Wednesday, May 10, 2006

That Was Fun

I just spent the biggest part of the last 2 hours listenin to my Poleece Radio.. They was reportin all the gotdam tornadoes bouncin around my county.. It still aint out of the county, but its past me now..
Sounds like some trees across roads and had some hail but nothin serious, YET !! It aint all that often they crank up our ONE Civil Defense Siren, but they did it twice tonite..
We had one batch of storms move thru with a coupla twisters reported, and I thought that was it, then the siren went off again and another big storm passed over, with another coupla twisters seen..
Lots of power out around here so it may be few more hours before some of the damage reports get called in..
Looks like its gonna be a long nite for the Power and Phone Companies tho!!


Blogger Rob_NC said...

..BILL watching FOX this morning you were lucky by the looks of far 3 didn`t make it..Highway 480,area..near you ?..gots of obliterated homes..again Ham operators was mentioned in the news cast...never so helpless no phone,no power,radio off the air....

8:51 AM, May 10, 2006  
Blogger Rob_NC said...

..WB,heres a report that has more details..

9:16 AM, May 10, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Where those folks got blowed away was about 80 or 90 miles from me.. We go thru there on our way to Dallas.. It was an old couple and a kid.. They sure did have a LOT of damage tho and now have a shelter set up in the school gym for those displaced..

12:30 PM, May 10, 2006  

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