Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Suck It Up, BIG BOY

Or maybe better to call this "its cryin time again" .. Just the other day I put the last of my can of $2.19 gas in my mower, and now I've gotta go refill it..
I havent been usin all that much gas cause its been so dry here and the grass hasnt been growin any, but now the leaves are fallin and I dont do well at rakin leaves.. I usually just run the mower over em and mulch em or blow em out in the street with all the nasty bastard's trash they throw out in the yard..
I'm gonna be lookin at payin around $3 bucks for it here and its a 7 gallon can, so its gonna cost me about $20 bucks to fill my gas can for the mower and my generator.. Good thang I aint gonna fill my 30 gallon barrel again !! Altho it might not be such a bad idea.. I got a sneeky feelin that gas is gonna get a LOT higher before long, and its a huge possibility that if ol ActMad over in Iran closes oil traffic thru the Straits it could be damn near impossible to even FIND gas around here !! No tellin what I could re-sale my 30 gallons for if that happened.. But I imagine I'd better hold on to it for my own use tho.. Never can tell when I would really need it..


Blogger Wild Bill said...

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5:32 AM, March 05, 2007  

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