Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bubbles In My Beer

My homebrew maker has an airlock on the top that lets the gases out as it cooks and keeps fresh air out too.. It is filled with water and as the brew cooks it makes bubbles come out of the air lock.. And that sucker is justa bubblin too !! If you hold your head over it you can smell the aroma of the hops and malt in it..

One year I brewed up about 10 gallons of the stuff and had a big party out at the farm on a 4th of July complete with fireworks and a whole slew of company.. The other folks brought 10 cases and a keg of beer, but we had most of the bought stuff left the next mornin.. Caint much blame em tho, cause is was Bud Light !! We had card games and dominos horse shoes and washers to entertain ourselves with when the fireworks were over with.. And we did the mandatory midnite skinny-dip in the pool too..
I thank that was the time I added apples to the batch and made what the old timers call Apple Jack.. Sure was a good batch too !! I often different kinds of fruit to my brew to give it a different flavor.. Just for a change.. Apples or raisins are a good switch to it and seems to mellow it when I mix it kinda dry.. If I'm gonna have a bunch of wimmen drankin it I add over-ripe bannanas to it.. I can usually go the apples, and I can sometimes appreciate the raisins, but I just caint handle them damn bannanas !! Hell, I dont much like em anyway, cept in fresh homemade icecream.. I like em pretty good then..

I thank my brew is gonna be ready to bottle a little sooner than I thought tho.. The temps here have been runnin in the 102 to 106* range this week, and it looks like the higher temps are gonna make it cook off faster.. That means it gonna have a lower alchohol content to it and I'm just gonna have to drank more of to get the buzz, but that also means I can drank more and enjoy the flavor more and be ready to make another batch that much sooner..

Each batch makes a little over 2 1/2 cases of 12 ounce size bottles for just under $10 bucks.. And considerin that its, by-the-kick, as bein twice or more powerful, it comes out a real bargain, price wise anyway.. But usually durin the summer I get tired of store bought beer and aint really wantin whiskey, and it just cures the cravin for somethin else.. If I aint got my homebrew I usually get a coupla bottles of the wine I like.. Thats when I like to do some cookin too.. Thats when I like to cook some sketti or lasagna with wine in the sauce.. Funny how mescan food just dont seem to appreciate wine in it !! Ever notice that ??


Blogger citizen_us said...

Enjoy something to drink while you read the mail i sent ya...........


10:14 AM, August 18, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I ALWAYS enjoy gettin mail from you, Buddy !! Whatever I'm gonna drank, its damn sure gonna hafta be COLD after that ??

3:19 PM, August 18, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

That is true, i reckon. didnt think of that. guess i will hafta start including water in them there shots.

hows that go?.....oh yeah, snicker snicker. hehe.

4:16 PM, August 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mescan food....My personal favorite, E's and Bear's too. I love strawberry wine as well. BUT....I am not so creative as you, wish I was. I know ppl who make their own Minnesota wine and it is excellent.

Went to the state fair last year, like every year. They had a booth of MN wine so I picked the one I thought I would like the best---the one with the prettiest color (typical woman eh?) She served it on up but I was disappointed as there were only at the max 6 oz. in the clear little glass. She said $8.00 please. I think I let out an audible gasp. 8 bucks!!! was the best damn wine I have ever tasted.

11:53 AM, August 22, 2006  

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