Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm Gonna Boycott McCain

I dont care if it winds up bein McCain vs The Hildebeast, I'm still not gonna vote for John McCain !!

The GOP can come up with a better choice than him, or I'll vote for somebody else or just not vote.. In fact, I'd vote for Joe Lieberman before I'd vote for McCain.. The man has just pissed me off that much and that many times.. And donr give any of that "votin record" shit either.. He has been AGAINST many policies in public that he has voted FOR in Conference.. He has gathered support to kill many actions and at the last minute changed his mind after convincin others to oppose the measure..

Would you trust somebody that convinced others to jump off a buildin with em and then he changes his mind after seein their ass splattered all over the ground ?? Well, thats just what he has been doin..

I dont trust anybody like that, and I damn sure dont trust him.. He is just too much like a Dimmocrat for me to vote for.. He watches polls and looks at public swing to make his assessment on thangs, and a person that needs to do that dont deserve to be in charge of the Greatest Nation on Earth..

The person I'm gonna vote for is gonna have to have a RECORD of what they are for and what they are against, long before they get their name on the ballot.. Wishy-Washy and Maybe This and Maybe That just dont cut it..

And I dont see anybody in the Wings that appeals to me either.. But if somebody knows of one that has slipped by me, then let me know..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right as rain. The general public and that seems to include republicans, don't seem to remember Kennedy and McCain were co sponsors of the amnesty for illegal aliens last summer. McCain ought to be honest and become a democrat. He is so liberal he is not going to get my vote no matter who they run against him. gmills

3:51 PM, April 06, 2008  

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