On Vacation
The Mrs. went out of town for a few days to visit friends and left me here with our houseguest.. You'd thank we would cook a big pot of beans and have boiled eggs and beer with em, and sit around in our drawers and see could fart the loudest and smelliest.. Aint happened, so far !!
Beem too damn busy.. I own an empty lot next to my house too, so we moved a travel trailer in and have been tryin to get it hooked up and operatin so my houseguest can have a place of his own.. Needless to say, the local gubmint has made it as hard as they can for us.. An on top of that, the camper needs some maintenence too..
We dont have an RV repair center within about 60 or 70 miles of here, so for the repairs I have to manufacture about all the parts I need too.. Good thang I have a big shop with lots of tools and a good supply of junk and bullshit that can be re-configgered into what we need..
It cooled off a lot here Monday but was right back up there today when we had to do some hard labor.. We have a good chance of rain for the rest of the week too and cooler temps again.. Got some more hard labor to do tomoro so the cooler temps will come in handy.. Just to give you an idea of how CHICKENSHIT some of the regs. here are.. We have to move the trailer over sideways about 8 inches for it to work !! THATS 8(eight) gotdam INCHES !! I also have to get 3 more of my neighbors to sign a form that says they dont mind if I put the trailer there too.. One of those happens to be the one that throws the trash in my yard too.. I aint lookin forward to askin em to sign it either, cause if they give me any shit I'll just move the trailer to my farm and then they will end up havin to move too !! The City here is gonna screw around and get somebody killed over some petty gotdam regulation that is nothin but somethin to gain them a few extra dollars, and was designed to be disciminatory to boot !!
No wonder the Mooselimbs want to kill us.. Sometimes I thank I'd like to kill a few of us too.. Did I mention that I was outta beer too ??
Beem too damn busy.. I own an empty lot next to my house too, so we moved a travel trailer in and have been tryin to get it hooked up and operatin so my houseguest can have a place of his own.. Needless to say, the local gubmint has made it as hard as they can for us.. An on top of that, the camper needs some maintenence too..
We dont have an RV repair center within about 60 or 70 miles of here, so for the repairs I have to manufacture about all the parts I need too.. Good thang I have a big shop with lots of tools and a good supply of junk and bullshit that can be re-configgered into what we need..
It cooled off a lot here Monday but was right back up there today when we had to do some hard labor.. We have a good chance of rain for the rest of the week too and cooler temps again.. Got some more hard labor to do tomoro so the cooler temps will come in handy.. Just to give you an idea of how CHICKENSHIT some of the regs. here are.. We have to move the trailer over sideways about 8 inches for it to work !! THATS 8(eight) gotdam INCHES !! I also have to get 3 more of my neighbors to sign a form that says they dont mind if I put the trailer there too.. One of those happens to be the one that throws the trash in my yard too.. I aint lookin forward to askin em to sign it either, cause if they give me any shit I'll just move the trailer to my farm and then they will end up havin to move too !! The City here is gonna screw around and get somebody killed over some petty gotdam regulation that is nothin but somethin to gain them a few extra dollars, and was designed to be disciminatory to boot !!
No wonder the Mooselimbs want to kill us.. Sometimes I thank I'd like to kill a few of us too.. Did I mention that I was outta beer too ??
Isn't it wonderful not having the right to do what you wish with your own property?! Now if you had some illegals that were to take up residence in the trailer, free of course, I'm sure the rules and regulations would be waived - whoops, wrong state! The hell with the rules and regulations. Go get some beer and everything will be right again!!!!
I'm really startin to worry bout me now.. I have hereby embarrassed myself.. I guess I've just been a victim of the "caint see the forrest for the trees" syndrome..
I seem to have failed at somethin that I usually take VERY seriously..
I look at thangs and see all the negative, and then ALAWAYS try to remember my blessins.. I'm one of those that repeatedly says " coulda been worse", and then go on about my business..
I guess that due to the drain of repeated negatives, I've gotten tired and have neglected to count my blessins..
To remedy that, I want to count my blessins today, and I want to start by countin my friends..
I thank that if you were here with me that you could see just how much your advice is gonna help me today.. But if you come back by here later, maybe I can tell you bout it.. Till then I'm just gonna say Thank You VERY much, and leave it at that.. I'll see ya'll later after I get back from the beer store..
Yes WB, put on those beer glasses and get outta the heat.
