Monday, May 08, 2006

The Cathouse Mouse

I guess there must be a bunch of folks that have been kinda slow comin here and havent been back in my archives and seen where I was a nasty ol truck driver in my past days.. Fact is, I've done a whole bunch of thangs in my day to put food on the Wild Bill table..

Ya know, bloggin is kinda like talkin on a CB Radio.. In fact, its a LOT like CB talkin.. I guess thats why I took my old CB Handle and applied it to my blog.. My old CB Handle was/is Cathouse Mouse, and I morphed it to Cathousesays for my blog addy..

After I got off the road and quit the truckin, I set up a CB Base Station in my office at home and talked on it a lot for a few years.. I'm thankin bout settin it back up here and broadcastin again.. I'll have to get my "kicker box" out and see if it still works.. My old CB was wore out tho so I'll have to get a new one of those and take it and have it tweaked and mated with my kicker box.. Hopefully I can get all that done by next winter, in case we have another ice storm like we did a few years ago.. Back then I lost phone and power for almost a week..

I'll catch ya'll on the bouncearound, bloggin buddies !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIll, that sounds like fun!

Cathouse Mouse. It's catchy!

10:01 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey my love, glad to see you updating a little more often. Hope that means you're feeling better. Give Linda K and Miss Erin a hug for me.

10:20 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Hey there Miss S. .. Good to hear from ya..

My blood pressure is still sky-high and still likely to blow a gasket any time, but I'm hangin in there.. The more updatin comes from bein left alone more often and not bein bothered while I try to get enuff thought process together to get somethin wrote down before I lose track of my train-of-thought..
I'll get those hugs done first thang in the A.M. .. Hugs back atcha..

11:25 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I get a big kick out of it H.L. .. I know about 90 percent of the people and places around here so I get to give a lot of directions and info to help folks.. Makes me feel better when I help folks too.. Lots of folks I know are too busy to stop and visit and if they can holler at me on the radio then I can keep up on whats happenin in their world..
I dont do cell phones so when I go somewhere I can keep in contact with the home base and the Mrs. wont be so worried about what I'm gettin into.. Guess I'll have to get two of them radios now tho..

11:37 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

Thats kinda weird, WB. I, too used to be a cb fanatic. tho its been quite a while. keepin in mind my middle name, can ya guess what my handle was?

6:19 PM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

Yeah, I think bloggin is a whole lot like CB radio.

Back in the early 80s I lived in some apts next to that truck stop in Mesquite where I-30 and Hwy 80 come together by Big Town mall. And man you could buy anything in the world on the lower was a smorgasboard of sin.

You figure blogging is gonna fade away like CB?

9:46 PM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

CBs have never really died off all that much.. They dont get as much publicity any more tho.. They have become kinda antique tho.. Us ol diehards that still remember the good ol days may eventually bring CBs back into the limelite again.. I remember when folks kids would take up the phone line and so the CB was a second means of folks talkin around town.. Everybody would gather round the CB and catch up on all the gossip that happened that day and swap stories..
Unless blogs get more access to promos they might become obsolete before they ever get a good foothold .. Blogs aint indispensible like a CB was in days past.. Blogs are kinda like a new puppy.. While its still young, its fun to play with, but after it gets older, it gets a lot less "pettin" .. With so much spam and so many trolls, a blog can become a lot of work.. It has just SHOCKED me that I havent had any more bullshit on here than I have.. Hell, even my trolls have all fairly decent to me.. I guess they see how much rantin and ravin I do in my front page posts and decide they better not stir me up !!
I really prefer the Yahoo Groups type of site myself.. Its kinda like a blog that EVERYBODY can put a post on, and you get to do pics and color and all the good stuff you dont on a blog.. If they can ever incorporate the Group style into the Blog, then I thank it will really be a keeper then.. If it dont, then I thank it will finally just be another CB or Old Dog.. Lots of folks are just gonna go on to the Next Big Thang !!

10:50 PM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

Well not to mention that the vast majority of blogs are on google provided free server space and bandwidth. That has to be a large chink of change Google gives away.

I dont see how that can last forever, especially if the internet bubble bursts again. I figure there would be a hell of a lot less blogs ifin it weren't free.

11:00 PM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Rob_NC said... know we have had some storms that knocked out power,phones(landline&cell),cable for weeks.. cb operating on the auto was invaluable.. but a driver that I work with is into Ham..he swears by it,and during storms the gov. monitors exclusively..sooo keep that in mind..he says you would be amazed at the hand held ones some can really "get out"..and can run off a cig. lighter plug..

8:26 AM, May 10, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I've thought about Ham before, but I didnt enjoy it that much when I used one in the Military as a FAC .. I did mostly Military stuff on it, so the civilian side may be more fun.. Most of the civilian side Ham ops are a bunch of stuffed shirts and dont BS like I do on the CB..
I used to be able to pick up the Storm Chasers, and that was a TRIP !! I dont even know where my radio is that picks em up anymore..

12:38 PM, May 10, 2006  

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