Friday, December 23, 2005

Defensive Drivin

It seems that I have had a few folks wind-up here lookin for tips on drivin in Texas..
Just so happens that me and the Mrs. was on a little beer-run yesterday and we had a little talk about that very thang.. Here in Texas we have a little thang called courtesy that some of us use.. HEY, I did say SOME of us.. We have a lot of our roads in fairly good condition and they also have shoulders on them.. We also have a lot of old folks that think they can still drive in a fashion that is acceptable to the rest of us folks.. The rest of them old folks that still drive are like Maxine, and they just dont shive a git !!
I see a bunch of the old folks pass by the house and I know they are headed out to the nearest wet spot to get a totty or a coldbeer and I can almost set my watch by some of em.. These folks drive a LOT slower than the rest of the traffic and will pull over on the shoulder to let faster traffic pass them, and still trudge along at their usual speed and never have to slow up or risk gettin their ass end rearranged by a BIG TRUCK.. The common practice is to crowd the center line and pass on by em and then give a big wave to em to say "thanks" .. We do a lot of wavin here in Texas too, so if ya dont want to get called an ugly name, or worse, then just wave back.. A smile would be nice too..
Bout the best advice to folks that are new to drivin in Texas is to remember that "HE WHO HAS THE BIGGEST TIRES, HAS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY" !! To defy this rule can result in serious bodily injury..
With all that said, I just hope that EVERY driver that takes to our roads here will just take the time to slow down and leave a little larger margin for error while drivin.. The life you save may be your own.. Another fact you might want to take into account is that we have the largest population of drivers that are ARMED !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I got the big tires but not the guns and I don't crowd the old folks. Especially as I am now starting to understand how fast things can seem when you just want to take it easy.

Hey Wild Bill. I wish you and the Misses a very good Christmas and the best year to come.

You all take care

Don Whitmire
Davis, Ca

4:21 PM, December 24, 2005  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

All the best to you too Don, from my family to yours.. May God's good grace shine on us all, all thru the year.. Has been a real pleasure to have talked to you this past year, and I look forward to havin many more conversations that bring us closer together each day.. Merry Christmas my friend..

4:49 PM, December 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto Bill, thank you

6:40 PM, December 25, 2005  

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