Monday, July 31, 2006


I remember watchin a movie one time about a hostage situation.. Some dirtbag had a guys girl and had a knife to her throat, or a gun pointed at her.. The guy had a gun pointed at the two of em, and it was a "mescan standoff".. Finally the guy had an opportunity to shoot the guy, but he had to shoot thru the girls arm or somethin to plug the dirtbag.. After the guy shot the dirtbag, the girl was raisin hell bout gettin shot too.. She kept hollerin "you shot me" !!

Well, thats about the way I see the Lebanon Situation !! Israel had to shoot thru Lebanons arm to get rid of the dirtbags .. Thus, civilians in Qana died in an attack on the dirtbags..
I'm still not convinced that Hez didnt have somethin to do with the collapse of the building tho.. After all, it was 8 hours after the Israeli attack that the building fell and killed those civilians.. I wouldnt put it past the dirtbags to down their own building to make it look like Israel killed all those people.. I dont thank its any secret that terrorists are a dirty buncha sunzabitches !!

I remember that before OIF started, there were some Iraqi's in the U.S. on a radio talk show, and they said to "bomb our homes, bomb our people if you have to.. Just get Sadaam out, and dead if you can".. I wonder what they thank today after seein their own countrymen and other Mooselimbs bein the ones bombin their houses and churches and their people ??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They'll adopt what everyone says - it's all Bush's fault!!

I wonder when people will wake up to the fact they're being used as a terrorist tool. Wait, what was I thinking?? They're Democrats and/or liberals. They go hand in hand with stupidity.

8:36 PM, July 31, 2006  
Blogger GK said...

there is a diff here, the lebs actually support the hizb ! So aint no mescan standoff. Its just worryin bout public opinion, if i may so opine!

4:17 AM, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

Dont that piss you off?

9:37 AM, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Nah.. Not really.. Just helps me enjoy my ceegar and my coldbeer a little more.. Also reminds me about the stupid people in this world that the rest of us have to tolerate and support with our taxes..
Those like him continually show us their stupidity and give the rest of us reason to give Thanks for the (R)'s bein in charge of this country..
I'm kinda slow sometimes and dont get em deleted for a while, so I hope ya'll dont mind puttin up with em till I get em deleted..
I just thank of em as kinda like weeds in the yard.. With the drought around here, its the only thang green in my yard..

11:41 AM, August 02, 2006  

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