They Pushed My Button Again
from here:
Muslims fear backlash over plot
WASHINGTON The news of an alleged plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights has American and British Muslims fearing a backlash.
Officials with the Council of American-Islamic Relations are especially worried that language used to described the suspects could spark a "religious war." They take issue with President Bush's statement that "this nation is at war with Islamic fascism."
The executive director of the group says Muslims don't associate Christianity with fascists or home-grown terrorists. And he asks top officials to extend the same courtesy to people of Islamic faith.
In London, Muslim men say they're getting nervous looks from people who pass by them on the street. A spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain says the group is asking mosques to urge worshippers to report any racial attacks.
I wondered how long it would take the gotdam dirtbags to start hollerin about bein the victim of attacks !! They havent even been more than givin dirty looks and they are URGIN em to report any racial attacks..
The sunzabitches should consider theirselves pretty gotdam lucky if all I do is give em a dirty look.. And another gotdam thang.. This comin from the people that have MASTERED the DIRTY LOOK !!
Just like the Hez's have been playin the fuggin victim game since they plastered Israel with rockets and the Jews went into Lebanon to stop em.. In spite of what you have heard about Israel goin into Lebanon just because they are EVIL ZIONISTS, they went in because the Hez kidnapped their soldiers then sent hundreds of missiles into Israel.. Thats why Israel is kickin their asses !! The bastards deserve to have their whole gotdam country leveled !!
Back to the Dirtbags gettin dirty looks.. Who do they thank should be gettin the dirty looks, anyway ?? Their fellow Mooselimbs are the reason folks are havin to stand in airport lines for hour-after-hour BEFORE the checkpoint guards maul their hands all over em and go thru every thang they have in their bags !!
I got some words for CAIR too.. They can just SUCK OL BUCK !!
You are too funny! BUT---Scintillating in truth.
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