Thursday, June 16, 2005

Senator Suicide

Military vets can remember the stories of John Kerry in his witnessing to congress about the atrocities that were commited in VietNam.. You know the ones about Ghangis Khan.. And also about the P.O.W.'s having had to listen those recordings over the loudspeakers every day at the Hanoi Hilton, before their release.. Can you imagine that if today we had American P.O.W.'s in Iraq or somewhere else, what they would be playing to them on the loudspeakers ?? I can.. It would be Sen. Durbin on the senate floor giving his speach, I think it was Tuesday, about the American military being the same as the Nazies, or the Stallinist soviets, or Pol Pot's army.. I wonder how long it's gonna take the Dimmocrats to dredge-up a John Kerry wanna-be to go before congress and testify that he and his band of brothers at Gitmo commited atrocities in the style of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stallin ??


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