Grumble Grumble Grumble
Aint been a very nice week around this house, folks.. Two damn females here with me and one was PMS'in and the other was Menapaus'in .. Like I've said before, I dont suffer no fools, and both them damn women were bein fools, so I WENT OFF ON EM !! Just cause they werent feelin good dont give em any right to take it out on me, and I wadnt gonna have any part of it..
I thank I got that point across to em REAL GOOD too !!
Thats why I aint been all week.. Wadnt any need for me to come here and take all that out on these pages.. Ya'll got better thangs to do than come here and see me bitch about all my personal problems.. Ya'll would rather see me raise some sand about all the rest of the world that we both are pissed-off about..
But you kow what?? This past week while I've been so pissed at my own situation, there has been some real progress in the world out there.. I've seen and heard some people really let the hammer down !! I've heard some of the best RANTS that I can remember in the recent past.. Hell, I would even venture into the NOT so recent past to look for any better rants than I have heard this week by Rush, Glenn Beck, Mark Christopher, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, and the Blogs are full of em, so I would feel kinda like I was beatin a dead horse if I came here and did the same.. I usually try to cover a subject that I aint heard somebody else cuttin-loose on, but there just aint been that many that aint been covered this week.. They have been hittin ALL the bases..
You know what that tells me tho ?? That there are a bunch of other folks out there that are gettin just as pissed as I am !! And thats a GOOD THANG.. Its about gotdam time too !!
Know what else I've noticed ?? That thangs I said a while back, and that other folks that read it or heard it, and GASPED, are now startin to say the same damn thang that I did back then.. It makes me feel good to realize that maybe I might actually still have enuff brain cells left that I can rationalize thangs and come to a conclusion that takes other folks a lot longer to come to.. But then I thank about the thangs that I was too scared to say, and I kinda get that feelin that the hair is gonna stand up on the back of my neck and it worries me that some day somebody else is gonna be sayin or thankin the same thang I was thankin before.. At least if they are thankin about it and sayin it, then maybe they are preparin for it too..
Maybe thangs are gonna settle back down around here and I can get back to my usual self and find somethin to raise hell about again.. But all the damn news has been, well, just weird lately, and I start to feel like Art Bell when I get to thankin bout postin on it.. Speakin of Art, did ya'll hear that the old sucker is gonna be a daddy again ?? Talk about scary !!
I thank I got that point across to em REAL GOOD too !!
Thats why I aint been all week.. Wadnt any need for me to come here and take all that out on these pages.. Ya'll got better thangs to do than come here and see me bitch about all my personal problems.. Ya'll would rather see me raise some sand about all the rest of the world that we both are pissed-off about..
But you kow what?? This past week while I've been so pissed at my own situation, there has been some real progress in the world out there.. I've seen and heard some people really let the hammer down !! I've heard some of the best RANTS that I can remember in the recent past.. Hell, I would even venture into the NOT so recent past to look for any better rants than I have heard this week by Rush, Glenn Beck, Mark Christopher, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, and the Blogs are full of em, so I would feel kinda like I was beatin a dead horse if I came here and did the same.. I usually try to cover a subject that I aint heard somebody else cuttin-loose on, but there just aint been that many that aint been covered this week.. They have been hittin ALL the bases..
You know what that tells me tho ?? That there are a bunch of other folks out there that are gettin just as pissed as I am !! And thats a GOOD THANG.. Its about gotdam time too !!
Know what else I've noticed ?? That thangs I said a while back, and that other folks that read it or heard it, and GASPED, are now startin to say the same damn thang that I did back then.. It makes me feel good to realize that maybe I might actually still have enuff brain cells left that I can rationalize thangs and come to a conclusion that takes other folks a lot longer to come to.. But then I thank about the thangs that I was too scared to say, and I kinda get that feelin that the hair is gonna stand up on the back of my neck and it worries me that some day somebody else is gonna be sayin or thankin the same thang I was thankin before.. At least if they are thankin about it and sayin it, then maybe they are preparin for it too..