Our city regulations read like a small community phone book.
Remember yer blessings, always someone who has it worse.
you have my warmest personal regards. Love Mamabear
I truely hope everythang is goin alright MamaBear.. You been kinda quiet lately.. TOO QUIET for me not to worry bout you and E, cause he is kinda quiet too.. Lots of turmoil in the world right now and we all have our Crosses to bear.. That dont mean that we caint say a prayer for each other tho, and I say mine for ya'll..
Always on my mind, and forever in my heart..
Out of Beer? Damn, Wild Bill. THAT is a friggin crisis, I would think.
Local gov'ts usually suck. Specially those who are in charge of permits and such. I deal with the same thing, in drilling a dang well.
It is NEVER about doing the right thing, it's always about doing it cause they SAID so. More offs than ons.
Don't know if you read my reply to your comment on jc, but if you pay the shipping, i will enlarge YOUR favorite pic and send it to you.
We are here Wild Bill. God bless yer little pea pickin heart!! E has been on some pretty big missions and I on the homefront sometimes get tired of all the gnashing of teeth and retreat to my pool and gardens to get refreshed and to pray under the big blue sky. thanx for yer concern, we are all ok. Ha, as OK as ya can be right b4 WWIII.
Hope it isn't so hot where you are, crawl into that tub o beer, here's lookin at you kid!!
MamaBear, I have a different perspective on it than you do tho..
Its not WWIII or WWIV as some claim..
I see it more as Gates Of Vienna does.. Do you read the Baron and Dymphna ?? If you dont, then I recommend em.. They promote that it isnt a NEW WAR, but just a renewal of a very old war.. The Crusades, if you will.. It actually has many similarities, yet few variances..
If ya look at it, our U.S. Society was born and thrived after the Crusades, and now is gonna have to stand the heat of the fire and be tempered too, just like Europe did..
325 years from now, I would like for my followers to look and see that we and our culture were not as close to extinction as Vienna was tho..
I'm not yet ready to CRY WOLF and I'm not yet ready to say "The Sky Is Fallin", but I'm just sayin to get ready for it, cause if the trends keep on, it WILL HAPPEN !!
Dont sit and wring your hands and say woah is me .. BE PREPARED !!
Never quite looked at what's going on today as a continuation of the Crusades. Interesting perspective. I am prepared to defend my home and country as best I can. I'll be damned if I face Mecca five times a day. Glad you're feeling better Wild Bill!!
We are a good BOY SCOUT family and are ALWAYS PREPARED. Locked and loaded my friend. Finger is in the wind. Still say it is a matter of when not if.
It's those damn Repblicans in office! THEY screwed it up for all of us. Over six years of gangster Gov. and look what you got to put up with!!
Tis a shame really.
Bring on them blue dress lovin' Dems!
Bill I can't post at RT's without saying things that might make his site look like a threat to the Gov so I delete most of them. Man I don't drink so don't have anything to make me feel better except ciggerettes and my very nice table has nine burnt spots. Funny, the table looked to plain before and I like them. That's positive thinking isn't it? lol Anyway take care Bill.
I dont see it as ANTI government Don.. I see it as just wantin the government to do what is right and good for the country.. Of course, we all have our own ideas of what that is too..
I know those folks up in D.C. have access to a lot more info than I do, and have military and political "masterminds" that draw up and hash-out every event before action is taken, but it just CHAPS MY ASS when I can look at what little info I can get and make a prediction and form a plan that makes more sense than what they do.. Specially when its tested by fire and their plan is a complete bust and failure..
I'm not against the government, but just against a lot of their plans/ tactics.. I know that their hearts are in the right place, but their minds are not thankin properly..
Sure is good to see ya stop by and give me a holler tho.. Maybe it would help if ya got a BIGGER ashtray !! snicker snicker
Scott, no-one is more blind than those who just WONT see !! If you would educate yourself of the FACTS a little better, then you wouldnt be makin dummass comments like that..
If you would spend some money on a Rush 24/7 membership and do the research, instead of pissin your allowance off on video games, then you would have a better and more complete picture of world events and political history.. Specially bout those blue dress lovin politicians !!
'Maybe it would help if ya got a BIGGER ashtray'
lol Ashtrays are only found in the second hand shop here Bill. Am using a dinner plate now. lol
Kinda agree with your view of the Fed, I trust the think tanks but hate the politicians on the committees as they affect what is actually done.
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