eligible for removal from the United States. By matching immigration databases with state Megan’s law directories, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have arrested more than 1,800 registered sex offenders.

With federal, state and local law enforcement working together, the initiative has resulted in 6,085 child predator arrests throughout the country -- an average of roughly 250 arrests per month and eight arrests per day. While arrests have been made in every state, most have occurred in these states: Arizona (207), California (1,578), Florida (255), Illinois (282), Michigan (153), Minnesota (190), New Jersey (423), New York (367), Oregon (148) and Texas (545).

"We are seeing an alarming number of illegal aliens with criminal records for everything from homicides to rapes of children as young as three years of age," states former NYPD Detective Sid Francis, who investigated sex crimes in New York City.

Research in the area of child pedators is disturbing and, at times, out and out shocking. Det. Francis studied arrest reports involving criminal aliens who committed child sex crimes including Julio Cesar Rabago-Magana, a Mexican man who sexually assaulted a four-year-old child in a basement in Minneapolis, Minn. Rabago-Magana pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal sexual conduct. After serving his criminal sentence, he was arrested by Immigration agents at his St. Paul home and deported six days later.

"The illegal immigration problem is allowing hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens to invade our nation and kill, maim, rob and abuse our citizens, " warns the one of the vice presidents of the 14,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police. Research revealed that in one 9-month period the federal government arrested over 100,000 criminal aliens. These arrests do not include arrests made by state and local law enforcement.

Det. Francis adds that our political leaders and the mainstream news media practically ignore this issue and pro-llegal immigration advocates resort to name-calling to silence anyone who attempts to sound the alarm.

"If anything, the President and the two houses of Congress are actually helping these fiends enter the US to assault citizens and their children. They appear more intent on locking up border patrol agents that stopping illegal alien thugs."

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others, and he's a columnist for TheConservativeVoice.Com. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com,, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he's a board certified protection professional.

comment: When Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy start talkin bout the "por illegals" next time, shove this in their gotdam face !! In fact, print this out and keep it in a pocket or purse and when one of those bleedin-heart liberals start spoutin shit about the illegals "just huntin jobs", well, you know what to do !! Then kick their stupid asses..

The Liberals seem to thank that its OK for the illegals to declare war on our kids, and that its OK for the Radical Mooselimbs to declare war on The West.. To them, this and the attack on the WTC and The Pentagon never happened !! They want to open the border and give em amnesty, then take our tax money and reward these dirtbags .. They want to give em free food, free housin, free utilities, free medical, and then give em a free check.. The sunzabitches have got to be fuggin crazy, cause caint nobody be THAT gotdam stupid !!

NOW, would somebody PLEASE explain to me how these booger-eattin-mohrons got elected/re-elected last November ??And another damn thang.. Go back up and re-read that part about the Media not wantin to publish this information, and then try to convince me that the Media aint Anti-American !! I dare ya !!

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Wrong Direction

2006 was a year that saw all our energy and actions scattered all over the place.. We backed-up as much or more than we went forward.. We had Git-R-Done Generals all over Iraq and then they were all changed to the Hearts and Minds bunch that we still have there.. And now they are all standin around wonderin what went wrong !!

We had millions of Illegals marchin in the streets, and then D.C. had a get-together and passed some kind of Immigration Reform that is just gonna be UNDONE after the new Critters get in charge soon and then they will grant amnesty for em.. Still, our borders will be open to anybody and everybody that wants to cross it..

Its been over 5 years now since the WTC/Pentagon attacks, and the people in D.C. are just now comin up with the idea that they may need to expand the Military to account for the Mooselimb World declarin War againt the U.S. .. But what folks dont kow is that they have still been DOWNSIZIN the Military durin all this time.. THEY NEVER STOPPED CUTTIN IT, AND STILL AINT !!

Our Transportation System needs some serious attention too.. Cargo is bein transported on busy hiways all across this country and a lot of it is potential death for many many people.. The people behind the wheel of these big trucks need lookin at to see what they are and who they are.. WAY too many of the drivers are unchecked and have questionable histories and motives..

Lots of the places around this country that store and use dangerous materials are unprotected or are protected by some nafarious people that are affiliated to Groups that wish us harm.. Hazardous chemicals and radioactive material is not bein taken seriously and bein kept safe from attacks or thieves..

Our PC Policies are gonna get us killed !! Profilin is gonna have to happen, folks.. We just caint let it keep on like it is with the enemy walkin thru our country's doors without bein confronted.. We KNOW who our enemy is now.. We KNOW what they look and act like like and it aint the Mormons or the Catholics or the Quackers !!

Our very own fellow countrymen are takin us down a road to self destruction.. Gun Control is gonna be a HOT TOPIC here soon.. Thats gonna be the one that is gonna give me a fuggin heart attack too !! I'll probably completely lose it when they start tryin to inact new gun laws and restrictions..

Our Media and Press have been allowed to run wild like an unruley child.. They dont have any conscience either.. They have and will reveal any Secret Program or info that they can get their grubby little fangers on.. The media has destroyed any Foreign Relations we had with some badly needed allies.. Those Allies put theirselves at great risk to help the U.S. and when the Media discloses that info, it makes those allies back off and refuse to give us any more help.. I dont have to tell you thats a dangerous problem that needs to stop !!

There is much that needs to be done to secure our safety and future survival, folks.. I was gonna shut up about the threats and do what I could to make sure I had me and my family and friends protected, but I just caint do that.. I'm still gonna keep makin preparations but I'm also gonna try and see who else I can wake up to what is comin.. We are only gonna have safety in numbers, and right now the numbers aint that big..

To my regular visitors, I'm gonna apologize now for all the grief its gonna cause you folks.. You are probably gonna see some nasty shit hit these pages this year from the trash that is gonna follow me back here from my journeys around the web.. You never can tell where I may have been givin the Dirtbags a rash of shit either, but when I find one, I'm gonna do all I can to run his gotdam ass in the ground !!

The time for screwin around is OVER !! Its time to take some serious measures to get the word out and keep it on everybodies lips passin around.. I dont know what all I'm gonna be doin here or how I'm gonna do it yet, but I will ga-rawn-tee that it aint gonna be dull or borin !! So, pull your hat down tight, oil up your pistols and count you ammo, cause I'm GOIN IN !!