Maybe thangs are gonna settle back down around here and I can get back to my usual self and find somethin to raise hell about again.. But all the damn news has been, well, just weird lately, and I start to feel like Art Bell when I get to thankin bout postin on it.. Speakin of Art, did ya'll hear that the old sucker is gonna be a daddy again ?? Talk about scary !!
Hell, Bill, we would have understood if you needed to vent!! What are friends for?? Sorry the girls at home are letting their hormones get the better of them!!!! You have piqued my interest, though. What makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck???
Way cool WB. Didn't know ya listened to coast to coast and Art Bell. Just love him. Even sent him a beautiful sympathy card when his wife and soul mate died of asthma suddenly and unexpectedly.
You da man.
I have a theory---women are control artists simply because they are not in control of their own physiology---and I can tell you it is just as scary for them as for you. This too shall pass, you are very rational in yer assessments. Luck is required. Yer from Texas it will be OK.
Cheryl, a Bio Hazard attack is the one that gets my skin crawlin !! There was a report a while back that a strain of Smallpox that has a 100% mortality rate is missin from a lab somewhere, and is feared to be in the hands of terrorists.. The U.S. Gov. has ordered and reordered 100's of thousands of doses of vaccine for it already.. But I just dread the day I have to go to the farm and build a retreat and hold-up in it until the damn virus has run its course or everybody has had the vaccine administered..
There are several other ugly Bio's that are on the loose out there too, and sad-to-say that they are already showin up in southern Cali !! Most likely brought in by the illegals crossin the border there.. The "several others" are most-likely test cases to see where the most effective routes are to release the most serious Bio's ..
I dont know how in-the-know you are of the POT SMOKIN CULTURE, but there is a bunch of folks that self-medicate themselves with pot.. There are also millions of those that use it as a recreational drug too.. But it wouldnt take much effort to create a BIO NITEMARE with some Smallpox introduced into a shipment of pot !! Just spray a coupla tons of pot with sugar water and spread some Smallpox on it and you have a breedin ground for a disaster when sent to the U.S. .. For each 1 person that took a toke of a joint, they would then infect another 20 with a strain of Smallpox that there was no cure for and the dispersion of it would be COUNTRYWIDE !!
The only alternative to bein dead within a week would be to do like I will and go somewhere and build a fortress and shoot anybody that comes near.. Anybody that comes into your "killin zone" is gonna have to be an open target !! Friends.. Family.. It aint gonna matter if you are gonna live thru it..
Those that dont seclude themselves and protect their territory from those infected are gonna die a VERY miserable death, and those that do are gonna be basket cases from then on !!
THAT is what raises the hair on the back of my neck and has me on my knee regularly..
MamaBear, I select the material I listen to from Art and George.. But they have some very interestin guests on their shows.. They often have Jim Gilchrist(Minuteman Fame) and Jim Kouri(Pres. Police Chiefs Ass.) and those type folks that I like to listen to and get the "first hand" accounts of their positions.. But they tend to "suffer the fools" a lot that I would hang up on..
I visit the website and see who is gonna be comin on and plan my listenin schedule by that.. But there are others on the radio durin that timeslot that get my attention too..
I tend to spread my radio attention "across the fruited plain" tho, and try to get a scope of what is happenin across the whole country.. I've got a radio that gets GREAT reception and allows me to listen to whats happenin in Louisville, De Moine, Chicago, Denver, Nashville, San Antonio, Nawlins, OK City, St. Louis, and lots of news that nobody else seems to bother checkin.. I have to admit tho, that I avoid CBS NEWS like the damn PLAGUE !!
Folks just dont realize how much NEWS actually doesnt get airtime on the MSM and the WWW !! I can get a hint of somethin that gets my attention and then go to the Stations website and get it in print to make sure I have it right.. Sometimes I dont trust what I hear !! Imagine that..
