Connect The Dots
I've been havin "that" feelin again the last coupla days, and its gettin pretty strong.. I've been beatin the bushes cause I know the answer is out there somewhere, and I thank I may have found a coupla more of the questions..
These 2 stories have struck a nerve and I aim to see if I can put some of it together.. Most of it is explainin itself tho.. Take a look at em and see if you find somethin I may have missed.. It dont paint a very promisin picture for the near future tho..
from here:
Read the rest ..
from here:
These 2 stories have struck a nerve and I aim to see if I can put some of it together.. Most of it is explainin itself tho.. Take a look at em and see if you find somethin I may have missed.. It dont paint a very promisin picture for the near future tho..
from here:
New Evidence Ties Former Soviet Spy's Death to American Hiroshima
From Battalion of Deborah:
by Paul L. Williams and Jeffrey M. Epstein
New evidence has come to light that Alexander Litvinenko may have been involved with Islamic terrorists in the preparation of tactical nuclear weapons for use in the jihad against the United States and its NATO allies.
Read the rest ..
from here:
Circle Your Calendars
Ahmadinejad: On February 11, Islamic Republic's nuclear rights 'will be established'
ynet - "Giant achievements" by Iran will be unveiled by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in the coming days, the Iranian Fars news agency reported on Saturday.
The Iranian news agency said an upcoming dramatic announcement on Iran's nuclear "rights" would be made on February 11. The report was accompanied by a series of announcements heralding alleged Iranian technological and medical breakthroughs, including an "AIDS cure."
Read the rest ..
You're doing one hell of a job, WB. I'm ready to head for the hills!!! A writer of fiction could not improve upon the story that is unfolding.
Thanks for the link!!! Check out and their cane project. These guys are amazing. We've presented one already.
I'm going to ramp up my troop support to keep from going crazy!! I feel so damn helpless knowing our great country is going to be attacked and there's not a friggin thing I can do.
I beg to differ with you my dear Cheryl ..
I have NO DOUBT that some of the folks that I see that come here are ones that you have passed-on the link to this site to..
You have done more than most to make sure that they are informed.. And that is what friends are for..
We try to let our friends know what is happenin and for them to make their own choices as to what they do.. We caint babysit em, but we can let em know when the house is on fire !! If they wanna sit on the couch and watch Oprah while the house burns down around em, thats their decision !!
And dont worry bout the goin crazy part.. We could all go bat-shit nuts today, and we would still be behind a bunch of the rest of em !!
Just keep the links goin to those of us that want the rest of the world to see whats goin on and help me bring Light to those still left in the dark and all will be fine..
Remember that there are still those SLOW kinda people out there that still believe that "Bush lied, people died" .. Lets just hope that they dont have children !!
Troop Support is NEVER a bad thang.. Too bad some of the rest of the U.S. Population didnt thank of that before they started seein 4 toes on their left foot, and 6 on their right..
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