Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Not Movin Very Fast Today

Like I said last nite, its been an eventful weekend and Holiday !!

I've got a little ditch that runs from under the drip line of the carport out the back door and down the side of the house and out thru the front yard to the street.. It keeps the rain from backin up and runnin under the house.. Its been siltin in and has needed cleanin out for a while now.. The last time I did it was when hurricane Rita was headed this way.. That was right after Katrina too..

So I've been tillin and haulin the dirt from the ditch to over in my empty lot next door to try and have a small garden over there next year, if I'm still here.. And I'm makin it a little wider and deepenin it by about 4 inches too.. Its a LOT of dirt to move tho usin my scooter and a little Red Wagon I've fixed to hook on the back of my scooter..

The long trek from the ditch to the lot takes a lot of juice out of my batteries on the scooter and I have to stop and rest and re-charge the batteries pretty often.. That gives me time to sit under my little hickory tree and have a few coldbeers and that also means that I have a lot of company stop by to sit and visit..

One of my visitors has been an old friend that is C.R.A.Z.Y. !! Certifiable.. He has been sent down to the Nut-House and spent time down there and then was sent to prison for 6 years too.. His wife had left him and taken the kid with her and he went nuts again and was gonna kill himself and held the cops off in a stand-off and they sent him to the Pen for 6 years for it.. He's been back for several months and he aint gotten much of his sanity back.. Still NUTS !!

But I have known the fella since he was just out of diapers and we have had a lot of contact with each other over the years thru buildin Hot Rods and Street Racin and partyin, but we aint ever really run-around together..

I went nuts for a few years too when my ex left and took our baby away with her, so I can understand him on that point and have a small amount of sympathy for him, but sometimes I feel that he is enjoyin it a little more than he should..

So him and a coupla more that stopped by explains the CRAZY PEOPLE I was talkin bout, and of coarse Oscar and Felix.. BTW.. Felix is out of jail and is lookin for a new place to live now, but his attitude is a lot different now and his Mama had him come over and apologize to us..

My neighbors behind us, the ones that thro trash over the fence are the WILD NEIGHBORS I was referin to.. They had a non-stop party that started Thursday nite and ended sometime after midnite last nite.. I'm talkin bout a P.A.R.T.A.A. too !! 50 people, loud music, fuggin kids runnin thru-over-under-in everythang and screamin at the top of the lungs the whole time from daylite till after midnite.. But the most irritatin thang bout em was that some BIG FAT BITCH must have gotten a new truck that had the loudest fuggin alarm on it that I have ever heard, and she made a million trips to that damn truck and kept that damn alarm goin off bout every 5 or 10 minutes..

Lord Bless Miss Minnie Pearls heart .. That bunch of HEATHENS was right behind her house and kept her stirred up all thye time, but I got her out and put her on her chain out under the hickory tree with me most of the time.. I thank me AND her deserve some time at the farm lettin our nerves settle back down and gettin our blood pressure back within a safe range !!

Yesterday evenin we(me, the Mrs., the crazy guy, and a coupla other friends) were sittin out under the hickory tree havin a coldbeer and talkin when all of a sudden there was cops, all kindsa cops, comin out of the woodwork SWARMIN the whole neighborhood and this side of town !! Lights but no siren goin and racin up one street and down another.. A neighbor from behind us on the east side(not the trashy ones) walked up the street and the Mrs. walked out to talk to her and she said she heard on the Poleece Radio that shomebody had been shot and they were tryin to find the shooter and he was in our area..

The 2 friends got scared and left and went home and I stepped in and put my pistol in my overalls and went back out and we sat there some more till we heard from the neighbor again and she said the shootin was in a field out behind where the crazy man is stayin so he went to check his place and I had a few more coldbeers and finally came in the house too.. I still aint heard any more bout it tho..

That explains the shootin..

While I was out workin on the ditch yesterday mornin I put a pork roast on to smoke and the Mrs. did the honor of makin us a big pot of pintos and smoked pork roast with it.. The beans came out hard and the roast cooked all to pieces but they sure do taste good so they will get et anyway.. So thats the cookin part..

Thangs have got a little more back to normal round here today.. Just the NORMAL CHAOS to deal with..

