Sunday, February 26, 2006

Surrounded By Morons

Is it as chaotic out in REAL America as it is in Cyber America ?? I live in a fishbowl called North East Texas.. It has nothin to do with the rest of the country.. I may be a homebody, but I'm not completely incommunicado with the rest of my City, County, State, Country, and World..
What just blows my shorts off is how so many of the other folks I hear from are so out of touch and lack information of what is happenin in their world.. Yet these people have such dead-set ideas and opinions that are driven by something that they heard from somebody at work or some Radio Station or CNN that they would stake their live on what they have heard or seen.. OR, thank they heard !!

You just caint imagine what some of these uneducated, backwards, gullable sunzabitches can come away from news with.. And if ya thank thats bad, you should see what I have seen some of the more educated ones devise in their minds !! I am far far far from the smartest MOFO in the world, but some of these folks just boggle even my mind !! Some of em are so disoriented that I often wonder how they find their way home after dark..

It really dont help my sanity any when I hear these same folks tell me how they have written their Elected Officials and expressed their opiions either !!

Seems that everywhere I go, there is somebody that has a VERY skewed way of thankin that is completely out of reason.. No ratonality whatsoever.. And they are very LOUD !!

They scare me ..


Blogger citizen_us said...

You are postin' some great stuff at RT's.

Hope all is goin good your way

10:11 PM, March 02, 2006  

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