Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Whiskey Made Me Do It !!

from here: (in the blogroll)

Reflecting on the Gerstein disclosures, part 2

Jay Nordlinger writes in his NRO Impromptus column this morning:

I have a friend who, in a phone conversation last weekend, said the unsayable. Come to think of it, this friend makes a specialty of saying the unsayable. That is one reason he is invaluable.
He said, “The Democrats have to win in 2008 — I mean, the whole enchilada: House, Senate, and presidency.” You ought to know that my friend is a staunch conservative Republican. “Why?” I said. “Why do they have to win?” He answered, “Because that’s the only way they will be fully onboard the War on Terror. They won’t fully support it otherwise, because they will always be trying to trip up the Republicans. If you want the Democrats onboard the War on Terror, they have to be in charge. Period.”

A dark, dark proclamation. And redolent of ol’ Joe, the one from Wisconsin. I am not entirely convinced of its wrongness, however.

By contrast with Jay, I think both John Hinderaker and I are almost entirely convinced of its rightness.

comment: Power-hungry bunch of Egotistocal, Anti-American, Non-Patriotic Sunzabithces !!

The (D)s are so gotdam hell-bent on POWER and GLORY that they will sell our ass down the fuggin river just so they can be SOMEBODY !! If they caint be IMPORTANT, then just F.U.C.K. us .. F.U.C.K. the whole gotdam country !!

For THEM to support America's safety and security and survival, we have to have another Slick Willie or John Kerry as President, and Spooky Pelosi and John Conyers type runnin Congress ..

So, once again I'm askin.. PLEASE explain to me why there is ONE of these sunzabitches left in Office in this United States ?? Why have Firin Squads not been busy for the last few years riddin this country of these varmints ?? And just how fuckin BAD is it gonna have to get before AMERICANS wake-the-hell-up and rid this MONKEY we have on our back ??

disclaimer: My sincere apologies to any primate readin this .. Please excuse any reference to MONKEY in the preceedin paragraph, as it is not intended to be a derogatory resemblance to our fine members of the Animal Kingdom.. Its just an old adage that was used in days past to signify a burden that we impose on ourselves that brings us misery and pain.. And besides, we know that even a fuckin MONKEY has enuff sense to be anythang other than a gotdam DEMOCRAT !!


Blogger Papa Ray said...

Wild Bill, you better take that $50 grand and buy more weapons and ammo.

Lots to do, and not much time to do it.

Papa Ray

1:31 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Papa Ray, I have to admit that I aint as well stocked as I'd like to be..

I'm tryin to get Property Taxes paid and I'm short on the funds to get up-to-grade ..

Sittin on 30 days food and water, ammo, and meds.. Short on fuel and explosives !!

Got one load of firewood this mornin and gonna get another this afternnon.. With what I already got, that gives me 3 to 4 weeks of heat.. Gonna rain here the next coupla days and I plan to re-fill my "gray water" .. After that its gonna be COLD weather here for a few days and wind is gonna be "favorable" ..

To be absolutely honest Papa Ray, I've never been very open with my preps.. Any chance of us gettin together private and discuss our plans ?? I'm usually not very "second-guessin"(read as hard-headed) , but I aint really wantin to take any chances I dont have to !! But I'm satisfied that I have thangs as much under control as is possible for me.. I'm not as concerned as you should be tho.. You are gonna be in a HIGH TARGET AREA and the winds aint gonna be all that favorable for you and The Princess..

I'm in a Low Density Area and most of the people around here know not to tread in "The Crazy One-Legged Man's" Terrority..

I have ONE major weakness, and thats COMM. .. I have NO HAM and only RCV Short Wave and CB is only planned right now.. I've got all the equip but it aint all functional yet..

I've got 1000watts of CB that I can link to Paris and my whole County with.. Is CB still as popular there as it used to be ?? I spent a few summers in Roscoe and my Mama lives in Snyder.. Did you ever see the comment I left at RT's about stoppin in to see you if/when I went to visit my Mama ??

