Monday, June 12, 2006

It Was A H.O.T. MOFO Today

The Mrs. had a tire on her car get almost flat yesturday, and I had her pull it up close to the storeroom where I keep my air compressor.. At the time I had a huge pork roast on the grill puttin some smoke in it and Ol Billy stopped by to have a coldbeer with us while I cooked.. We sat out under the carport havin more coldbeer till almost dark and I didnt get around to airin up the tire..
This mornin I went out to air the tire up and found that the Mrs. had been drivin around with the tire half-flat for a coupla days and had ruined the tire.. I aired the tire up a little and went to Wal-Mart and got a new tire and started puttin it on( I have my own tire machine too).. But, Bein out where I could be "saw" has its disadvantages when I'm tryin to get somethin done.. Another friend and neighbor drove by and saw me workin and decided to stop and give me a break.. We sat out in the shop, in the heat, for 2 hours or more and talked..
After he left it didnt take 15 minutes to finish the tire job and come in the house.. I was COOKED, soakin wet with sweat, and tard !!
I've got a 1 quart insulated mug that I have filled with iced tea and emptied twice since I came back in the house.. Next up is gonna be a cool shower or a long, cool soak in the tub.. I may just get me a big frosty mug of coldbeer and a ceegar and soak the heat away for a while..
Anyway, I hope I dont have to do any more tire work for a few months.. At least till it cools off some !! PHEEEWWWWW !!

I took that pork roast that I smoked yesturday and cooked a big pot of pinto beans with it last nite.. DAYUUM they sure are good !!


Blogger citizen_us said...

Got any advice for when the weather gets damn warm, WB? Gonna be in the mid-90's here over the weekend, it's gonna kill me.

We see 90's maybe 4 or 5 times a summer, altho it usually happens in august.

5:23 PM, June 15, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Load up a bunch of those perty women you seem to always have hangin around, and head to the nearest waterhole and take a dip in that cool water, then repeat as neccessary !! And dont forget to take LOTS of pics !! G~R~I~N
Are those pics from last year still on your site ?? If they are, I may just have to go back and take another look at em.. Just to refresh my memory, mind ya ..

8:35 PM, June 15, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

They may have gone to the round-file to make room for new stuff.

Ifn ya want, tho i can repost a few. just a link on the side, i reckon.

Good sound advice, i'm a thinkin'.
prolly put some of those pics in
that same link...

9:49 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Hello there Wild Bill! Funny thing. i seen you have a site and had to come check it out! Looks like you'll be seeing alot more of me now! Have a good day and try to battle out that heat. I think its only gonna get hotter.. but yea! Im with you. a cold beer and a cigar to soak the heat away! Woo Hoo..

2:03 PM, July 08, 2006  

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