Sunday, September 10, 2006

Life's A Bitch, And Then You Marry One !!

Well, the Mrs. seems to have developed a problem with sharin her puter with me.. So until I get my big puter back on line and up to operatin speed, this blog is gonna be hit-and-miss !! It may be weekly, or it may be just be monthly.. I'm tired of tryin to sit here and make sense out of what I write, cause the Mrs. and the Kid are all over me and ravin and cavin, and rantin and cantin, I caint even make sense of the shit I write either !!

If I can get my BIG puter back on-line you are probably gonna be seein a lot more of me than you care too, but until then, you aint gonna be seein a whole lot of me..

To get the BIG puter back up and runnin, I'm probably gonna have to sell my farm to get the money to do it, and I aint gonna be a very happy camper then !!

Needless to say, there may a lot more changes happen than just the puter, but you'll just have to check in every now and then to see what that is gonna entail..

Keep your fangers crossed, and I hope to be back soon, Wall-To-Wall, And Treetop Tall ! ! ! !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're going to be missed! I hope things settle down at the old homestead and your wife will give you more time on her computer!!!

1:34 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Redneck Texan said...

You're on your own with the domestic issues, but if there is anything I can do to help you with the puter problem, please let me know.

Good luck on both fronts.

5:42 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

WB, you always have such an colorful life.

I'm glad you find the time to stop by JC and leave your tidbits of wisdom!


9:59 PM, September 12, 2006  
Blogger citizen_us said...

Wild Bill, it has been an honor to have made your acquaintance.

I have suddenly come up between a rock and a hard place, and am going to lose my internet, which will include Joe Citizen, as well.

Thank you, Wild Bill.


12:17 PM, September 20, 2006  

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