But when Art or George has Prof. Morgus on, its bound to be interestin !! snicker snicker
And too, MamaBear.. The Mrs. is also a retiree from the food and beverage bizz after 30 years.. She has served the thirsty and hungry from all walks of life in that time..
Her family (stepmom and Uncles and Aunts)had stolen a small fortune from her after her Mom and Dad both died within a year of each other and when I got close to her she was on her last buck.. The next step was livin in her car.. I fed, supported and nurtured her and the Kid for a few months till I could get her directed and settled in the RIGHT direction to be able to be self-supportive.. She IS a liberal and tends to just LOVE to piss money away and still thanks that is my DUTY to pick up the tab when her purse is empty..
I maintain a half-block of property here in downtowna with a house and and a huge shop and several out-buildins and a 20 acre farm in the county and all the taxes and repairs that come with em, and am usually still left with the maintenance on the single piece of proprety she owns.. HER CAR !! I do all this on almost a 3rd of the income she gets !!
I hope this gives you a little insight into why I get so fuggin animated when I get into the Liberal Issues.. I see it first-hand.. I see what the Liberal Ideaology is and I see how well it works on a close-up basis, and I know how much it sucks !! I just dont want the rest of this country fallin into the same mindset.. So far, with a small amount of finger-pointin and raisin my voice I can keep it from my doorstep, but with the appeasers in D.C. I often wonder how long it will be until it will be MANDATED for me to hold my silence !! Thank it caint happen ?? Just wait until the Hildebeast is elected Prez !!
But if in fact, the U.S. is still an intact Republic on Jan. 20th of 2009, and the Hildebeast doesnt go up in flames when she touches that Bible to take her oath, then you can bet that Communism, Socialism and multiculturalism is the gonna be the next order of the day !! And if the House and Senate take the Majority next month, then you can also count on the Hildebeast bein elected in 08" !!
If you thank I'm gonna share this house with "Hilary Junior" then you dont know me very well !!
I work with nurses who because of our union or whatever reason tend to glorify the libbie end of reality (non-reality) Got to see the true colors last week. Incredible!
As you know, our beloved E is back from the war and in the states. Many of the RN's have been keeping up on his doings over there, praying for his safety, and one nurse has sent a care package every 10 days. God bless her!
I wanted to express my appreciation to them for supporting me thro this very difficult time (only lost it one time at work and cried after a particularly horrible email that my son sent me about losing his soul after 4 of his friends were lost in a burning humvee).
So in an area where all of us have pix of our loved ones I posted an 8 x 10 photo of E on top of his humvee with his weapon. Great photo, very buff and manly, showing strength and resolve. Only took up half the page and the other half was my handwritten note of thanx from a grateful mother.
I was off work for 3 days (nites) when my manager took my best friend into my office (the one who sent all the care packages) and told her that while they liked looking at my son it bothered and horrified them to look at his gun. So they had taken the approach of covering up that part of the photo with other family pictures they had so as not to be so blatantly offended. Huh?
It offends them.
My friend just sat there with her mouth open not knowing how to respond.
Great eh?
Couldn't wait to get to work again to take down his sacred picture. They are not worthy to look upon it.
says alot. About them. No words.
I thank that is one of the thangs that has always stuck in my mind over the years, MamaBear.. This Nations UNGRATEFUL citizens..
The Jimmah Cawtah years were an especially hard time for us in uniform.. I guess you noticed that I had harsh words for E when he talked about lettin his image and dress suffer .. I saw the guys let themselves go after the Desert 1 Disaster and it took us a long time to get over that.. I'm sure it wouldnt have taken so long to recover if it hadnt been for the guys goin all to shit after that and not keepin the image upheld.. PRIDE was a rare commodity back then and I saw several good Troops get the BOOT cause they just didnt give a shit anymore.. But their SPIRIT was broken and nothin we could do was workin to fix it.. The NCO Club finally stopped replacin the TV in the Lounge cause it never lasted very long before somebody trashed it.. Its almost as bad today, but it just didnt get reported as much back then..
