Friday, February 16, 2007


: forcible or passive resistance to lawful authority..

: concerted revolt (as of a naval crew) against discipline or a superior officer syn see REBELLION..

REBELLION, now your fuggin talkin my language, Bubba !! But I got news for those dickheads in D.C. , if they dont wanna end up lookin like Rodney King, then they better go back to the Congressional Shithouse and thank this one over again !! If those silly bastards thank they can pull this shit and then wanna holler "caint we all just get along" , then they are even more gotdam stupid than I thought they were..

If they keep this kind of shit up they aint gonna have to worry bout Al Q smokin em cause the American People are just gonna do it themselves !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, we went from jokes to -- well, I can't blame you. Yesterday was the official beginning of the end for us. Yet there is hope. I know I keep promoting this but it's the only way we can fight back! The idiots stepped in it, yet may have done this nation a great service, ironically. Gathering of Eagles, MoveOn and other groups are meeting the protesters in Washington on March 17. We will be silent no longer!!! The jackasses that scream the minute they feel their free speech rights are being trampled, sure don't like it when pro Americans speak out! They're attacking everyone that disagrees with them. Let's pray there is a huge presence by us. Perhaps it will give hope to others that we don't have to have this shit crammed down our throats any longer. Stay silent and complacent, then you get what you deserve.

8:00 AM, February 17, 2007  

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