Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Battle Scars

Went to Childrens Hospital in Dallas today.. It was like a fuggin WAR ZONE !! I-35 and Loop 635 looked like IED's had been placed every few miles.. The folks over there were drivin like they were completely gotdam crazy.. They werent just havin wrecks, they were havin PILE-UPS!! And LOTS of em..
Children's was a mass of construction too.. I caint IMAGINE a hospital system in the WORLD, bein any bigger than that place is.. AND GETTIN BIGGER BY THE DAY !! Total confusion had everybodies attitudes in FULL BLOOM too..
The freaks and the wierdos were wall-to-wall !! I dont thank I have ever seen such a collection of oddballs in one place in all my life..

The Kid had her kidneys tested today and we got a good report, for a change, on that.. Evidently, her tumors aint the severe kind, and we can breathe a little easier about that.. We also dont have to go back for tests on them till NEXT YEAR !! YIPPEE !! If we could only get the same results on her heart, liver, and brain.. The Kid is fightin hard to hang in there and seems to be gettin healthier by-the-day.. I've managed to put a little weight on her skinny little ass and she stays hungry when POP cooks.. Of coarse, me and the Mrs. are puttin on the pounds just as much as the Kid is, but we dont need it.. Sacrifices !!

I suffered and wore pants with a belt today and my gall bladder is revoltin on me now.. I usually wear my bib overalls and dont have that cinch around my waist which helps to keep the pressure off my gall bladder.. Sounds like a good time to run a hot bath and let Calgon take me away tonite.. Gonna take a ceegar and a coupla coldbeers in there and just let the hot water take me away from the tension I got built up in my neck and back from today's trip.. I just dont understand how some folks can stand to go thru that rat-race day after gotdam day !! I need money, but I damn sure dont need it that damn bad.. I decided that back in the 70's when I moved over there and worked for a year, and it was a helluva lot better place to be then than it is now.. If it wadnt for the Childrens Hospital and the Kid havin to go there, I wouldnt piss on Dallas if it was on fire !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a hellova day when you wrote this post.

I am glad you got good news on The Kid's kidneys and I wish you well with the other problems.

As far as nasty traffic goes, there is a place out here that they call "the Orange Crush". It is a lovely junction where 4 freeways come together. I refer to it as a "cluster f**k" it is the worst nightmare ALL THE TIME! I live in South Orange County in So. Cal. We have some rush hour traffice, but nothing like that. When I first moved down here from central OC, it felt like there was no traffic at all by comparison.

I hope the bath and the beer helped you to relax after your day.

Hang in there.

3:52 AM, May 06, 2006  

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