A Simpler Life
Next Friday, Texas is gonna start a new tax.. Its gonna add another $1 tax to each PACK of cigarettes sold.. I currently smoke about 2 packs a day, so thats gonna add about $60 bucks a month to my "pleasure" expenses.. I just dont happen to have an extra $60 bucks a month to spare, specially on somethin as stupid as cigarettes..
Without my smokes life would be a lot less manageable tho.. I deal with a lot of pain, and my cigs and cigars are somethin that helps me cope !! As I'm gettin older tho, its gettin harder by the day.. I seldom give in to my desire and love for Sour Mash Kentucky Whiskey anymore, and only occasionally do I escape in its tranquility.. I REALLY do love the shit tho !!
I'm preparin myself for the advent of either payin that extra tax on my smokes or findin another means of carryin on my nasty habit.. I thank I have found an alternative to feedin the State's hunger for MY MONEY !! As you have seen, I'm perfectly capable of makin my own brew, so that cuts their Beer Tax Revenue, now I'm gonna start rollin my own cigs from bulk tobacco(thats NOT gonna have added tax to it), thus shortin their tax revenue from me further !! FUGGEM !!
Earlier this year, in a COURT MANDATED session to reform our School Finances, our Elected State Officials decided to add the new cig tax, but now I have heard that less than 1 gotdam cent out of every dollar of the NEW TAX is actually gonna make it to the schools !! If the money was actually gonna go to the schools, I wouldnt have quite as much of a hard-on (scuse me ladies) for this new tax, but now I see no earthly reason for me to shrug my shoulders and say "oh well, I guess they need it" .. What they NEED to do, is park those gotdam buses sometime and stop runnin all around the damn state in em to every gotdam spellin be they can find !! Most of you know that I sit on my porch a lot, and I see those buses goin by damn near every day of the week, and most of those buses have just a very few kids on each one.. I know of one bus that drives almost 80 miles a day to pick up and return home ONE gotdam kid !! I shit-you-not !! That bus has 1 Driver and 1 Drivers-Aid AT-ALL-TIMES to handle ONE kid.. And a whole shit-load of those other 60-passenger buses I see have less that 10 kids ridin on em when they pass here..
I just caint for-the-life-of-me see why I should have to suffer the consequences of the Schools stupidity !!
So, you see, its not just that I caint afford the new tax, its also that I dont see that its MY responsibity to shoulder the burden of the Schools neglect/abuse/waste/incompetence or whatever else reason that can be found for their takin advantage of the Courts Mandate to take advantage of US!!
You really want to know what the Killer in all this is?? Even if you dont, I'm gonna tell you anyway !! Its that with the added demand on the ingredients to make my homebrew and the bulk tobbacco to roll my own, the PRICE of IT is gonna go up too !!
Somrtimes you just caint win!!
Sorry bout the homebrew comin out the way it did, Sherry.. I'm pretty sure you wont like it, but I'll let you sample it next time ya'll come up tho, and if you like it I'll damn sure fix you up with some .. Maybe the strawberry will be more to your taste tho.. I could always get you and Hubby set up to make your own !! hint hint
Without my smokes life would be a lot less manageable tho.. I deal with a lot of pain, and my cigs and cigars are somethin that helps me cope !! As I'm gettin older tho, its gettin harder by the day.. I seldom give in to my desire and love for Sour Mash Kentucky Whiskey anymore, and only occasionally do I escape in its tranquility.. I REALLY do love the shit tho !!
I'm preparin myself for the advent of either payin that extra tax on my smokes or findin another means of carryin on my nasty habit.. I thank I have found an alternative to feedin the State's hunger for MY MONEY !! As you have seen, I'm perfectly capable of makin my own brew, so that cuts their Beer Tax Revenue, now I'm gonna start rollin my own cigs from bulk tobacco(thats NOT gonna have added tax to it), thus shortin their tax revenue from me further !! FUGGEM !!
Earlier this year, in a COURT MANDATED session to reform our School Finances, our Elected State Officials decided to add the new cig tax, but now I have heard that less than 1 gotdam cent out of every dollar of the NEW TAX is actually gonna make it to the schools !! If the money was actually gonna go to the schools, I wouldnt have quite as much of a hard-on (scuse me ladies) for this new tax, but now I see no earthly reason for me to shrug my shoulders and say "oh well, I guess they need it" .. What they NEED to do, is park those gotdam buses sometime and stop runnin all around the damn state in em to every gotdam spellin be they can find !! Most of you know that I sit on my porch a lot, and I see those buses goin by damn near every day of the week, and most of those buses have just a very few kids on each one.. I know of one bus that drives almost 80 miles a day to pick up and return home ONE gotdam kid !! I shit-you-not !! That bus has 1 Driver and 1 Drivers-Aid AT-ALL-TIMES to handle ONE kid.. And a whole shit-load of those other 60-passenger buses I see have less that 10 kids ridin on em when they pass here..
I just caint for-the-life-of-me see why I should have to suffer the consequences of the Schools stupidity !!
So, you see, its not just that I caint afford the new tax, its also that I dont see that its MY responsibity to shoulder the burden of the Schools neglect/abuse/waste/incompetence or whatever else reason that can be found for their takin advantage of the Courts Mandate to take advantage of US!!
You really want to know what the Killer in all this is?? Even if you dont, I'm gonna tell you anyway !! Its that with the added demand on the ingredients to make my homebrew and the bulk tobbacco to roll my own, the PRICE of IT is gonna go up too !!
Somrtimes you just caint win!!
Sorry bout the homebrew comin out the way it did, Sherry.. I'm pretty sure you wont like it, but I'll let you sample it next time ya'll come up tho, and if you like it I'll damn sure fix you up with some .. Maybe the strawberry will be more to your taste tho.. I could always get you and Hubby set up to make your own !! hint hint
Loved the visuals, Ha Ha. You go!!! Enjoy yer smokes and drink---and politickin rants, you are a fiesty sum o bitch as you would say, and we love to hear yer thoughts and ffffeeeeeeeellllliiiinnnngggssss!! hee hee hee.
Gonna be hard to roll my own Copenhagen.
$6 a can / $180 month / $2160 year.
Thats several times the tax on my land.
I used to say I was goin to quit when it got to a dollar a can......I have since stopped lying to myself.
Wasn't it also the Republicans in the State House that brought us electricity dereugilation......you know where "competition" made my bill go from $350 month to $800....thats kickin my ass Bill.
Oh well.....hope you don't get caught drivin around with the home brew and rolling papers.....thats another way our state generates revenue.....hasslin the people.
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