How Does It Feel, America ??
I dont care what anybody says, life as we have known it is gone and a new World Order is in the makin..
The U.S. has now entered into a DEFENSIVE POSTURE, and the rest of the West will soon follow.. America has now defered its OFFENSIVE ROLE in the War On Terror and now is gonna be a "reactionary" force and not a "pro-active" force..
Instead of huntin down the Arhabi and capturin or killin em wherever we find em, we will sit and wait for em to attack the Homeland again.. Just like we were doin before 9-11-01.. We have now officially returned to the 9-10-01 mentality !!
Before, it has been Iraq and Afghanistan that has been the dirtbag magnet, now it will be New York City, D.C., Philly, Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, San Diego, Seattle, and Kansas City..
I've heard that Sec. Rumsfeld has now resigned.. GOOD !! I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the superb job he has done and wish him all my best.. I say good becuase he is now the wrong man for the job of Sec. Defense.. Rummy is an Offensive Administrator and now we will need a Defensive Administrator.. I understand that Gates is the new man in the spot.. I dont like it one bit either !! I'd give my left nut to have Tommy Franks take the job.. He knows how to take orders and get the job done, and he also knows how to kick some hips when he needs to, too..
I thank that if there was a "speakin" fly on the wall in the Oval Office, that it would tell us that G.W. made a compromise with Pelosi that if Rummy stepped down and Gates got to replace him, that Pelosi wouldnt turn the dogs loose on G.W. !!
With the new House and at least a reduced power in the Senate if not a new Senate also, it is gonna be retreat on many levels.. Illegal immigration reform is gonna be an unspoken topic, as far as they can manage to keep it unspoken without a total revolt by the Masses.. The border fence will die with a dreadful moan from the populace.. Gun Ownwership Rights are gonna be on the agenda of the liberls before the paint dries on their new offices too.. Just like Chaleton Hesston said "out of my cold dead hand" !! I wonder how many people took that thought into consideration when they voted yesterday ??
And now to the subject that makes me sick to my stomach to even contemplate.. Our Troops are gonna be treated worse than a redheaded stepkid !! ANY kind of appropriations that come up for the military is gonna get shot down quicker than a lawyer on a bird hunt with VP Cheney !! Troop morale is gonna be lower than it was back in the day of Jimmah Cawtah and Desert 1 and the 444 Days in Iran.. Recruitin Goals and Re-Enlistments Goals are gonna go unmet.. Who would want to serve with Pelosi and Crew in control of their lives ?? Not me.. Not again !!
And here is the KICKER.. If we withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan now, it wouldnt break my heart.. The way we will be dictated to by the House and Senate to fight the war now is not anythang I will be able to support.. The military is gonna have to carry-on on a shoestring budget, while domestic causes and gimme programs suck up every dollar the liberals can squeeze out of any bill that comes thru the legislature, and pork-barrel projects and higher taxes to pay for em will be the new drivin force that keeps the liberals burnin the midnite oil and makin em work long hours.. Shame they couldnt have put that much energy into the War On Terror or supportin our Troops !!
But I caint help but feel that thangs are gonna get bad for our country now.. How bad, and how soon is just gonna have to be seen.. Its now obvious to me that the majority of our countrymen have no urge for us to protect ourselves and are willin to persue their own personal goals to detriment of the rest of us.. The strong and economicaly secure county that G.W. has established in the past 6 years is gonna go on a slide downhill like we havent seen since the Great Depression.. The "markers" are all there and it dont take a lot of diggin to find em.. The fact that the boom has been on such a thin string, is a great testiment to the wonderful job that G.W. has done, but the thinness is now gettin thinner by the day.. This could become a very long and cold winter very easily.. By the end of the day Friday, it should be pretty clear what is gonna be in store for us for the next 2 years, and then maybe even longer.. But the drums beatin in the distance dont help me keep much hope alive.. I'll just have to wait and see what the new Speaker of the House, Custer, I mean Pelosi, has to say next !!
The U.S. has now entered into a DEFENSIVE POSTURE, and the rest of the West will soon follow.. America has now defered its OFFENSIVE ROLE in the War On Terror and now is gonna be a "reactionary" force and not a "pro-active" force..
Instead of huntin down the Arhabi and capturin or killin em wherever we find em, we will sit and wait for em to attack the Homeland again.. Just like we were doin before 9-11-01.. We have now officially returned to the 9-10-01 mentality !!
Before, it has been Iraq and Afghanistan that has been the dirtbag magnet, now it will be New York City, D.C., Philly, Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, San Diego, Seattle, and Kansas City..
I've heard that Sec. Rumsfeld has now resigned.. GOOD !! I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the superb job he has done and wish him all my best.. I say good becuase he is now the wrong man for the job of Sec. Defense.. Rummy is an Offensive Administrator and now we will need a Defensive Administrator.. I understand that Gates is the new man in the spot.. I dont like it one bit either !! I'd give my left nut to have Tommy Franks take the job.. He knows how to take orders and get the job done, and he also knows how to kick some hips when he needs to, too..
I thank that if there was a "speakin" fly on the wall in the Oval Office, that it would tell us that G.W. made a compromise with Pelosi that if Rummy stepped down and Gates got to replace him, that Pelosi wouldnt turn the dogs loose on G.W. !!
With the new House and at least a reduced power in the Senate if not a new Senate also, it is gonna be retreat on many levels.. Illegal immigration reform is gonna be an unspoken topic, as far as they can manage to keep it unspoken without a total revolt by the Masses.. The border fence will die with a dreadful moan from the populace.. Gun Ownwership Rights are gonna be on the agenda of the liberls before the paint dries on their new offices too.. Just like Chaleton Hesston said "out of my cold dead hand" !! I wonder how many people took that thought into consideration when they voted yesterday ??
