Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sometimes I Forget

But not today !! Today, my love and admiration for the Military Members in harms way, is highly on my mind.. It is cold and rainy here today, and I remember the times I was out in these kinda conditions servin my country, and it brings home the feelins I had back then.. Makin sure my tasks got completed because there were a bunch of my buddies that counted on me gettin it done..
Bein cold, wet, hungry, and tired was never an excuse for me to slack-off and not get my job done..
I know that not many of the Troops will come here and see this, but maybe me writin it down will in some way send a mental message to em that I Care, and am thinkin of em.. If you see this and happen to know or talk to one of our Troops, then just tell em for me..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At RT's when I exposed and apologized for my worthless past military service you openly welcomed me back to the fold. (I am born in and from Texas and did leave the patriotic fold) Thanx for that Bill. For whatever it is worth I did pay a price and although the Liberal calls me a vet I have never claimed a benifit nor sought an amnesty to upgrade my discharge from Undesirable to general. (I was allowed an officers Chapter 10 discharge. I resigned for the good of the service.) I did miss the career I wanted as I cannot hold any civil service employment nor am I allowed upon any military installation. My shame is somewhat covered because Patriotic people are good and forgiving people (but I do tend to avoid all conversations about Viet Nam with people I know) bI think that if any vet wanted to kick my ass I would have trouble defending myself. One of my heroes, Andrew Jackson, would have had me summarily shot.

12:54 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support three troops and will copy this and include it with my weekly letter. You can always write or send a care package. Doesn't take much to help them.

DW, what's past is past. Why are you beating yourself up over something that happened so many years ago? Do something positive, if you feel a need to do something, by showing your support today for our troops.

2:13 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I saw lots of troops come and go DW.. Most of us that were/are in for a while see that aint everybody cut out to be in the military.. I thank thats why you see so many troops against the Draft !! Even after it went to "volunteer" status, there were still a lot that just didnt belong there.. It breaks my heart to see and hear of those that were drafted and went to Nam and came back basket cases for the rest of their lives because they werent "War Material" to start with.. Some of the Dodgers were just bein defiant to any and all authority, and some were just plain scared, and some had serious convictions against joining the Military.. Any way you put it, they were just not "Warrior" stock!! To force em into the Service was a real bad omen for the U.S. .. It has generated much angst and consternation from Americans since then and has only hampered the War efforts and created animosity towards anythang to do with the Military or War.. So Don, you are just a victim of a failed system.. The System failed to evolve to the times.. I feel that its only now startin to catch up, but the stigma will remain attached to the Military for many more years to come.. Maybe even for another generation.. I'm just sorry that there wasnt a program in place for those such as you back then.. We all make judgements that aint always in our best interests, but we often feel that there is no alternative, and the outcome is something we have to live with the rest of our days.. Whether it was right or wrong.. It was your decision Don, and you have stood by it, so hold your head up Buddy.. "And let those without sin cast the first stone"..

3:56 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your an awsomwe dude Bill and Cheryls advice is positive. Like you to know Bill I am not the wus I sound, just feelin a little guilty when I see anti war people cause real pain to military families that have sacrificed.

9:26 PM, March 08, 2006  

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