Friday, June 17, 2005

El Rushbo

I check-in on ol Rush just about every day.. Specially when shit is happenin like now, with Turbin Durbin.. Breaks my ever-lovin heart to hear the folks call in and have quivers in their voice while talkin bout havin kids or family of some kind off somewhere in the War On Terror, or, actually were at one of the Death Camps in WW 2. I saw somewhere today, that there are about 700,000 military vets in the state of Illinois !! You add on to that a whole slew of family members, and you have a pretty good-size voting block.. Rush has a good grip on what is happenin with the Dimmocrat Party, and has given a good idea in the past what was gonna happen when they lost in "04" .. BUT, I think they have even passed his expectations.. Think about it !! They now have Howard Dean as DNC Chairman, Dingy Harry Reid as Minority Leader, Hillary is anti abortion now, and the AFL-CIO is comin unglued at the seams !! Oh, and the NAACP got rid of Queezy Fumey .. Whats next ?? Is Coffin Anus gonna drop out of the U.N. ?? SHIT !! If that happens, ol Rush is gonna have to start smokin dope !! I dont think he will be able to handle all this at one time.. Hell, if that happens, I'll buy it and share with him !!


Blogger C R Mountjoy - GDF said...

You're killing me! I have not laughed this much since the Dem Nat Convention in 04. I have my own blog, but I was afraid to let loose like you have. Brother, you have it going on! Back to your post...if you think about it, the Dems are in exactly the position we need them to be, especially after the nomination of Roberts. If they try to Bork him or the next nomination after Rhenquist retires, then we really get to see what lunatics these people are! The Dems are on the wrong side of every issue - they were wrong on the economy, defense, terror, SS, and now they will take it out on Roberts. Keep it up Demmies - the more you talk, the more we will keep putting ourselves in the White House, Congress and Gvr'ships across the US.


12:50 PM, July 23, 2005  

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