Thursday, November 23, 2006

Can We Do This Again Next Year ??

Thru many trials and tribulations of the past year, we have arrived at a time to give Thanks for our Fortunes again..

Tho my worries have been many, my blessins have been plentiful, too.. Most of us only have to look as far as the FUNERALS in the paper to see how much better off we are than some.. My family has been lucky to only have lost one of us this year.. We lost my Dad's Brother this year.. But we were blessed that he was taken before he suffered too much.. He was missed this year, just as those that passed before were also missed..

But I havent heard of any of my family that spent the day in the hospital this year, but that is usual for us.. I also didnt have anyone of my family to go visit in the nursin home either.. Thats just a coupla reasons that I'm most grateful for this year..

I prepared a feast for at least 20 people, but I usually do that so that if I find someone that aint able to be with their family or dont have one, can come sit and give Thanks with us.. Again this year, like last, there was no one to find.. Even tho it was kinda sad not to have company, it is nice to know that everybody had someone to be with..

Ever since the Mrs. lost her Dad about 7 years ago, this day has always been sad for her.. But not this year.. Like me, her Dad did their cookin on Holidays and I have the last few years learned the thangs not to do that will bring back those memories that make her sad.. I didnt wear my apron this year, for one.. I have a big "K-BOB's" apron I usually wear and so did her Dad.. Last year she came in the kitchen and saw me with it on and it set her off.. And too, this year her son in North Carolina called several times for tips on cookin his dinner and she was happy for gettin to talk to him.. He is usually busy at the sports bar with buddies watchin the games.. And friends called and kept her busy and got her mind of it..

I've made many new friends this year, and few enemies.. I thank this may be a "first" !! But the year aint over yet.. snicker snicker But the fact that I have met some wonderful folks this year is the reason for that I'm sure, and I thank the best ones are the ones who come to visit me here.. I count you in my Blessins too..

My Daughter took her oath and became a member of the U.S. Navy Monday.. At least for the next 4 years I wont have to worry about her goin from one job to another without any goals or objectives.. But her decision didnt have any pushes from me.. Actually, I tried to talk her out of it.. I didnt try very hard, so I'm sure she see saw right thru it.. She had thought about it for a while and had learned all she could from the folks who are there now and seems real determined to give it her best shot.. We have even started our Inter-Service Rivalry.. I call her my Little Squid and she calls me her Big Zoomie !! And I'll support her with all I've got..

Hopefully, if The Good Lord is willin, I'll be able to come back here next year and count even more Blessins to ya'll..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you have a lot to be thankful for and had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Congratulations on your girl joining the finest military in the world, even if it is Navy!!!! I was able to find a poor soul who had no where to go - a half hour before I was serving dinner!!!! The way he inhaled the food I was a little worried I'd have enough!!!!

I am thankful you blog. I love your perspective on matters. Miss your recipes, though!!!!!

6:47 AM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Cheryl, I thank a lot of folks have a "hankerin" for recipes lately.. I have had a bunch of people lookin for that Lemonade Pie recipe.. And the Armadiller Eggs have had quite a few hits too.. But nobody has said anythang about em till now, so I'm gonna sneak a few in in the comin days..

I feel that most folks already have their tried-and-true Holiday recipes, so I figger I'll go with the not-so-much-the-norm kinda recipes..

I'm a Cajun Food and Music lover myself, and I have some of the best recipes and music the Coonass Folks have to offer and I LOVE to share em..

I've had several close friends from the Bayou Country and when I look at those Cajun recipes and listen to the music it brings back memories of them..

I caint say that any kind of food is my favorite tho.. I've found that if I look hard and long enuff that I will come upon some food from just about all of em that I like..

But I tend to try to concentrate on recipes that the ingredients can be found in the homes of just about any normal cook.. I dont like recipes that you have to shop at some specialty store to get the stuff that it calls for.. Also I've found that some of the simplist recipes are the best.. Reynolds Wrap has some very good recipes that take only a few minutes to prepare and can be stuck in the fridge or freezer and then cooked when you get ready, and you dont have a sink and cabinet of dirty pots, pans and dishes to wash afterwards.. I like that !!

But I have recipes of food from the Carribean, Thai, Greek, Indian and many others too..

This time of year, many folks are lookin for somethin that is easy and dont take a lot of time to fix, or those that can be left in a crockpot and not need constant attention.. Like MamaBear's son, E, a lot of folks just caint tolerate FAST FOOD, and when YOU are havin a burger and fries, you can thro one of my fast meals together from a few containers from the freezer and pantry and have a meal they can rave over for days..

But the problem comes from my family not havin much that they DONT like to eat.. Outside of cabbage, there really aint much we WONT eat, and the Kid is the only one that turns her nose up at cabbage !! I would hate to post recipes that people look at and see somethin in it and go EWWWWWW !! We are BIG veggie eaters in this house and I love recipes with lots of veggies, but I like some kind of good ol meat with it to season it..

I trust that ya'll will let me know if I get to far out in "left field" with my recipes.. I'll try to steer away from the Possum and Grits !! snicker snicker

10:28 AM, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WB, post whatever recipes you like. People always find something to complain about!!!! I'm with you, love all types of food - even cabbage!!!!

I adore Cajun food but I'm a Zydeco music and dance lover!!!! Some of that Cajun music sounds like screeching to me!!!!!!

1:06 PM, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wild Bill in left field?


I think NOT!!!

9:19 PM, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to yer daughter WB. You are one proud papa! And I know that Texas pride goes deep. What a wonderful thing for her to pursue her future in a life and tradition of service.

What a shame that alot of the talking heads make fun of our ppl who CHOOSE FREELY to serve their country and fellow man. Proud of each who made tht commitment, I hope it leads her to discover wells of talents and capabilities she did not know existed within herself. She will grow in ways (subtle ways) not even she can fathom at this time.

Yep, good Lord willin and the creek don't rise. Having a thankful heart is a blessing. And as mad as we get at times at the things we see goin on around us it is good to stop on a day we put aside just for that.....

WHAT A COUNTRY...think I'll keep it and cherish it forever. Our blessings are bountiful and you are an American treasure. Glad yer on my side.

11:18 AM, November 27, 2006  

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