Tuesday, January 10, 2006

No Ifs, Ands, Or Democrats

Mostly Cajun, who is in my blogroll, has 2 great posts up on his site today.. They are about folks that deny logic.. FOOLS, if you will..

There is gonna be a lot of money spent in the area of the coast of Texas and Loisianna, and Mississippi, and a LOT of that money is gonna come out of mine and your pocket.. What I'm gonna have a hard time with is the way that money is spent.. I dont have any problems with the money bein spent in a way that will be cost effective, well managed, applied where needed, and not linin somebodies kinfolks pockets that aint doin a damn thang to earn it.. I dont think it would be very well spent on consultants and surveys and studies either.. Just do what can be done to put folks back in their homes and businesses !! PERIOD !!

Take the Nawlins levee for example.. How high and wide and strong could the levee have been built with the money they pissed-off on their fuggin committees and other total bullshit ?? And how much money was diverted AWAY from the levee by these same groups of people that were supposed to spend the money on the levee ?? While the levee was seen by many as a disaster waitin to happen for over 100 years, consultant fees have been poured into pockets of relatives and money that was funded for the levee were spent on the Superdome and Convention Center and tourism studies and roads and bridges, not to mention parks and fuggin ART WORK !! The only thang that even comes close on the STUPIDITY SCALE, is when after 9-11 New Jersey spent a shit-load of their Homeland Security funds on gotdamn GARBAGE TRUCKS instead of anythang resemblin actual SECURITY !! But when the color coded Security Alert goes from YELLOW to ORANGE or RED, who is the first one to shit their britches ?? Yep, New Jersey !! WE NEED MORE MONEY !! Thats what they start screamin ..

I dont want my, or your, money goin to some dickhead in an ARMANI suit, from fuggin Manhattan, goin down to the coast and tellin em that, "Yep, everything is gone", and "ya'll need to build some houses and businesses around here" , and collectin enuff money for that little bit of "expertise" to replace 3 or 4 blocks of what has been wiped out..

I've seen the pics of Dale's Fematorium he was provided with, and it doesnt even compare to what I've seen go by my house on the way to the victims of Rita and Katrina.. Dale got a box compared to what some are gettin.. My neighbor works in the Texarkana area and he is near where they are storing the trailers that are to be sent to the hurricane areas, and he says they are STACKED everywhere and the newspaper says they are gonna start storin em in places as far away as Jacksonville Florida..

Old folks and sick folks are sleepin in tents and the backs of pick-ups in Mississippi and Alabama, next to a new home, because the inspectors havent come by yet to sign-off on the installation of their new home and give them the keys.. If you havent heard yet, it has been freezin down there too.. Sounds to me like somebody needs a boot in their ass !! They need somebody like Stormin Norman Swartzkopf to go down there and get the shit-on-the-stick !! I dont see that the Coast Guard Admiral that replaced Mr. Brown is gettin the job done.. Matter-of-fact, I think Mr. Brown would have been better at the job-at-hand than the Adm. is doin.. The job to be done now is exactly what Mr. Brown had expertise in doin and what I think he was hired for, but due to the worthless officials in Nawlins wantin somebody else to blame for their fuggups, they dont have Mr. Brown to get shit accomplished, but have a Military Officer who has spent his career in "hurry up and wait" mode.. A Military Officer is fine, when dealin with the Military, but is useless when dealin with civilian officials and the public in a manor in which he is bein used.. The military caint even conduct their own purchases and procurements.. Thats why they have $600 toilet seats and $300 ash trays !! How they gonna handle hundreds of billions of dollars in aid money ?? I guess that explains Dale's Fematorium Box tho !!

Stormin Norman has "Civilian Status" now, and has the freedom to use his abilities to get shit done, that he learned in the military, to get shit shit done in the coastal areas with the civilian contractors that are workin down there now.. The good Admiral doesnt..

Dale's second post is pretty well said and I dont think I can add much that he doesnt say himself.. At lest not without usin a bunch of cuss words and expressin a deep disgust for more folks than he does.. One thang I can add tho is, "Denial is not a defense, but buyin more ammo is" !!


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