Friday, December 16, 2005

A Lost Cause

I've just about give up on ever gettin the Christmas Spirit this year.. Without lookin out the window and findin about 6 inches of snow on the ground, I think it is a safe bet that I'm just gonna be a grouch this Christmas.. The Mrs. wants to put up a tree.. A PLASTIC tree.. That would be like sex with Paris Hilton.. While wearin a dozen rubbers !! Is that FAKE enuff for ya ??
I never did see my Daddy with the Christmas Spirit in him either.. Not even with the biggest part of a fifth of Jack Daniels down his gullet.. Only time I remember him sayin HO HO HO, was when he got sleepy and was yawnin..
My Mama was a different story tho.. She kept it in check, up until the day she got in the kitchen and started cookin THE BIG MEAL !! She would hum, and sometimes sing to herself.. She would work till she sweat, but it was a labor of love.. I loved bein in the kitchen and helpin Mama cook.. I guess thats why I cook so much now.. I remember the times we would get elbow to elbow and arms flyin while we made somethin ooowy and gooowy.. It seems to make the memories of that more real when I'm in the kitchen and the aroma of something really good is in the air.. Needless to say, I have a bunch of Mama's recipes that linger on.. I've developed a bad habit of cookin something just to smell it cookin tho..
I havent really started my cookin yet, so there may be hope for my Christmas Spirit yet..


Blogger Redneck Texan said...

I think I stopped having Christmas spirit about the same time I started bankrolling the commercial process.

Except for a brief window enjoying my kids reaction on Christmas morning, the whole thing is an annual month long drag on my wallet and my marriage.

Bah Humbug.

10:46 PM, December 16, 2005  
Blogger citizen_us said...

Maybe i could con ya into a couple of recipes, Bill. My wife is a fantastic cook, which is one reason i can work at the pace i do in the winter. caloric intake of about 20,000 per day. Sheesh!

5:49 PM, December 18, 2005  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Just ONE month, RT ?? The Mrs. starts shoppin at the first SALE after the 25th and dont stop till the next Dec 24th.. She shops in as many states as she visits too.. Ark., Okl., Lou., Tex., and would shop in Mexico if she went there.. She has her on-line buddies look for shit all over the WORLD for her too.. She is one of those online freebies addicts too, and our pore mailman has to put on a back brace when he gets to our house, so he dont hurt hisself tryin to deliver all the shit to our door..
The drain on the wallet just dont happen at this house.. The drain on the marriage does tho.. The Mrs. is one of those hormonal type that cries when she hears Silent Night, or just about any other Christmas music.. Ever seen anybody soak a half box of Kleenex after listening to Jingle Bells, or Holly Jolly Christmas ?? Defies any explanation I have ever come up with when she will turn the radio to the staion that plays hour after hour of "cryin-ass" music, back to back !! And she gets pissed when I come in the room and see her red-eyed and snifflin, and me bein me, I say "heres your sign" !! Merry Christmas..

6:47 PM, December 18, 2005  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I can go for some recipes buddy !! I got a pretty good assortment myself.. Always interested in what somebody else finds thats good to eat.. I go thru 20K calories just in the sugar I use in my coffee every mornin tho.. If I just get close to a diabetic, they have to take a shot of insulin !!

6:55 PM, December 18, 2005  
Blogger citizen_us said...

Thats the kind o humor i like!
I dont count coffee and mountain dews. That would put me in the "damn!" category.
Much as I like coffee, i am cutting back to 10 cups a day. Then i smoke less cigarettes. Mountain Dew, I dont keep track. But its caffeine and SUGAR and other assorted nasty stuff. Love it!

6:38 AM, December 19, 2005  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I cut back to 10 cups-a-day too, but I just got a bigger cup !! Since I layed-off the sour mash, I havent been a big soft drink buyer.. I used to go thru a bunch of 7-UP and Dew and Sprite tho.. 7-UP bein my fav.. I make up for it with sweet iced tea tho.. Bout a gallon a day, cept when I'm havin a good coldbeer like I am today.. I'll trade a gallon of iced tea for a gallon of coldbeer any day !!

7:20 PM, December 19, 2005  

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