Down Time
Its just hard for me to understand why the Media give Pres. Bush such a hard time for wanting to go to his ranch in Crawford .. Back in the mid to late 90's I was ranch foreman on about 200 acres down in that part of Texas, not too terribly far from Crawford.. I will admit that it aint as pretty as the part of the state I'm in now, but its a far cry from being ugly.. Jerry Jeff Walker used to talk and sing about how big the moon was down there.. I can vouch for that myself.. There ARE some BIG moons down there.. BIG skeeters too.. I havent ever been to the Bush Ranch, but if its anything like the ranch I was at, I can surely understand why he would want to spend a lot of time there.. Even if he is the POTUS, I bet he dont have as much fun on HIS ranch, as I did on The Dixie Farm.. Chuck Norris has a ranch down close to there too, and Chuck spends a lot of time there himself.. I think he has moved there now.. I bumped into his foreman and horse trainer a few times.. Nice enough folks, but kinda strange.. I saw Chuck a few times, from a distance, but autographs aint something I go for, unless its on a check !! One thing I really do miss about that place tho.. They had a radio station that you could call in to on saturday nite and make requests for old country songs.. Now THATS what I call a good saturday nite.. Good OLD country music, a good seegar, good sippin whiskey, and a hot tub full of young gals !!
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