Friday, February 16, 2007

I Aint ONEDAMNBIT Happy !!

I guess ya'll already know that when I get somethin under my skin that I usually chew and rip on it like a dog with a fuzzy slipper.. Well, I've got somethin under my skin again and its that bunch of chickenshit (R)s in D.C. ..

If they had been at The Alamo, Davie Crockett would have probably shot em himself and Dan'l Boone would have been loadin his rifle for him and even Benedict Arnold would have been cheerin em on !! They have now gone beyond the point of bein disgustin and have arrived squarely at bein completely, undeniably, fuggin P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. !!

I just thought that I would give ya'll a "heads-up" that I'm gonna be chewin and rippin some Chickenshit Ass for a few days till I can get myself calmed back down again.. But just from scannin around the .net a little bit ago, it dont look like I'm the only one that is chewin and rippin .. Looks like Ol Wild Bill has got lots of company..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, listening to Patriot Radio here and the folks tht were calling in were livid. Been a long time since I heard men call in with voices quivering with RAGE.

Some could not contain themselves and were yelling. I know we yell at the tv and radio once in awhile but this was over the top.

We got one of the traitors up here. He likes to go and press the flesh at the state fair every year, can't wait to seek him out.

TRAITORS....yep, not politicians...not even Americans....traitors is the title of those tht put my son in harms way and work for the other side.

And I will never forget.

7:46 AM, February 19, 2007  

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