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Selective Outrage Over Black Crime Victims
Update: If Darrent Williams’s killer is black, expect to hear no more about the case. However, if the killer is white, expect man-bites-dog media coverage.
Also not of interest to the “black community” or white liberal media: latino-on-black crime.
Nifong responds to media after his swearing in ceremony (video).
Why did certain blacks in Durham, North Carolina, rally around a black stripper claiming to have been gang raped by three white men but virtually ignore the more destructive trend of black-on-black crime in their midst? (Duke blogger KC Johnson elaborates on blacks’ deafening silence about the latest developments in the so-called rape case.)
Last year, four young black men were murdered by a black man in a drug-related incident, and I don’t remember the national or local NAACP or black citizens of Durham protesting against the perpetrator. I don’t recall the so-called New Black Panthers showing up at the courthouse and shouting him down, either.
New Black Panther member Bruce Bridges said, “We’re here today because a human life has been violated in the city of Durham, and we’re here seeking justice.” (Source)
Isn’t death a more serious violation than rape? Isn’t taking a human life the ultimate violation?
Durham County School Board member Jackie Wagstaff reportedly said, “I am here with these brothers because it appears Durham does not want to see the truth.”
What about the truth of “brothers” killing other “brothers”? Were Bridges and Wagstaff protesting in front of the courthouse or in front of the murderer’s house after he killed four black men? Why is it that black “activists” shout and camera-hog about rumors of white-on-black crimes but express no outrage about black-on-black crime that goes on daily?
My assessment is well-known. It is neither profitable nor psychically satisfying to speak out against or address black-on-black violence. So-called black leaders and others inclined to protest have no interest in chastising their own people for living careless, reckless, fruitless, and crime-saturated lives. Guilt-tripping whites is where the money and other perks are.
Columnist DeWayne Wickham wrote about this strange phenomenon. Last month, Kevin West (and others), the son of a friend, was killed in a typical black-on-black, drug-related crime. He wrote (emphasis added):
As troubling as it is that [Sean] Bell’s life might have been cut short by the unlawful actions of some rogue cops, it bothers me more that most of this nation’s black murder victims are killed by other blacks. And despite this chilling fact, nowhere have tens of thousands of people taken to the streets recently to protest this carnage. Not in New York, or Baltimore, or Atlanta, or Detroit, or Chicago. Nowhere.
Of the country’s 14,860 homicide victims in 2005, 7,125 were black, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. And of the 3,289 cases that year in which a single black was killed by a single assailant, the FBI says, 91% of the killers were black.
Let me put this another way: The number of blacks killed in 2005 in this one homicide category alone approaches the total of all the blacks lynched in this country from 1882 to 1968, according to records maintained by Tuskegee University.
Sad stats, indeed.
Wickham wonders, as I do, why blacks turned out in droves to “protest” police actions in the killing of Sean Bell in New York City, but West’s death was a footnote. No need to wonder. Entitlements and concessions are what they care about, not black lives. Ironically enough, one of Bell’s killers may have been black, but all we read and heard were implications of white racism. Dolts.
Also see “No, the Cops Didn’t Murder Sean Bell.”
Now, what could be happening is that blacks are protesting against and ranting about black-on-black crime, and the jaded media simply fail to report it. After all, black-on-black and black-on-white crimes are more common, but just the perception of white-on-black crime gets their investigative reporting juices flowing. Possibly…but not likely. If blacks are protesting against something, you better believe a reporter from somebody’s newspaper will be there.
Look, I understand the all-too-human tendency to point fingers, but important to the development of good character is a willingness to face hard truths. Black crime rates are out of control, and it’s not white peoples’ faults. Criminality and incarceration (however brief) is a defining characteristic of black subculture. The least of our concerns are drunk white men at house parties or perceived “racist” police shootings. If white cops want to kill black men and white boys want to rape black women, they’ll need to kill and violate a hell of a lot of them to catch up to black-on-black crime stats.
Post takeaway: Hypocrisy and idiocy are equal opportunity afflictions.
Addendum: Lots of Duke news at The Johnsville News.
Also see Harry Jackson’s “Open Letter to the Black Community” and Thomas Sowell’s “The real issue at Duke.”
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comment: La Shawn is in my blogroll and I have been readin her for a long time.. It wouldnt take you very long to discover for yourself, but I'll just go ahead and let you know, that La Shawn dont dont sugar-coat a damn thang !!
I dont have Imaging on this blog, and there is more to this that I caint transfer, so do YOURSELF a favor and go read her blog.. If you have people that give you grief over your lack of PC and Diversity like I do, then she will be able to help you deal with it.. I dont always agree with her opinion, but I TRUST it and if she says it and I dont agree with it, I will give it more consideration ..
But with this story, I can tell that there is more to it and I trust her to return to it and share what she finds..
She seems to be takin the same stance as Bill Cosby has on the problem of black-on-black crime.. Bein outspoken on the problem dont bring fame and fortune, so most black leaders avoid it like the plague !! And that dont help solve any of it.. And if a white leader expresses concern, then they are bigots and racists.. Its a "NO WIN" situation..
But the Black folks are chiselin their own names in the stones and they wont help themselves and they wont let anybody else help em either.. They are their own worst enemy but thats not how they want it to be shown..
If they can wail and moan about "the man" bein the one that keeps em down, then Pelosi, Kennedy, and the rest of the liberal leaders will keep dem big fat checks comin !! But the liberals dont seem to understand that THEY really are responsible for the demise of the black culture and society, and worse, Black Pride ..
This is just another example of how the Democrats and the Liberals destroy everythang they touch !! If you ever hear the sunzabitches say "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help" , GET AS FAR AWAY FROM EM AS YOU CAN, AND AS SOON AS YOU CAN !!