2:37 PM, January 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to know I'm in like-minded company, WB. I was just telling friends tonight I've got to increase the protection for the homestead. One friend thinks I'm absolutely crazy!! I'm curious, though, as to what would be required to survive. I live in an Air Force town, 45 minutes from SF. Any tips, WB? I've never served so I don't have any training on survival! I have my earthquake kit, though, and firewood, and true blue American spirit!

12:08 AM, January 12, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Lots of circumstances direct a persons needs .. You live in Cali where more of the criminal element is armed than the law abidin citizens, so you will need the BIGGEST, BADDEST weapons you can get ahold of and have plenty of ammo for em.. You also have to look at your area.. Knowin how many others around you are also prepared counts into the equation..

With what info I have gathered, its gonna be people that set up an "Alamo" type system that are gonna be in the best shape.. The old sayin about "safety in numbers" is really gonna be the test..

What you hear about
"The Green Zone" in Iraq is gonna be a pretty good model of what we will see here..

I will say that folks that live in apartment complexes and large buildins wont make it !! They are gonna get burnt out or die in the fires..

Along with worryin bout self POLICE protection, a person should also prepare for their own FIRE protection too.. I've never heard anybody else approach this subject when talkin bout Preparedness tho..

One way of ire Protection is if you have a washer/dryer connection, you can get one of those heavy duty waterin hoses.. The heavy reinforced rubber ones, not the flimsy plastic ones.. It wont take up much room behind the washer either..

From what I remember of you area tho. the winds are common to come fron toward Frico and the Bay area.. That gonna raise your RISK LEVEL too.. I would make sure I had the plastic sheet and duct tape handy too..

You can take your standard plan from the Disaster Preparedness Center near you and tweak it to where you feel comfortable, but you MUST be aware of adjustments you need to make.. AWARENESS of your situation and surroundins is gonna be the most important function you can use.. The closer you live to Supermarkets and Business Centers is gonna mean an increased risk to you.. Those areas draw trouble in an intense situation..

The best and most advice I give everybody, is to get a cabin WAAAAY the hell out in the woods or a cave in the mountains and have it stocked and ready to be occupied and guarded !!

WND in my blogroll has a site listed down on their page that gives guidelines for prep and is a good resource as to needs on a "common" scale, but it still has areas of unknown requirements..

Another thang I would recommend everybody have is "Betadine Solution".. Its what doctors and nurses use to scrub with before they operate and can be used in the treatment of wounds and also is good in case of radiation !!

Other than that, I'm not privy to the info that I could make much recommendations about.. But feel free to ask me about stuff and I'll do my very best to give you my thoughts on it..

Just keep that American Spirit and it will make sure you get thru it !!

3:05 PM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Marnie Mowles. I am the proud wife of a USMC 100% Total &
Permanent disabled combat Viet nam Veteran. He served two tours in
Nam with the 1/9, also known as ,"The Walking Dead."

I would like to thank the Military men and women that have served
and that are serving for my freedom and all you have done and are
still doing for our country. I am forever grateful and you will
never be forgotten by me. I consider you all my HEROES !!!

I always make it a point to thank a Veteran and tell them how
grateful I am for my freedom . Thanks to you all I am able to type
this letter.

I consider it an honor to tell people I am married to a USMC
Vietnam Veteran. We have a 20 year age difference and he has been
my rock for 12 years.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that have served and
are still serving in the Military for my freedom and all you've
done and are still doing for our country.

I know you all have sacrificed so much for me and our country .
Words will never be able to tell you all how grateful I am.

I know I have taken a lot for granted but I started thinking just
how lucky I am to have my freedom thanks to you all.

Please know that you will never be forgotten by me.

I told my husband if he should die before me I am going to dedicate
my life to our Military men and women.

I want to be able to give each and everyone of you a hug and bring
happiness to your lives.

Since I am not able to hug each and everyone of you , please
accept a cyber hug from me and know you are my HEROES !!!

In all sincerity , I can honestly say , "I love you."

God Bless each and everyone of you.

Forever Grateful,
Marnie Mowles

5:07 PM, January 14, 2007  

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