And now to the subject that makes me sick to my stomach to even contemplate.. Our Troops are gonna be treated worse than a redheaded stepkid !! ANY kind of appropriations that come up for the military is gonna get shot down quicker than a lawyer on a bird hunt with VP Cheney !! Troop morale is gonna be lower than it was back in the day of Jimmah Cawtah and Desert 1 and the 444 Days in Iran.. Recruitin Goals and Re-Enlistments Goals are gonna go unmet.. Who would want to serve with Pelosi and Crew in control of their lives ?? Not me.. Not again !!
And here is the KICKER.. If we withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan now, it wouldnt break my heart.. The way we will be dictated to by the House and Senate to fight the war now is not anythang I will be able to support.. The military is gonna have to carry-on on a shoestring budget, while domestic causes and gimme programs suck up every dollar the liberals can squeeze out of any bill that comes thru the legislature, and pork-barrel projects and higher taxes to pay for em will be the new drivin force that keeps the liberals burnin the midnite oil and makin em work long hours.. Shame they couldnt have put that much energy into the War On Terror or supportin our Troops !!
But I caint help but feel that thangs are gonna get bad for our country now.. How bad, and how soon is just gonna have to be seen.. Its now obvious to me that the majority of our countrymen have no urge for us to protect ourselves and are willin to persue their own personal goals to detriment of the rest of us.. The strong and economicaly secure county that G.W. has established in the past 6 years is gonna go on a slide downhill like we havent seen since the Great Depression.. The "markers" are all there and it dont take a lot of diggin to find em.. The fact that the boom has been on such a thin string, is a great testiment to the wonderful job that G.W. has done, but the thinness is now gettin thinner by the day.. This could become a very long and cold winter very easily.. By the end of the day Friday, it should be pretty clear what is gonna be in store for us for the next 2 years, and then maybe even longer.. But the drums beatin in the distance dont help me keep much hope alive.. I'll just have to wait and see what the new Speaker of the House, Custer, I mean Pelosi, has to say next !!
I think we all now know how our likeminded buds in Michigan and California have felt for years, having representation that does not reflect their values.
You gotta really feel for TG down in TX-22, they were really screwed over by the system that wouldn't let them replace DeLay.
Yeah, it sucks Bill......but maybe we can tie a hell of a hangman's noose by giving them 2 years worth of rope.
Thank you, RT, for understanding that not all Californians are liberals or from the land of nuts and fruits. I hope they hang themselves high with that rope. Still can't believe the idiots are at the helm. Time to keep the weapons clean and oiled. Us old died in the wool patriots may have to defend our soil. God knows those cowards won't do it.
Always been an optimist----I guess I can take off those rose colored glasses now.
Sorely disappointed in my fellow Americans choices. Still can't believe it. Not a pessimist by nature, but it is creeping up on me. Rather have yer BBQ ribs than the crow I had for dinner.
As Bear sez......We get the government we deserve. The choices made do not bode well for our country. Scary.
We always check with the NRA b4 we vote--they send out a nifty little brochure on who is who and what is what, agree with Cheryl...rather go out in a blaze of glory as under someone's thumb.
We have some friends who were mad at all the politicians and did not vote......I better not hear them complaining. Our very lives at stake and they sit out. WTH?
I fear the masses have forgotten 9-11. Ppl choose not to look. We are like a fattened cow ready for slaughter.......
Many of us have become narcissistic, self absorbed, lazy, and I guess there is no other word for it....I have to say it...STUPID.
We will get the whooping come due. They will come for us. And won't you then hear the crying and the gnashing of teeth.
It is predictable, probable, and on their agenda. They say it is the future.
As one blog put it sooooo appropo, they do not say death to republicans or death to democrats, they say....
and I'm sure they mean every word.
MamaBear, its not us that are gonna be eatin that crow, but those that voted for a change, not knowin what that change is gonna mean..
So many of those votin for a change were just sick and tired of the partisanship and gridlock that has had D.C. stangeled and mired in a fever swamp for the last 6 years.. They just wanted relief, no matter what.. They dont understand the message they have sent.. The message is that they favor retreat, surrender, and smilin faces on the news channels..
We have repeatedly told the other side that THE STOVE WAS HOT, yet they believe that they MUST stick their hand in the fire to be convinced.. The question now will be whether we have enuff time to comfort and attend to their burns and not be busy with tryin to keep ourselves from bein thrown into the fire !!
The Left has been so adament that the Right was doin everythang wrong, and so now that they have the reins, that when we are up to our asses in alligators I wont have any sympathy for others, cause I will be too busy tryin to just save my own ass to live another day...
They are gonna be ON THEIR OWN now for at leat the next 2 years with no objective other than withdrawl from Iraq and tryin to cement their stay in power.. THAT, is the premise and the promise they were elected to uphold.. America can now go all to shit as long as the (D)s are in contorl of the power..
The (D)s in control of the SWITCHES now is supposed to be an example of what the Utopia is gonna be like under President Hilary Clinton.. I got news for em.. That Utopia is gonna be a lot less Shinin City On The Hill than they thank its gonna be after just 2 years of the (D)s callin the shots !!
G.W. has extended the olive branch to the (D)s and they have taken it betwwen their teeth and are now dancin in the streets tellin everybody that they are now in power and are gonna do whatever the gotdam hell they wanna do !!
And also let me remind PapaBear, that it is us who make it possible thru our tax payments, that the mouthbreathers are able to go to the polls and elect what representation we have today.. We have now become the victim of our own lance !!
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