I've dealt with the photo issues myself.. Within my owm family even.. Mama and Daddy always had their TV covered in pics of the family and mine was usually right up front, but when my Sis would come to visit she would always take pics of her kids and put in front of mine in uniform.. I thank she didnt want her kids to see me and get any ideas about joinin the Military..
It just really hurts to know that people we work with all the time can be so shallow and careless when it comes to our feelins.. Just be sure to mark them off your list of invitations to join you in your shelter !!
Losin your soul is a hard blow to recover from, but its essential to survival and well-being.. Try to get him to get it back, and you know that anythang I can do to help is only for you to ask.. But just remember that Moses walked for many years while lost in the desert, and look where he wound up !! Love ya'll..
Boy, a lot to comment on!! I agree with you, Bill, on the spreading of a horrible virus. Ever read Tom Clancy's book Patriot Games - hope that's the title!!?? As for the marijuana, I am a Californian. The answer is to grow your own!!!! I'm already ready for Armageddon. I have a .357 and a 12-gauge, with speed loaders for the magnum, at the ready. No one is going to mess with this red-blooded American!!
As for Mamabear - I'd be kicking some ever lovin ass if I were nearby. How dare they do this to a hero fighting for our freedom. I am proud of our military and the sacrifice that they and their families make for America.
WB. Thanx for yer eloquent response. Yes, I saw yer comment on his blog and knew it was given in love and because of yer experience in your war. We do not take offense at any honest and forthright comments or advice. You must understand E writes to entertain and stretch himself as well as to sometimes keep the demons at bay. I enjoy his writing but sometimes he can go a little far.....all the talk of him drinkin ALL the time and such is really not what he is about. He is very responsible about drink and as far as keeping hisself up, he irons his shirts whenever he goes out (mamabear has not touched an iron since she was 14 when an aunt on the farm made her iron THE DAMN SHEETS for all the beds) so he has me beat in the upkeep dept.
Oops, call from E, have to go---I'll get back.
Oh, and did I add that it was 95 degrees with no airconditioning at the time of the "iron fest". Great God I thought I was gonna die. What is it with those norwegians....Are they nuts....IRON SHEETS? Thats farm life I guess.
Had a chat with one of our Navy nurses last nite and told her that there will never be another pix of my family put up on that board. World without end. Amen.
It does not hurt my feelings. It makes me mad as hell, but....what to do, I can't change them. I am ashamed of them, ashamed for them.
Because at the bottom of their thought process they think they are so much better than me, than E. They are more kind, more tolerant. The world is about ready to blow up and they have sacrificed nothing and live in their wrap-around bubble in la-la land.
I would rather they just say "thank you" and went their way, as Jack Nickolson stated in "A Few Good Men".
My navy friend said it was just because they were not educated about it. I guess I won't let them off the hook so EZ. As far as I am concerned they make a conscious choice to turn away and turn their backs.
Cowards.....yeah, guess the Christmas party is off, eh?
Ya think?
When E came home on mid-tour leave he and his dad went over to one of his dad's oldest friends home. He was a vietnam vet with a history of combat to equal none. This friend did lose his soul....lost businesses, divorced many times...and thro sheer will and the grace of God got it back on track.
He counseled him and e-mailed him as well. Sent him the book "the power of now". Wonderful man, back from the brink of destruction, re-created his life and I think he took on the challenge of helping E to see his way back. E is intact, not fragmented. But, of late he is having some anger management insights and trying to come to terms with dark aspects of war.
He is strong and a great believer in life....he will make his way back. I have great faith in him.
it is wonderful to have yer support and it is good to have you "in the wings" should it ever be necessary to help E with yer great insights.
Thanx for the offer. Love ya right back!
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