Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Forgotten Pleasures

I've had a lot on my mind lately and I've missed a few chances to do stuff that make me happy and content..
I was sittin here a minute ago and just happened to remember that I had a 6-pak of beer left in the little fridge I have here in the den.. We keep it in here to put stuff in to keep from havin to go all the way to the other side of the house, to the kitchen, to get somethin or put somethin in the cold.. In the top freezer part, there are a bunch of mugs that are all frosty.. Just ready for me to come in from workin outside and be ready for a frosty mug of coldbeer, or when visitors stop and we feel like havin a cold one with our conversation..
I guess I dont have to tell ya that now I'm sittin here havin a frosty mug of coldbeer.. It took me till 11 o'clock at nite to thank of it too !! I'm startin to worry bout me .. Like I said, I've had a lot on my mind lately tho..

I'm tired of bein broke all the time and worryin bout money.. I'm thankin bout sellin my farm so that I can start drawin my disability.. They wont let me draw it if I got all this property tho.. Everybody wants to buy the farm, but nobody wants to buy this place IN TOWN !! Hell, if I could sell this place in town, I'd move to the farm in a heartbeat..

We need a new car too.. It makes me nervous to drive to Dallas or Little Rock and be out on the roads in the summer heat in our old car.. I've done a lot of work on it and its in good condition, considerin all the miles on it.. Its got new tires, battery, alternator, belts, hoses, wipers, brakes, transmission, and I caint remember what-all else.. But its still and OLD car.. And besides, I need a TRUCK !! What kinda respectable REDNECK dont have a truck ?? I guess that if I'd quit wreckin the damn thangs I'd have one tho !! One of my buddies is gonna come by in the mornin and we are gonna haul my last one, or whats left of it, from the farm to the salvage yard and have it mashed.. Sure was a nice truck before that kid on a bicycle ran out in front of me and I had to hit the ditch at about 60 mph and wound up eattin a bunch of metal pipe fence and a telephone pole and a culvert before windin up upside down.. I'd had it about 3 weeks after payin cash and only had liability insurance and didnt collect a dime on it.. I guess I wadnt supposed to have a nice truck.. I didnt even get to put any pecker tracks on the seat !!

I need a new scooter too.. I thank I've done about all the "southern engenuity" I can to the one I've got.. When I go to the store down the street on mine, all the folks that have those nice new shiny ones, give me and my old scooter some funny looks.. I've got batteries stacked all over it and wires runnin every where.. Dont none of em want to race me tho !! Did you know that those damn thangs cost 8 or 9 THOUSAND dollars tho ?? SHEEEIT !! Thats as much as some of the new cars !! But I caint live without my scooter tho.. Gotta have it.. If I could get my disability, they would pay for a bunch of it..

I thank that if I had a little extra money, I would go ahead and get this old naggin gall bladder out too.. That damn naggin pain is really gettin old.. Gotdam phantom pains in my stump are bad enuff without the gall bladder.. It'd be nice to have the money to get somebody else cut my lawn and hedges till I get healed enuff to do it myself again, instead of lettin it all go to shit and then havin to try and get it all caught-up after I get feelin better..

Aint none of it real serious shit, but just stuff that preys on my mind a lot.. All that said, I need to just count the many blessins I have and be happy.. LORD knows it could be a helluva lot worse..

Thanks for listenin to me ramble on.. I actually, really feel better now..


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