Friday, February 10, 2006

I shudder To Think

It makes me sick to think that the Arhabi would try to attack a school here, like they did at Beslan(over 300 dead).. The Russian Police and Military have caught, and killed most of a group of terrorists that were plannin another Beslan-style attack today.. President Bush revealed recently that terrorists had planned to attack the tallest building west of the Mississippi, and now we hear that the Russians have foiled another school attack.. I think that if they attacked a school here, that drunk Yankees and Rednecks would take to the streets and 7-11's !! And I aint talkin of protests like the cartoon of the Pedophile of the past week or so !! I'm talkin roaming groups of Spec. Ops. missions !! NO SHIT !! If I was in the local S.W.A.T. Team, I'd choose to take that week as vacation time !! But which group would YOU choose to have goin thru your neighborhood: said SpecOps above, or gangmembers possibly from Nawlins or MS-13??

Let me get your attention a minute.. How bout you add another group goin thru your neighborhood.. I know I'm just dreamin, but, bare with me a minute.. What if you had Gary Cooper(High Noon), Clint Eastwood(Dirty Harry), Fess Parker(Dan'l Boone), John Wayne, Charles Bronson(Death Wish), Norman Swartztkoph(Desert Storm), Sonny Crocket and Tubbs, Chuck Norris, and Forrest Gump....

If you live on Long Island I dont think you have much chance of seeing it.. But, if you live in N.E Texas, you have a very good chance of seein it !! They have one of those "mock-ups" out east of town.. Its styled after Dodge City.. Old West style.. They have contests out there to see who can quick draw the fastest and shoot cardboard cutouts.. If they shoot goblins as good as they do cardboard, then we got our area pretty well taken care of.. I guess I'll have to settle for bein a back up..


Blogger citizen_us said...

One of the worse things I see happening, is the dis-emboweling of freedom of speech and expression. And freedom FROM religion.

If we allow the followers of allah the evil, and mohammed the pedophile to tell us what we can say about islam, it wont be long before their sensitive puckerholes wont be able to stomach looking at women without burqa's. and christian churches. and porkchops.

I nearly wish something WOULD happen, so we can get this shit started and done with.

The holding action we are performing now isn't doin shit.

8:34 PM, February 11, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

But you got it all wrong H. .. There is still much to do.. Much to prepare.. Much to learn of our enemy.. Much to do to build bridges between even our own countrymen, and also to enlist the French, Geman, Italian, and anybody else we can persuade to join the way to a future of calm, peace, and brotherhood..
Just think of the time we spend in restraint as a time of "Wait till you see the white's of their eyes" !!
Also, the longer we wait, the more the folks that have ridiculed us and cursed us have to get a taste of the menace that we have been hell-bent on destroying the past decade.. Let them get a gut-full of the Radical Islamists shit !! Let them get ill to their stomach at even the mention of the "Religion of Peace" !! Let them choke on sharia law !! Let them get cold chills from the stares of the mooselimbs cause they have on a Cross!! Let them feel the stones rain on them when they get caught with a Bible in their possession !!

Keep in mind what a Policemen's worst fear is !! Bein called to a domestic dispute call.. The guy beats the shit out of his wife or girlfriend, she calls the cops, they show up and she starts cryin and raisin hell when they try to take the fugger to jail !! She gets her ass beat enuff or bad enuff and she dont have any complaints about em keepin his ass locked up as long as they want !! Thats what this holding action is gonna get accomplished.. Let these pissants that have been givin us a bunch of shit about goin to war on lies and that we are just pickin on the poor mooselimbs !! Let them fuggers in the EU get a GOTDAM good taste of what it feels like to be a 2nd or 3rd class citizen in their own fuggin country.. Let them snarky sunzabitches get a damn good taste of eattin shit for while.. I almost want the cocksuckers to have to BEG the U.S. to come save their sorry, miserable, worthless asses !!

9:32 PM, February 11, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

And another gotdam thang !! I want to send all these anti-war protesters we have here, over there to get a first-hand look at what the rest of us have been tryin to tell em was gonna happen.. I want Cindy Sheehan to see how far her protests go over there.. I want to see who gives a flyin fuck about John Kerry's nuance over there.. I want Jack Murtha to go over there and tell THOSE FOLKS that the U.S. Military is broken and that they shouldnt count on us to come save em, so they should just go ahead now and kiss their ass goodbye and give up !! I want the New York Times to go OVER THERE and try to print what the Islamofacists are doin .. I want them to print their most deeply held secrets ON THE GOTDAM FRONT PAGE !! I want Jesse Jackson to go over there and get up in the town square and rant and rave about how the black christians are bein denied their civil rights !! I want Louis Farrakan, OH< nevermind that one !! I want N.O.W. and the N.A.G.S. to go over THERE and talk shit about how women are treated !!
The Nazi's saw fit to incinerate the Jews they slaughtered, but the Arhabi aint gonna do nuthin but let the folks they kill lay in the streets and dust and mud till the buzzards and wild dogs eat em !! I want people to realize that, but I'm afraid that is the only way they will ever get a grasp on reality.. Its such a fuggin shame it has to be that way tho..
Why do some people have to live their lives in such a fuggin fog?? The bad part is that they want everbody else to live in a fog too..
I got news for these idjits drivein around in the fog tho.. That fuggin sign you just passed said "BRIDGE OUT" !!

10:02 PM, February 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your guys are done in NE Texas, will you send them on over to Fairfield, CA? I'll need backup!

Yesterday I sent to a military funeral for a 21-year old soldier killed by an IED. There were no protests at the chapel for the service. But at the Veterans Hall, where everyone went following the service, these young, vacuous looking jackasses were there with banners protesting the war! And a hippie looking Sheehan wannabe was helping them, as well. They asked people to honk their horns if they felt this was not a sanctioned war. You should have heard the horns.

I have never been so friggin ashamed of my state as I was yesterday.

7:49 AM, February 12, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Fairfield is right outside Travis, AFB if I remember right.. I was there as a young Air Force member back in the 70's.. I was at Travis for a month and a half and only went off base once !! Didnt take but once either !! Me and my runnin buddy, also a Texan, went to Fairfield to just kill some time somewhere different.. We didnt have transport so we walked.. Right outside the gate was the usual strip and gay bars, but they werent what we were interested in.. We went on in toward town and found a damn good chinese food place and pigged-out and had a few beers and took in a little of the local flavor and talked to a few people that were intriqued by our Texas accent.. Met some real nice folks and had a lot of fun, but it was close to dark when we started walkin back and 4 guys, and I use that term loosely, were gonna "roll" us and take our money.. I guess they hadnt been aquainted with Texans that much, but they got a good education in TEXAN that evenin !! I'm 6 foot 1 and my runnin buddy 6 foot 3 or 4, and we had been humpin 100 to 150 pound sacks of mail and stereo systems all nite long for the last month at that time..
But, it seems that the sentiment you relate from yesterday was already pretty prevalent back then too.. We could even see it on base too.. Nowhere else in the States did I ever run into anti military like I did at Travis and Fairfield.. I just attributed it to the location in reference to San Fran and Sacremento tho.. We here in Texas have our "San Fran" too tho.. We call it Austin !! But, the tradition of protestin military members funerals was, I think, started by Rev. Fred Phelps, who is a Kansas resident.. I'm afraid the Good Lord would have a serious bone to pick with me if I ever met up with Rev. Phelps.. Matter of fact, the Good Lord may still be holdin what we did to those guys at Fairfield against me too !!
Jesus said to "forgive them, for they know not what they do".. But it still hurts like hell..It just aint right !!

3:08 PM, February 12, 2006  

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