Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Can Hardly Wait

I'm a PERV, of the FIRST ORDER !! And its my TIME OF YEAR again, almost.. I may be pushin 50 years old but if ya wanna see me with a twinkle in my eye and short of breath, then let me see a perty girl in a set of short short Daisy Duke cut-offs, and you will get your wish..

The warmer weather (we have already had 100 + temps) has brought out the skimpy outfits.. Daisy Dukes are back in style too, I guess, cause I sure have been seein a lot of em lately.. There is a carlot across the street from me and the gals have been shoppin for their graduation presents, and the Mamas have been shoppin for a new car too.. I guess the "GIG" is up now.. I blabbed the reason I sit on my front so much !! That aint the only reason tho, but that should be enuff for anybody..

Thongs are goin out of style now and it is causin me much dismay and grief, just as it did when Daisy Dukes fell out of style years ago.. I have at least gotten to enjoy many hours of admiration of the female deriere in the last few years.. I have a collection saved in my files of the "Best of the Best" of em too..

Like many others I have heard of, the bare butt dont hold the fascination of a nice ass in a thong or Dukes.. Thongs dont give much coverage, but even just that strand supplies enuff variant to it to provide the intrigue to peak interest for me..

When the workout craze took hold and Danskin became popular, no wait.. I thank it would be best if I just kept that info to myself !! Hell, now I gotta go take a cold shower after just thankin bout it !! SEE WHAT YA'LL DID.....


Blogger Rob_NC said...

..hey Bill..hehe,I can do ya one better..ever notice the height of a big truck..he who has the high ground gets the best view of weather..wife knows when its been a good day..hehehe...cheers..

7:43 PM, May 07, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Rob, I drove a Big Truck long enuff to get a MILLIOM MILES in, then hung it up !! My CB Handle is where I get the address to my blog from.. I was the "CATHOUSE MOUSE" !! I had a LARGE radio(PING PING) to go with my big mouth and was WALL-TO-WALL, AND TREETOP TALL !!
My favorite time drivin was a trip back from NYC or some other haven of the "chronicly ugly" folks, and it be on a Sunday around noon when I got to the Hot Springs Ark. area.. P/U's pullin a boat was a good sign that I would see some of those "seatcovers" that you are talkin bout.. A lot of the dedicated Sun Godesses would already be in the back of the truck on towels or lounge chairs startin their tans, or in the boat stretched out on the cushions on the way TO the lake..
Friday nite in Ala. or Miss. was a trip too.. Some guy would get his cousin out in the car and drive down the road with the inside lite on and give us Big Truck Drivers a show !!
What is your CB handle, or have you even got a radio in that "wiggle wagon" ?? snicker snicker You must be a Company Man, cause you are home and postin at Rt's too much not to be.. PLEASE, for God's sake, dont tell me you are a J.B. Hunt or Schneider driver !! I'd even settle for ya to be a "Chicken Hauler" than one of THEM !! BWAHAHAHAHA

3:31 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Rob_NC said...

.."Renegade" there Bill,cause I kind`a go my on way..and everyone knows theres a loose nut behind the old steering wheel..10-fou..
JB,nope aint drive`n no punck`n either..remember these..

..but,as of May 1,the big o is gone..we are now get this.. we in high cotton now and no we aint union..puuuuf..nasty
..Bill the cover`s aint been as good as years up the dido and hit that left lane aint no feeling like left lane mobiling..woooowooo...put in the big hole and gouge on it,baby, move over fou wheeler I GOTS GO,mama called and I could tell there was a twinkle in her eye..a cold beer,hot woman and a soft bed...yeah Bill..home every nite..sun and mon off..straw hat run..luv it..

11:34 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Rob_NC said...
..sorry Bill aint sure what happen there..this will be the last..of the blue and grey....

11:47 PM, May 08, 2006  

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