Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Its All Comin Together Now

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Itried my latest batch of homebrew and it is now ready for "prime time" and I canned 2 gallons of salsa yesterday and the ribs are ready to marinade and I got a coupla big steaks to grill too.. From the looks of it tho its gonna be rainy and soggy so figger its gonna be much of a get together after all.. It aint gonna rain forever(Ihope) and we will still get to us a good time sooner or later..

The Mrs. started whinin when she saw how many jalepenos I was gonna put in it so I left out a bunch of em and now my salsa is kinda whimpy !! I can still stir in some cayene pepper before I serve it tho and it wont be quiet so whimpy..

I dont know what the problem was with my cilantro.. It had a darker and milder taste than I am used to cilantro tastin like.. It aint bad, but just not the same.. It may just not be as fresh as I'm used to..

But I did get rid of a shitload of my tamaters that I have had stuck all over the house.. All the window sills have been full and pansfull on the washin machine and dryer in the laundry room and there wadnt a spare inch of counter space and we have a huge, long counter..

I didnt let any "lips and assholes" get into my salsa either !! Thats my term for stuff that gets thrown into products you buy, like bologna and hot dogs.. I culled every little hard piece of tamater and any tuff skin on the onion and cleaned all the seeds and white membrane out of the peppers and trimmed all the stems and wilted bits off the cilantro.. So it was all good stuff I pur in my salsa.. I used the ripest of my tamaters too so it has a rich mater taste and smell to it.. My limes wadnt as ripe as I would have liked but they wadnt real hard either..

Anybody else make homemade salsa and have some special ingredients that you add to it ??


Blogger Redneck Southern Belle said...

I jsut want to be over there tomorrow, instead of stuck here.

1:29 AM, July 04, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

It looks like maybe the clouds have rained theirselves out and that we may get a spell of relief tomoro..

We are gettin fog now and it sure is makin it hard for me to breathe..

I thought it was gonna keep on rainin so I aint got the ribs in the sauce yet, but it wont take em long in the mornin.. That is if I can ever get to sleep !! My new sleepin pills aint doin worth a shit.. Me and my new Doc are gonna have to have a little talk the next time I go in..

Sure would be nice if you could come join us.. We aint been able to get into the farm for about 4 days now and I know we could do some serious pickin in the garden out there now and get you a mess of stuff to take back home with you this time..

Maybe by the time ya'll get to come back down again I'll have another batch of salsa made up and it might even turn out gooder, if I can keep HER ass out of the kitchen while I'm tryin to cook it .. Pisses me off for somebody that caint hardly even scramble egss to come in my kitchen and try to tell me how to cook !! She came in and turned a burner off while I was cookin yesterday and I almost got the big spoon after her..

2:07 AM, July 04, 2007  
Blogger Almtnman said...

I haven't made any salsa, but plan on making some. What I need is a good recipe for making it.

4:20 PM, July 04, 2007  

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