I'm stiff and sore and hurtin like hell from the diggin and haulin dirt and my ass is blistered from sittin on that hot plastic scooter seat all weekend so I'm havin a calm leisure day today.. But I sure would like to get my chores caught up here at the house so me and Miss Minnie Pearl could go to the farm and do the leisure thang right soon !! Restin here at home is all right but it dont give the Total Relaxation like squirmin down into my big thick cotton mattress on my army cot at the farm does..

We are lookin at bout a 60 percent chance of rain here for the next coupla days and that means I dont have any idea how much of my chores are gonna get done, and whether my bad shoulder is gonna heal enuff to let me do anythang anyway.. But I've got a big pot of beans and smoked pork roast and gonna make a skillet of cornbread and I'm gonna stuff my big ass and finish that 6-pak of coldbeer thats left from the weekend in some frosty mugs and the neighbors and the crazy people and cops and the shooters can all just SUCK OL BUCK !!

So how was ya'll's weekend ??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my weekend sure as hell wasn't exciting as yours! Thank God!

Went riding with my Harley buddy on Saturday. We went to see the Rosie the Riviter Memorial in Richmond, then to Berkeley - tried to see what they were doing with the Bay Bridge but ended up watching the freaks instead. I even barbequed a marinated tri-tip roast, made potato salad, corn and cheese bread! Damn it was nice to eat without worrying about calories!! Labor Day my same buddy and I went to Sacramento to join with the MoveAmericaForward rally. There weren't any bikes with them, so we just left after the rally. I wanted to go so SF and rally out front of Pelosi's office!!

You're a good neighbor, WB. I'm afraid some pretty loud music would be hitting the partying neighbors now that they're trying to sleep, if it were me!!!

Hope you get out to the country soon and get a well-deserved rest.

5:06 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Almtnman said...

Man, Wild Bill, sounds like you live in a war zone. I'd be kind of careful with that one that has been to the slammer as he could go off like a stick of dynamite at any time just from what you said about him.

Yep, it sounds like a trip out to that farm might be looking like a winner right about now. I bet Miss Minnie Pearl might be hankering to get out there right about now too!

7:08 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Papa Ray said...

Hehe...sorry WB, but I got to have a laugh at your expense. So your finally glad it's back to normal.

I second the motion about your crazy bud. I had one of those and a pot head to boot. One time he came in to a lillle beer and b-b-q I was at and drank a few and then went out to his truck and smoked awhile and came back later meaner than a snake. He picked a fight and stupid me, tried to break it up and I got smacked on the head by something, cutting a chunk out and I bled like a stuck pig.

He continued to have problems until he was arrested and served two years. I ain't seen him since..and don't care to.

Dang cheryl, I sure wished my ol' body weren't stove up. I miss my bike more than I can say. Stay safe on it, cause it seems once somebody gets in a car, motorcycles become invisible to them.

Yea, its the same crap here WB, cept all my neighbors are Mexican and half don't even speek english.

I hate their music with a passion.

But with our latest blessing Sweet Hannah, things are ok. She is a good baby, eats, sleeps, poops, grins, and poots. Sweet Sarah is not getting green over our new baby sister, she really seems to already love and cherish her. I know, after they are older, they will be fighting like cats and dogs. I hope not, but won't be surprised.

With the six year difference maybe not.

Take care and I hope you get out to the farm soon.

Papa Ray

1:22 PM, September 05, 2007  
Blogger Wild Bill said...

Papa Ray, sorry but I got cornfussed and didnt understand right or somethin.. I didnt thank Sweet Hannah was gonna be here till later THIS month..

Congratulations of the new little Bundle of Joy !!

No wonder I aint been seein as much of you lately..

Wont be long till them Youngins will be wantin to have NON-STOP Tea Parties !!

Them babies make an old man kinda smell funnt tho !! snicker snicker

3:43 PM, September 05, 2007  
Blogger nanc said...

i'm happy to say, i had something like the flu this weekend - it was quiet - must've brought all the right movies for the kids to the cabin and pop had enough wood and nails and woodscrews to work with and they just left me alone...

i prepared enough food for them so they were all happy - that, and pop didn't run out of beer. i take my wifely duties seriously.

10:49 PM, September 05, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Always living on the edge, ain't ya WB?

Sent ya an e-mail care package, this morning.

9:42 AM, September 06, 2007  

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