Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chigger Bites

I spent the afternnon and evenin out at the farm yesterday.. Got a lot of mowin done and sone garden work too.. But the main goal yesterday was to start gettin a huntin camp cleaned up and set up..

I got the trail mowed in all the way to the back where the bus is and around the well and the garden and the area in front of the barn and my cookin spot in front of the barn.. Looks real good now.. Next is gonna be cleanin out the barn.. AGAIN.. That is gonna be the hard part.. I got LOTS of shit that I have put in there, like windows and doors and benches and tires and lumber and fence posts and electrical wire.. Aint none of it much worth a shit, but its in there anyway.. I'll probably just use the lumber for the camp fire to keep warm.. Beats huntin up a bunch of limbs and its handy where it is..

I'm still gettin a bunch of tamaters but they are startin to get kinda small, but the taste is gettin even better now.. I took about a dozen that were golf ball to tennis ball size and put em in the tub that I use for waterin the garden and then put a buncha cold well water in there and got em chilly and had a feast on em..

For the first time this year I got a coupla chigger bites too.. Just above my ankle and the thangs sure are itchin.. Best cure that I've found for em, after they bite, is to take the cherry of a cigarette and put it close to the skin over the bite and hold it there for a coupla seconds till it stings real good.. It deadens the spot a little and makes a water blister that drowns the little bastard.. When the blister busts take some Neosporin and put on it and it'll be gone before you know it..

But if you know you are goin into Chigger Country, dust your boots and the botton part of your pants with Sulphur and you wont have em bite you in the first place !! I'll know the next time I go out there..

Bout another month and it will start coolin off in the evenins every now and then and I plan to try and talk Billy into goin out and cookin on some of those cool evenins.. He likes to go out and have a steak and taters around the camp fire too and it'll do him good to get to do it again.. Its been a while since he has done it and it'll give me some company too.. Do us BOTH good..

The Fall is my favorite time of year and it looks like I'm gonna get to spend some time out at the farm this year and that makes it even better.. Gonna do some huntin and cookin and drank a little coldbeer and enjoy a slice of life.. Wish ya'll could come join me..


Blogger Papa Ray said...

Sounds good WB. I enjoy fall I think even more than the spring. But if I remember right, it used to be the other way around for me.

Is your hunting camp near the barn, or out at the edge of the trees? Do you have a blind or what? What kind of varmits or such are you going to be looking to get?

I haven't been hunting since I came back. I saw way too much blood, enough to last me a hundred lifetimes. But I do enjoy camping and such. I plan on taking Sweet Sarah before long (and the daughter and baby Hanna after she is a couple of years old.) But it will be civilized camping, you know where they have restrooms, showers and a lake with boats you can rent.

I'm too old to chase kids and I will need to have them on a short leash, but it will be fun. Too bad they can't be raised in the country. But it looks like I'm never going to be able to get out of this place.

Get out of this place...rings a bell don't it.

Take care

Papa Ray

9:18 PM, August 22, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

I use all 3 places to camp at, Papa Ray.. I've got the trailer up closer to the front and the road and the barn which is about the middle to the same side as the trailer and then the bus which is all the way to the back in the middle..

If its real cold(20 or below) I camp at the trailer and if its nice and fairly dry I camp at the barn and if its real nice I camp at the bus.. I mostly just hunt from the bus anymore tho..

I've got deer and wild hogs to use for camp meat and a buncha squirrels to snack on and am startin to get a good crop of rabbit again.. I've got lots and lots of dove that come thru and a few quail too.. I also have a steady supply of coon that come up from the creek and the lake, but I aint much on eatin em.. Got a bunch of possum too if I ever need some grease to fry somethin in..

I've seen so much blood and guts in my life that it dont phase me any more.. Not even my own.. Since I lost my leg I have had to do minor surgery on my stump quite a few times to dig metal out of it and that dont even bother me anymore.. I used to dread it but I finally realized that the longer I put it off the worse its gonna be..

I'd go campin more often if I had company to go with me but the Mrs. aint goin anywhere there aint a fan and everybody else is too busy or they wanna go to the lake to camp.. I caint ever seem to get to stay away from the house long enuff to get to really enjoy campin.. Always somethin I have to come home to do and then I have to load up all the shit I took with me to bring home again..

Durin the Fall and huntin season I'm out there enuff that I can leave a bunch of stuff out there without worryin bout drivin up and catchin somebody tryin to steal my shit and have to shoot em and drag their sorry ass off to the creek for turtle bait.. If somebody thanks I MIGHT even be around they wont bother nothin..

But I sleep out there like I dont here at home.. I can sleep for 4 hours out there and get more rest than I can sleepin for 8 or 9 here.. Miss Minnie Pearl keeps an eye out and not even a mouse gets past her attention and she lets me know about it.. But she dont bark out there unless I get her to.. She whines when she wants my attention but wont bark even when chasin a rabbit.. Durin most of the day I take over the watch and she spends most of her time on her bed or out under the shade where she can see where I'm at unless I go down around the pool or bus and she comes along to investigate..

But like you, it looks like I aint ever gonna get out of this place in town and get moved permanent to the farm.. I'm still gonna put this place up for sale again soon.. Never can tell when that sucker is gonna come along and part with some of his money.. If I could sell this place it would mean I could draw about $600 a month in disability but caint draw it till I sell this place.. It would also mean TAX EXEMPT on all my property taxes too.. Like I say, I could GIVE this place in town away and come out ahead !!

But one of these days I'll be out there where I can work in my garden every day and hunt when I want to and have my pool stocked with big ol catfish again and Miss Minnie Pearl can run loose all the time and not have to be on a chain or stuck in her house.. I aint holdin my breath, but the sooner the better..

10:24 PM, August 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn guys, reading your comments just brought a sense of sadness here. Life being as tenuous as it is, not being able to live where and how you want just seems so wrong.

Of course, I'm in your boots, as well!!!

WB, if I weren't so far away, and subject to your wife's permission, I'd go camping with you!!

1:38 PM, August 23, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

But I live close enuff that I can make it out to my Piece of Heaven a lot more than most folks can..

But every day that I wake up here in town amongst the noise and confusion is another day that I missed wakin out there in the peace and quiet and fresh air..

It just gets really frustratin to know that there is somebody that wants this choice location property but is waitin and thankin that if they wait long enuff that they will get it for near-nothin..

I bet we could have a real good time out there sittin and watchin the dogs run and play !!

3:58 PM, August 23, 2007  
Blogger Papa Ray said...

WB, if I ever did get my debts paid down and that includes all the co-signing I've done for my daughter and grandsons, even then it would take me years to save up enough cash to where the CUnions or banks or loan companies would even talk to me.

But then, they would see my total income and try real hard not to laugh when they tell me that the only place I could afford would be a shack on the south side of the tracks.

But...tis true.

And to think that I used to live in a eighty thousand dollar house (that is worth about two hundred thousand now) and had almost a hundred thousand in savings.

But I don't feel sorry for myself, like I did for a few years after I lost all of that. Just regret that I can't get Sweet Sarah and soon Sweet Hanah a good place to live and to leave to them.

I'm getting a picture of your place and your hunting arrangement. Sounds ideal.

I would hope that nothing gets stolen or that poachers show up, but you know that it is possible, so...

Take care

Papa Ray

8:35 PM, August 24, 2007  
Blogger Greg said...

I love the fall too - not that there is one in FL - but such as it is the huntin and cookin and drinkin cold beer is always good.

Sounds darned good there in TX, WB.

12:21 PM, August 25, 2007  

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