Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Why Should They Even Have To Ask ??

I saw a headline to a story this mornin, and before I even knew it, I had tears flowin from my eyes.. Just what exzactly could affect this ol hard-case like that ?? It was a headline that said somethin to the effect " Are Americans Really Patriotic ?"..
I know, I know.. With all the recent, and some not-so-recent, bullshit bein spread around by politicians and Hollywood and any other sunzabitch that dont like G.W., its hard not to worry bout thangs like that sometimes..
But, what I would like to know, is just WHY would there ever NEED to be such a question asked about the folks that inhabit the BEST DAMN COUNTRY ON THIS PLANET ?? Why would people ever consider givin somebody REASON to ask that ??
I dont give a flyin shit what anybody says, there is no better Country than this one, and as long as those stupid sunzabitches dont fuggit up, then it will stay that way..
America does what it HAS to do, not just what it WANTS to do.. If America caint do what it HAS to do, then it wont stay America.. To many people want to make it where America caint do what is HAS to do.. And yes I know, thats where the question comes in..
I've heard it, and I'm sure you have too, the old bullshit that "dissent is patriotic" .. If a persons dissent hurts America, then how in the holy hell can it be patriotic ??
If somebody does somethin that hurts this Country, then you're gotdam right I'm question their patriotism !! If somebody does somethin to STOP somethin helpin this Country, then get ready, cause I'm gonna question their patriotism..
It really wouldnt be good for me to be anywhere near an Anti-American rally today !!
AMERICA .. Love it, or leave it !!
I love you America, Happy Birthday..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, by golly and bejeebers Wild Bill ya hit the nail right on the head---I feel the same way. If ya do not like this country there is a lot O space out there to move to, preferably far away from me and those WHO DO care about out values and way of life.
Yer post remind me of one titled "America Must Unite" by the old ranter. Go to Oldranter.blogspot.com and read another nail on the head piece. It is great.
Thanx for checking in on the boy @ FWHG. Seems he has alot of support by the vietnam vets of late. That is such a blessing for all of us. It is good to hear their stories after sooooooo long. Always good to hear from ya and have you in our family. Hope yer 4th of July made ya proud.

YOU make me proud...that I should live in a country with men of such crusty strength who continue to know right from wrong----and, stand up for it without fear or apology. You da man. Love to you and yers.

12:11 AM, July 05, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

MamaBear, you just wouldnt believe the 4th I have had.. If ANYBODY wadnt happy and proud around here this Holiday, its their own damn fault !!

I built the Mrs. a new picnic table, and she was tickled, and got a new red, white, and blue cloth for it.. I put it under the carport and invited some friends over who brought ground buffalo meat and we grilled buffalo burgers and sausage and hotdogs and had tater salad and baked beans with it..
Had several friends stop by to say "HOWDY" to us while we sat around the table and had MOUCHO coldbeer too.. Our street was lined from one end of town to the other with Old Glory flyin from every street corner.. Our neighbors had their boom box blastin a new version of The National Anthem by Beyonce or somebody like that.. It sounded kinda like the one Whitney Houston did that time..
I live on the Main Street in town and I saw LOTS of cars pass thru with Flags on em and yellow ribbons..
So, you could say I REALLY had a Patriotic 4th, and oh yeah, all the folks around me must have MAXED-OUT their credit cards and spent every last penny of their paychecks at the fireworks stands !! My place was like GROUND ZERO for fireworks till after midnite last nite..
I guess thats why I it pulled my heartstrings so bad when I wrote this post.. I saw some REAL, OLD FASHIONED America this last week, and when I saw that article it busted my bubble and made me come back to the reality that there are some nasty damn people out there that just dont have any respect and consideration for anybody other than themselves..
I thank about our WARRIORS riskin life-and-limb all around the World for the protection of this Country and to have some people that caint thank of nothin other than "whats in it for them" !! They dont deserve to be here in this Country.. They are usually the ones that vote straight (D) too !! Big surprise ?? It shouldnt be..
I just pray that some day there is gonna be a "New America" and that there are gonna be a lot more folks like me that believe that our Country should and will be governed by folks that think the way for us to survive and thrive is to "KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES" !! Somebody has to LEAD this World into the future and I would rather it be the U.S. than the mooselimbs !!
Its kinda like E in his Wild Bill story.. LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUTTA THE WAY !!

3:12 PM, July 05, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I've been over there at the Ranter's Place a few times, and I sure do like what he says !! He is about that ( ) far from gettin on my blogroll too..
And talkin bout the Nam Vets stories.. Its about time they got to tell their stories too.. They havent felt like anybody cared or wanted to hear em.. Till now..
John Kerry was countin on em not tellin their stories, but the Swifties fooled him !! Thank God !!

3:26 PM, July 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yer comments make me want to move to texas where ppl are not afraid to put there emotions and patriotism on their sleeves. Being we are all norwegians up here in the Northland we hold ourselves a little more in check (Not me, but lots of folks do) but we still do the VFW small town parades and such.

I do believe we have a bedrock of power and strength in this country and all that will be required to bring out that essence in every American Heart is one more terrorist evil act on the level of 911. This will be required. As my son sez on his blog unless you know someone who is deployed, wounded or got dead--you've not had to sacrifice anything. It is so true. Until the rest of America feels the heat they will go about "business as usual"

Sad that it will be required. We have such A GOOD LIFE here in the greatest country on the planet.....some have forgotten those who have gone b4 to pave the way. unfortunately, blood is required to grease the wheels of FREEDOM every now and then.

My heartfelt appreciation that you and my son stepped up to the plate when required. Patriotism is PERSONAL for you, it is a SPIRIT and will NEVER EVER DIE!!! And that my friend is POWER.

Last nite as I went to sleep I prayed for all men like you that keep us safe from predators and monsters and bullies. Whatever misery you went through MOTHER FREEDOM was at yer side.

What an honor for you and for us, the protected.

From all of us out here who know the truth I hope you can feel our love and gratitude.

Gonna have to get back to ya sometime on some O those recipes, maybe the little missess can hook me up with a great rib O the Bar-B-Q kind (you know the kind that melt in yer mouth---I know Texas is famous for)

Glad you had a great 4th. We did too, a little more subdued, but fun.

If ya haven't gone to ruricks site "oldwardogs" make the trip, it's great. See ya.

4:04 PM, July 05, 2006  

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