Ya might wanna skip this one cause its more for me than you..
I just need to vent some steam..
The Kid has been sick for the last week and everythang I have tried to do for her has been met with a big fuggin
NO from her Mama.. After a week of NO NO NO and NO, I finally gave up and quit tryin today.. Late today the Mrs. was almost in tears and yelled "I have a sick kid and nobody gives a fuck" !!
Lots of folks give a fuck, but aint that many that want to fight their way thru a rabid pitbull just to save a drowning kitten.. MOSTLY, against the wishes of the Mrs. , I have rocked, held, snuggled, cooked, played music, kept track of med times, and suggested everythang I could thank of to make the Kid comfortable and happy.. For the last week I have been told
NO so many fuckin times that today when the Mrs. would ask my opinion about somethin, I would just look at her .. For the last week when she would ask my opinion, I would be lucky to get a thought out of my mouth before she started sayin NO !! If she aint even gonna consider what I have to say, then why does she even gotdam ask me ??
This is a perfectly good example of why stepdads often act the way they do.. Stepdads are commonly pushed into the corner when it comes to dealin with their stepkids.. Step MOMS get the same treatment, if not worse!! Grandparents are usually just fucked when it comes to this situation tho.. MOM IS ALWAYS RIGHT, and if the kid has to die to prove it, so be it !! But the stepdad gets the blame for it tho cause he didnt scream loud enuff !! Sorry, but I aint much of a screamer .. I can RANT with the best of em, but I aint bout to try and get between a mother and her sick child !! The Kid gets well and I thank me and the Mrs. is gonna have to have a little talk tho !! I really dont thank its gonna do much good.. She has too much Liberal Dimmocrat in her blood and those folks dont pay much attainchen to us Conservatives anyway !! About this time, some would just say that they dont give a shit and that its her Mama's problem, but I'm different I guess.. Me and the Kid have a special bond with each other.. She is austistic and I'm crippled.. We understand that we both have our limitations and we dont fault each other for it..