Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Main Street (insert your area)

from here:

Main Street Fallujah
How long will it be before the first Iraq-caliber IED is employed in the United States?

William Lind doesn’t set a timetable in this Counterpunch article, but he’s almost positive it’ll happen. I suggested as much during a recent public appearance where fall-out from the war in Iraq was discussed, though both Lind and I were looking at different sets of perpetrators and victims. In the case of the former it was criminals vs. the cops, for me it was terrorists vs. you and me. I don’t know that anyone was thinking that we might have to watch Muslim-on-Muslim violence play out in our own home towns, as this story in Detroit indicates.

Late Saturday night, 12 Muslim businesses and mosques were vandalized, with 11 of the 12 belonging to members of the Detroit Shi’a population. None of the targeted buildings were owned by Irai-American Christians or members of the Lebanese community. It is suspected that the atacks were in retaliation to the celebrations seen in the streets at the news of Saddam Hussein’s execution. While so far there have been no Shi’a reprisal attacks on Sunni businesses and mosques, it is a realistic fear among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The potential for more deadly attacks certainly exists if such tension escalates.

At a practical/functional level, IEDs in America are a reality. The raw materials for basic models are readily available in bulk and that high-end designs can be produced with tools that any well stocked Sears can provide. Disused artillery shells are fairly rare in this country, but there is no shortage of small arms ammunition, blackpowder or any number of other formulas that could suffice as a suitable charge.

As far as placement goes anyone tracking developments in Iraq knows that vehicles are the target of choice and this is probably the car-friendly nation. Drive home tonight and glance over at the side of the road for all the seemingly innocent items that could be used to hide a shaped charge. Targeting specific businesses or homes is obviously a very real possibility and most homes don’t have a “green zone” to protect them from explosive violence.

If domestic sectarian violence is the forum for use then deployment should be fairly narrowly focused in certain neighborhoods of cities with a large Muslim population, but attacks against Muslims would only be the start. The earliest attacks would undoubtedly result in a massive surge of law enforcement (certainly local but assuredly federal – with a Guard presence to boot) and the focus of such weapons would not be restricted to Muslims for long.

comment: OK, now take my last post and incorporate it with this one, and what do you get ?? You get Unions or Drug Cartels or MOB Families havin ALL OUT WAR on our streets !!

If you thank that you will get Federal or National Guard protection you are most likely BADLY mistaken !! They will be ordered to protect the Mooselimbs and their Mosques and businesses by the Liberals.. Gotta maintain those votes, you know !!

So you thank the Local Police are gonna help you ?? You gotta be shittin me.. They will retire, relocate, or join the dirtbags and get a higher salary than they have poundin the beat ..

Seems that somebody else is recognisin the danger that we could be seein in the VERY NEAR FUTURE besides me.. If you read here regularly, which you should, then you may remember the call I made a while back for more (double) of the National Guard Force than we have now.. This is one GOOD reason, but there are many many more advantages to a larger NG ..

The Brits are havin their Forces guard their Nuke Facilities, Chemical Plants, and any other serious threat target now.. We should be too, but most likely we dont have the numbers to support that need.. I say " GET EM DAMMITT, RIGHT FUGGIN NOW" !!


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