Thursday, August 03, 2006

The More I'm Around People

the more I love my dog !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very smart!!! I too feel the same way. Used to have 4 dogs, 3 bernese mountain dogs and one border collie. Showed the bernese in the confirmation ring and the border collie in the obedience ring. Great fun, traveled a bit too.
Gots to have my boundaries, yer a better man than I cause I will never have a house guest--NO WAY JOS'E! Love my privacy way too much. In the two careers I've chosen in life first the bar and restaurant biz and now nursing I am surrounded by ppl everywhere so when I get home me no wanna see or hear from anyone. And all my friends know it! Ha! They are trained.

Thanx for the comment on #1 son's site. I love what ya wrote.

However, as for the blind part---I always figured that was Papabear's job---they must've skipped that part!

1:19 PM, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I guess I need to update those of you who havent been here very long..
I've got a beagle named Miss Minnie Pearl, that is my pride and joy, the Mrs. has a cute little crumb snatcher that looks like a dust mop and is named Dusty(tho I call it Dirt Bag)..
Both were rescued from the street in front of our house and we just never got around to findin em another home, so they are still here..
We also have a yard full of cats that some are wild and some will let you pet them.. The Mrs. feeds em, so they tend to hang around.. At feedin time anyway..

2:14 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I love cats. Used to have 8 at one time, developed a severe allergy to them tho so cant have them in the house. We have feral cats that reproduce and now my neighbor has shown me that we have 3 new kittens living in the woodpile behind the garage (we have 3 acres of woods-I just didnt notice them) sooooo now I am feeding them, cant stand to see any thing starving. they are very plump and rotund now so I will start to slack off on the feedings, I feel I've given them a good start. dont want to start attracting all the rodents and raccoons in the area.

There is nothing sweeter than a little kitty!! If a cat is below the weight of 2 pounds and especially if it is skittish (like these) they would immed. be put to sleep. Kinda puts me in a hard place. I was gonna trap them with a hav-a-hart trap and bring their sweet selves into the humane society that I used to volunteer at but when I found out these new facts I just cant. Hopefully I've given them a good start and they can eat some of the moles here in the yard. I do love them so---I hope they will be all right.

4:21 PM, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

You dont have to thank me for commentin MamaBear.. Its a priveledge I truely enjoy.. It just takes me a while to come up with the right thought sometime.. I thought that since E mentioned TR was a true Hero, that maybe he would like to see what TR had to say bout somethin that fit into his situation..
I've been in situations that I was doin what I should and what I wanted to do, but peer pressure and public opinion left me feelin kinda "iffy".. The last thang E needs to do is to feel iffy right now..
The only doubts a soldier should have are about the chowhall food, not his Duty, his Honor, or his Country..
Guard Duty is a tedious task, and Tower Duty is even worse due to the confined space.. If you take it serious, then you are aware of every shadow and that helps to keep you busy and that way the time goes by faster..
If E's Heroes are Ronnie, Teddy, and Gen. Lee, then he has the attitude that will take him a helluva lot farther than the rest of the pack..
Just as Victor Davis Hanson said today in his piece: The Brink Of Madness, the world is in the same predicament as it was in 1938, and it was a long time before that era came to a close, and we still have a long road ahead of us today.. I know that E plans to get out and come home, but I just hope that while he is over there, that he can lend some of his talent to those that will come to replace him..
Talent and devotion like his is a rare commodity these days.. TOO RARE if you ask me.. We will never turn the Viet Nam mentality if we dont support those Warriors like E, and I plan to give all the support I can muster.. Any way I can help, you just let me know..

7:45 PM, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

Well damn, why didn't you say so.

A man can never have enough friends......Why don't you let me mail you bout half a dozen more "friends".

An they're ugly too....ugly friends are the best to hang around, cause it makes you look better. ;-)

9:43 PM, August 06, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Now RT, that just wouldnt be right !! You only got 8, so if you sent me 6 that wouldnt leave you but with 2..

10:07 PM, August 06, 2006  

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