Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Just Caint Be Nice

To SOME people, that is ..
Old fella walked by earlier and came to the door and asked if he could pick up some of my peecans.. He didnt look like somebody that could afford to go and pay "high-dollar" at the store for some, so I told him yes, thinkin that he wanted to get enuff to have his Missus make a peecan pie for the "Big Dinner" .. Evidently he wanted her to MAKE THE WHOLE FUGGIN TOWN one too !! He left, and a little while later I looked out and he had a 20 foot pole and a chunk of my firewood and was commencin to thrash the shit out of my tree.. And by-the-way, he was drivin a gotdam Escalade when he came back !! Now then, some asshole that drives a fuggin Escalade, has about 20 pounds of FREE peecans, and I've got limbs and leaves all over my damn yard to clean up!!
Sad part is, this has happened before, but not by the same guy.. So I guess I have to assume from now on that they ALL are gonna do this, and somebody is gonna get pissed at me and call me a Grouchy, Old, Fuggin Cripple cause I'm gonna tell em to GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY GOTDAM YARD next time!!
Merry Christmas Ya'll... snicker snicker snicker


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, I recently took a job as apartment manager but still do plumbing and handywork. (am slowing down) Their is a 60 year old humongous orange tree at the entrance driveway. It puts out two batches of oranges a year. One sweet and the other only good for orange juice. Same problem, people ask me to pick some oranges and climb and trash this icon of a tree. Now I say not to them.

7:03 PM, December 25, 2005  

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