Monday, August 28, 2006

Just Good Advice

I'm havin an Andy Rooney moment here !!

Do you ever get the feelin that America is not AT WAR ?? That its just our Military thats at war ??

If you listen close, and PAY ATTAINCHEN, you can hear the Libs talk about, not AMERICA"S TROOPS, but, George Bush's Troops fightin a war somewhere.. From the start of this WAR, I have believed that this was about keepin the U.S. and its inhabitants safe and secure.. I STILL DO !!

Thank about this for minute.. If the (D)'s take control of the wheel come November, then they will still only be interested in what they have been for the last 6 years, and thats how to GET GEORGE BUSH !! Not, how to keep me and you safe ..

Now, thank about your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, your Mama and Daddy, and your way of life.. Then thank of how the (D)'s have treated this WAR so far..

YELL.. HOLLER.. SCREAM.. KICK.. BITE.. Whatever you have to do, dont let anybody VOTE (D) come elections !!


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