Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Added To The Blogroll

I got a new site loaded into my blogroll on the right side.. Its called Defense Tech, and has some of the NEW stuff the military is tryin out and puttin in their inventory..
It boggles the mind what they come up with nowadays..
They also talk about stuff that is already in the inventory of OUR military, and has some stuff the OTHER GUYS are usin too..
Can you just imagine havin a sawed-off pump shotgun that shoots shells that can LEVEL A 5-STORY BUILDING ?? I thank I just heard a Redneck somewhere say "sheeeeit" !!
Maybe if we quit givin all our gotdam money to the World's Terrorists we could afford some of this shit for OUR OWN FORCES !! grumble grumble grumble
Anyway, check em out when you aint got nothin else to do and see what we got that can knock an Arhabi into the hereafter with..


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