Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Poor Choices: Cants and Wonts

I didnt listen to the G.W. speach last nite.. I read the transcript.. I usually record his talks by way of the radio, but decided it best if I just read the written words to be sure I got EVERY detail of it right in my mind.. Besides, I had a GUT FEELIN that it would be one that I didnt want to ever hear again.. But I didnt know that it was gonna be one that I wouldnt want to ever READ again !!
The subject of the SPOKEN words was about the border and the Mescans, but the HEART of the speach was about so so much more..
Evidently G.W. thanks that the battle is not over the borders, but in who gets elected in November and again in '08.. He thanks that the Dem Party is more dangerous than Border Security.. I'm still not completely convinced of that.. Its gonna take a lot of sleepless nites to come to grips with the fact that near half the U.S. population(the Democrats) is as much a danger to our existence and survival as a group of illegal tresspassers comin across the border from all over the World !!
But, that is the only explanation I can come up with for G.W.'s actions..
Of course, I look back on the examples of Slick Willie and I really have to take a long hard look at what could come to pass if there was a Dem in the WhiteHouse in the coming years of the Great War.. I thank of where Iran and North Korea would be today in their nukular technology if Clinton hadnt given them all the Fine Points on creatin our next Nitemare.. I also thank of what action would be taken by a Dem if our Nitemares actually came true and we got hit HARD !! 9-11 was just a big train wreck compared to the disaster that COULD happen..
Can the Dem Party really be that DISTRUSTED to carry out the needed measures to do what it would take to SAVE OUR BACON ?? Do they scare G.W. bad enuff to propose doin what he said last nite ?? Is savin Republicans in POWER, that much of a MUST ??
Dont get me wrong, cause I dont thank the Dems are compelled enuff to do what is gonna have to be done to protect us.. But CAN the "R's" do what is gonna be necessary either ?? John McCain and the other LIGHTWEIGHTS are gonna balk at the hard choices too, just like the Dems..
I guess our choice is to lose now, or lose later !!


Blogger Redneck Texan said...

You see WB, when the Democrats retake control, all of our partisan conservative friends are going to point the finger at me and you as the reason why.

The only alternative I see for you and me is to pretend we support what Bush is pushing.....and we ain't real good at pretending.

If I have to blindly support what I honestly feel is wrong to keep a crazy ass liberal from coming to power, then we are probably going to have a liberal in charge.

It ain't like I abandoned Bush, he abandoned me first.

Of the price of keeping Republicans in charge is that we have to quietly stand by and let them destroy our nation to pick up some Hispanic vote, then its too high for me.

9:37 PM, May 16, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

RT, Paul at Powerline seems to be havin the same dilema that we are:

My friend Mark Tapscott argues that a Democratic victory in November wouldn't be disastrous and that, indeed, "it would be the perfect setup for a stengthened conservative majority to return in Congress in 2008, most likely with a White House occupant wise enough to recognize that the 'emerging Republican(i.e conservative) majority' had become a reality."

I'm on the road today and don't have time to respond to Mark in depth. My sense, however, is that one cannot expect to out-smart history. Thus, the most sensible course of action is to support and root for the candidates whose views most closely resemble one's own. I think, for conservatives, there's a strong natural presumption against believing that a victory by the Democratic party, particularly in its present incarnation, would prove to be a blessing in disguise, and I don't think Mark's arguments overcome that presumption.

Take notice of the part talkin support the one whose views most resemble ones own !!

I thank that on the border security issue, that G.W. dont even come close to any view that I have..

1:02 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

Wild Bill and RT, you guys are up close and personal with the criminals crossing the border.

How many would it really take? (personnel to police it)

Wouldnt a fence be a better solution?

I would support the RT option, as well.

It is OUR country. Fuck mexico.

4:26 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Hey Joe, the next article I have posted below has most of the requirements, but leaves out the numbers on the Detention Camps that are gonna be needed to house the ones that actually get across and make it to U.S. soil..
G.W.'s Plan that he talked about on TV the other nite states that we are only gonna depoprt SOME of the ones we catch to Some of the offenders countries.. And that is what really PISSES me off about the whole thang.. Why caint we deport ALL of em back to ALL the countries that the offenders come from ??
The 36,000 personnel that the plan I got calls for only allows for about 1 person-per-mile of border, per-shift.. This is not a Catch-All, Max Force number tho.. If the Mescan Para's get involved, then it is gonna take a 1/3 increase in number of personnel on the line.. And a jump in firepower for them to control the Drug Gangs and the Mescan Military that are gonna get froggy !! And you can Bet Your Ass that they are gonna try to see what our reaction is gonna be if they bring out some Big Guns ACROSS our border..

7:21 PM, May 17, 2006  

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