Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Had a line of severe weather move thru here tonite, and was not lookin good for the hometeam for a while there.. Had a lot of heavy rain, some hail, wind that was blowing cars off the roads, and the damndest light show I have seen in many-a-year.. I've been close enuff to 3 tornadoes that I can safely say I was in them.. And I promise you, that not even one of em fun..But, such is life in Texas, especially East Texas.. I saw an old lady lose her mind after a tornado one year.. Her and her husband had worked for years to build up their little piece of ground into their heaven on earth.. They had built a new house, a big barn, a nice workshop, fences, a fish pond, good garden and all the works.. A few months after they got it all just the way they wanted it, he had a heart attack and died .. She held together by seeing him in everything he had built with her.. All his handywork on display.. She eventually even remarried, to her husbands best friend.. The tornado just demolished the place.. It left the house still standing, but had to have major repairs.. I helped fix what I could, and rebuilt some of the rest, but the lady got to where I couldnt stand her.. I stopped going to help, then she finally got so bad that she gave her new husband a heart attack, and he died too.. All her friends had stopped coming to see her, and so her daughter moved a house in on the place with her, but before long the old lady had caused a divorce between her daughter and her husband.. Then the daughter got cancer and died too, so the old lady's son moved a house in on the other side of her and he is a big enuff S.O.B. that it dont bother him that she is crazy as a bessie bug, hell, he's probably crazier than she is.. He even tried to hire somebody to kill me when I quit going out there to work on the place.. Thats been over ten years ago.. Like the old saying goes, "no good deed goes unpunished" .. Fuck em !!


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